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2022/1/11 11:37:25 来源:官网信息 阅读:833 发布者:


This page provides an overview of basic submission instructions. Authors should be familiar with the AACR journals’ broader Information for Authors before submitting their manuscript.

See About Molecular Cancer Research for an overview of the journal, and Categories of Articles for descriptions of the different article types. Our Author Services Center has resources to assist authors in the preparation of their manuscript.

Submission Requirements

All Submissions

To be entered in the SmartSubmit data fields

First name, middle initial(s) and last name (all authors)

Institution (all authors)

Country (all authors)

City (Corresponding Author only)

Zip/Postal Code (Corresponding Author only)

Work telephone number (Corresponding Author only)

Valid unique e-mail address (all authors)

Title (limit of 165 characters including spaces)

Running title (limit of 60 characters including spaces)

Abstract, including a statement of implication (a succinct single-sentence summary that distills the overall findings and/or conclusions into a larger context for a general scientific audience).

Contact information (e-mail address and institution) of each suggested reviewer (optional).

To be provided in the uploaded files

Cover letter (not seen by reviewers)

Copies of any related manuscripts currently submitted or in press elsewhere.

A detailed conflict of interest statement on the title page of the manuscript. If there are no conflicts, please write the following on the cover page: "The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest." More information can be found at Conflicts of Interest.

Initial Submission

Initial submissions need not adhere closely to the journal's format and length requirements.

To facilitate peer review, authors are strongly encouraged to provide a single Word or PDF file containing the main text and all display items. Each figure should be presented in sequential order and adjacent to its legend, ideally where it is first called out in the text.

Figures may be supplied separately at initial submission in PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, EPS, PS or PowerPoint format. Authors should be familiar with AACR policies on image data.

Supplementary Data should be supplied separately. Individual files must not exceed 50 MB each in size and are generally limited to 8 or fewer in number.

Authors of Research Articles are encouraged to submit an optional Visual Overview - a single image containing a clear and condensed diagrammatic summary of the major findings and biological implications. Visual Overviews should not include data items of any type or figures from the manuscript and should be distinct from any model figures in the manuscript. This should be an illustrative image with little or no text and should not contain heavily saturated colors. If the manuscript is accepted and the Visual Overview is deemed suitable for publication, this image will be included in the article along with the Abstract and in the online Table of Contents. If you wish to submit a Visual Overview for consideration, please upload it along with your submission and select "Visual Overview" as the file type. In the caption box on the submission form, please include a short caption for your Visual Overview that describes your image in 25 words or less. Please note, all Visual Overviews, including the image and any accompanying text, may be enhanced and redrawn at the discretion of the editorial office.

Publication Charges

Detailed fee information can be found at Publication Fees. If the corresponding, first, or last author is an active AACR member, the corresponding author will receive both a 5% discount on the total charges, excluding any open access fees. The AACR Membership section of the submission form must be filled out to receive this discount. Country-specific discounts are available for authors from many countries.

Getting Help

For additional information about specific submission questions please click on the Help Icons  throughout the system.

Manuscript Status

The submission process is complete as soon as you approve your manuscript for consideration. You may obtain the status of your manuscript at any time by:

Logging into the system with your password.

Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.

Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.

This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.

For more detailed status information, contact the journal’s Editorial Office.

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