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JOURNAL OF CLIMATE《气候学报》投稿须知(官网信息)

2022/1/11 10:48:13 来源:官网信息 阅读:633 发布者:


Choosing a Journal and Submission Type

Submission Types

For those interested in submitting to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), please see the BAMS Article Types section lower on this page. BAMS does not follow the submission types outlined below.

Articles: Up to 7500 words, including the body text, acknowledgments, and appendixes. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, references, captions, tables, and figures. If a submission exceeds the word limit, the author must provide a justification for the length of the manuscript and request the Chief Editor’s approval of the overage. This request may be uploaded in a document with the "Cover Letter" item type or entered in the comment field in the submission system.

Reviews: Synthesis of previously published literature that may address successes, failures, and limitations. Requires Review Proposal. For more information, see Review Articles.

Comment and Reply Exchange: Comments are written in response to a published article and should be submitted within 2 years of the publication date of the original article (although the editor can waive this limit in extenuating circumstances). The author of the original article has the opportunity to write a Reply. These exchanges are published together.

Corrigenda: The corrigendum article type is available for authors to address errors discovered in already published articles. For more information, see Corrigenda.

The following journals have submission types in addition to those listed above.

Monthly Weather Review

Weather and Forecasting

Corrections after Final Publication:

Corrigenda and Publisher's Notes

Corrections after final publication can be made either with a Corrigendum or a Publisher's Note.

Corrigenda are brief articles in which authors can address errors discovered in their own published AMS Journal or BAMS articles. Corrigenda are published online and in print. The original article remains as it was published and is mutually linked to the corrigendum online. The PDF version of the corrigendum is appended to the PDF version of the original article in order to correct the record and for the convenience of the reader.

Publisher’s Notes are short footnotes added to the title page of an article explaining an error and recording when the published article was updated with the correction. The Publisher’s Note will appear in the updated full text version online and an updated PDF will also be provided for readers.

A Corrigendum is used if:

The errors occur in the body of the article

The results and/or figures need corrections

A Publisher's Note is used if:

The element that needs correcting is very minor, particularly if it involves elements outside the body of the article (e.g., a misspelling in an author affiliation).

How to submit a Corrigendum or a Publisher's Note

Corrigenda should be submitted by the authors of the published paper via the AMS submission system.

To request a Publisher's Note, authors of the published paper should contact AMS production staff (production@ametsoc.org).

Submission requirements for Corrigenda

A submitted corrigendum must reference the original article and describe the nature of the error and its effects on the results described in the original article.

An abstract is optional.

The author list for a corrigendum should match the original article. If you have added an author who helped prepare the corrigendum, please include an author comment describing the added author's contributions.

The journal's standard page charge is applied for corrigenda (see Page Charges, Waivers, and Fees).

Peer Review of Corrigenda

Corrigendum submissions will be expedited if they do not require further review by the Chief Editor or handling Editor. However, if the results in the original article are directly affected, another editorial review may be required.

Publication of Corrigenda

Once accepted by the handling Editor, corrigenda are expedited and published in an issue as soon after the original article as possible.

Requesting Publisher's Notes

Authors should email requests for Publisher's Notes to production@ametsoc.org.

In some cases, staff may determine that the correction needs to be handled via a Corrigendum, and will guide the author to submit a Corrigendum.

There is no charge to authors for Publisher's Notes.

Review Articles

All AMS journals now formally accept Review articles (also called Reviews). Reviews are focused on a specific topic that synthesizes previous research accomplishments, summarizes the state of the science, and suggests avenues for future research.

Timely Reviews can be useful to our readership owing to their wide scope and concise synthesis of a particular research topic. Reviews can bridge the gap between out-of-date textbooks that may cover topics superficially and individual research articles that do not have the space or scope to summarize and synthesize a large body of literature. Reviews may be particularly useful to students and early-career researchers struggling with understanding the topic for a research paper, studying for their general qualifying examination, or writing up their dissertation research.

To learn more about our decision to formally accept Reviews, please see the 2018 editorial, "AMS Journals Welcome Review Articles."






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