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The Canadian Veterinary Journal《加拿大兽医杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2022/1/11 14:19:00 来源:官网信息 阅读:378 发布者:

Instructions for Authors

The Canadian Veterinary Journal (The CVJ) provides a forum for the discussion of all matters relevant to the veterinary profession. The mission of the Journal is to educate by informing readers of progress in clinical veterinary medicine, clinical veterinary research, and related fields of endeavor. The key objective of The CVJ is to promote the art and science of veterinary medicine and the betterment of animal health.

A report suggesting that animals have been unnecessarily subjected to adverse, stressful, or harsh conditions or treatments will not be processed for publication. Experimental studies using animals will only be considered for publication if the studies have been approved by an institutional animal care committee, or equivalent, and the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (1), or equivalent, have been followed by the author(s).

The CVJ welcomes manuscripts in English or French. Articles must be as concise as possible — articles that are too long will be reduced during the editing process. Criteria for acceptance of articles include both quality of the research or case report and relevance to our readers. All accepted manuscripts submitted to The CVJ will be subjected to check for plagiarism.

Find tips from the Editor on submitting peer-reviewed articles here: www.canadianveterinarians.net/documents/submissiontips-from-the-cvj-editor

Authors are invited to submit the names and e-mail contacts of 3 reviewers. In order to be invited to review, suggested reviewers must be individuals who have published in the subject area and/or have specific expertise on the subject, and have no conflict of interest (not a member of your university, not someone with whom you have published or collaborated in the past 5 years).

Manuscripts can be made generally available through the author’s institution after an embargo period of 3 months following publication.


The CVJ publishes 2 categories of articles:

Non-peer-reviewed articles

These include regular columns written by features editors, special reports, student papers, commentaries, and letters to the editor (maximum 500 words) by authors. Special reports are articles on any aspect of veterinary medicine; commentaries are opinions on any aspect of the veterinary profession. Unsolicited material will be considered. Consideration for publication as a student paper is limited to brief case reports that were written by students while they were attending a Canadian veterinary college. Special reports, commentaries, and student papers must not exceed 2000 words.

Students interested in submitting a manuscript for publication in this category should consult with the Assistant Editor at their college. Non-peer-reviewed articles should be sent via e-mail (hbroughton@cvma-acmv.org). Viewpoints or feature articles on Animal Welfare should be submitted directly to the Animal Welfare Committee (e-mail: mgroleau@cvma-acmv.org).

Peer-reviewed articles

Criteria for acceptance of articles include both significance to our readers and quality of the research or case report. These articles include: 1) scientific articles, 2) case reports, 3) brief communications, and 4) review articles. Manuscripts are reviewed for possible publication by at least 2 peer reviewers, with the understanding that they are being submitted to one journal at a time and have not been published, self-archived as a preprint, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere. This does not preclude consideration of a manuscript that has been rejected by another journal or of a complete report that follows publication of preliminary findings elsewhere, usually in the form of an abstract.

Guidelines for authorship

All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article.

Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions 1, 2, and 3 must all be met. Acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not justify authorship (2). Naming of individual members of a working group, study group, or class as authors will be handled on a case-by-case basis.






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