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2022/1/11 9:26:26 来源:官网信息 阅读:857 发布者:


Author Guidelines

Please read the Notes for Contributors guidance below for all types of contributions and styles of manuscript. There is also specific guidance available on Practitioner Reviews and Research Reviews.

Why submit your article to The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry?

The leading, international journal covering both child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry;

Provides an interdisciplinary perspective to the multidisciplinary field of child and adolescent mental health, though publication of high-quality empirical research, clinically-relevant studies and highly cited research reviews and practitioner review articles;

The journal reached an all time high in the most recent release of impact factors: Impact Factor 6.459 (2014); 5-Year Impact Factor 6.681 (2014): ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2014: 2/68 (Psychology, Developmental); 7/76 (Psychology); 9/133 (Psychiatry (Social Science)); 13/140 (Psychiatry);

Ranked in the Top 20 journals in psychiatry and psychology by citation impact over the last decade (Thomson Reuters, Essential Science Indicators);

Over 9,000 institutions with access to current content;

Massive international readership; nearly one million articles downloaded every year (37% North America, 31% Europe, 10% Asia-Pacific);

Quick turnaround times:

• Decision on your paper in around 5 weeks (excluding reject without review decisions).

• On average, articles are published online within 6 months from initial submission.

Articles appear on Early View before the paper version is published – Click here; to see the Early View articles currently available online; Epub entries on PubMed and widely indexed/abstracted, including MEDLINE, EMBASE and ISI Citation Indexes;


Acceptance to Early View publication approx. 6 weeks; Acceptance to print publication approx. 5 months;

Every manuscript is assigned to 1 of the 8 decision editors specialising in a particular subject domain. Acceptance rate is around 18%;

State of the art online submission site, simple and quick to use:- http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcpp_journal; dedicated journal Editorial Office for easy, personal contact through the peer review and editorial process; proof tracking tool for authors. All papers published in JCPP are eligible for Panel A: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience in the Research Excellence Framework (REF);

Notes for Contributors


Contributions from any discipline that further knowledge of the mental health and behaviour of children and adolescents are welcomed. Papers are published in English, but submissions are welcomed from any country. Contributions should be of a standard that merits presentation before an international readership.

Papers may assume either of the following forms:

Original articles

These should make an original contribution to empirical knowledge, to the theoretical understanding of the subject, or to the development of clinical research and practice. Adult data are not usually accepted for publication unless they bear directly on developmental issues in childhood and adolescence. Original articles should not exceed 6000 words, including title page, abstract, references, tables, and figures; the total word count should be given on the title page of the manuscript. Limit tables and figures to 5 or fewer double-spaced manuscript pages. It is possible to submit additional tables or figures as an Appendix for an online-only version. Manuscripts exceeding the word limit will not be accepted without permission from the Editor.

Review articles

These should survey an important area of interest within the general field. These include papers in the Annual Research Review, Research Review and Practitioner Review sections, which are usually commissioned. Word limits for review papers are stated at the time of commissioning.

Authors’ professional and ethical responsibilities

Submission of a paper to JCPP will be held to imply that it represents an original contribution not previously published (except in the form of an abstract or preliminary report); that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere; and that, if accepted by the Journal, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the consent of the Editors. When submitting a manuscript, authors should state in a covering letter whether they have currently in press, submitted or in preparation any other papers that are based on the same data set, and, if so, provide details for the Editors.


Authors are reminded that the Journal adheres to the ethics of scientific publication as detailed in the Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (American Psychological Association, 2010). These principles also imply that the piecemeal, or fragmented publication of small amounts of data from the same study is not acceptable. The Journal also generally conforms to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts  of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) and is also a member and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Authorship credit should be given only if substantial contribution has been made to the following:

• Conception and design, or collection, analysis and interpretation of data

• Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and final approval of the version to be published

The corresponding author must ensure that there is no one else who fulfils the criteria who is not included as an author. Each author is required to have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

Conflict of interest






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