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2022/1/10 13:43:01 来源:官网信息 阅读:400 发布者:


The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (J. Toxicol. Sci.), a scientific journal, is one of the two official journals of the Japanese Society of Toxicology and an international official journal for the Japanese Society of the Clinical Toxicology, that publishes researches about the mechanisms and significance of the toxicity of substances, such as drugs, food additives, food contaminants, environmental pollutants, and researches in the field of clinical toxicology. Papers on the toxicities and effects of extracts and mixtures containing unidentified compounds cannot be accepted as a general rule. The journal will publish original and innovative submissions in English with the understanding that the work is unpublished, except in abstract form, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts by authors in non-English speaking countries will be received only when English editing has been performed by persons who are fully conversant and competent in English writing and also familiar with medical terminology before submission.

1. Types of Articles


Original Articles: An article that contains new findings obtained from innovative research. There is no restriction on the number of words.


Letters: Five pages or less in print, containing preliminary or more limited research results supported by less data than a regular paper, but of general or special interest.


Reviews and Minireviews: Reviews encompass recent important scientific discoveries. They will be broader based and will not have a page limit. Normally to be submitted by invitation from the Editorial Committee but possibly to be submitted without invitation. Minireviews, three printed pages or less, will mainly describe recent research results from the authors’ own laboratories.


Special issues: The Editorial Committee can publish special issues when necessary.

2. Preparation of Manuscripts

Type the manuscript single-spaced in an 11-point font on A4 file with upper, lower, left and right margins of 2 cm. If there is a restriction on the number of pages, create a manuscript taking into account that the number of characters in a single page in print is about 4,700 (including spaces). Print sequential page numbers centrally at the bottom of the page, setting the title page as page one.


Give the title, the names of the authors, the name and address (es) of the institution (s), the type of article, the running title (70 characters or less, including spaces), and the categories (see below) on the first page (title page). Following these, give the name, institution, street address, phone number, e-mail address (required) of the corresponding author. The authors from Japan should write their affiliation, address, and telephone number in not only English but also Japanese on the title page.


Provide an Abstract in the form of a single paragraph of 250 words or less and 3-6 keywords on the second page. The abstract must not start a new line. Subtitles, such as methods, Results must not be used.


The main text should start from page 3 with an “Introduction,” followed by “Materials and Methods,” “Results,” “Discussion,” “Acknowledgments,” “Conflict of interest,” “References,” and “Figure Legends.” “Results” and “Discussion” may also be combined as “Results and Discussion”.


Abbreviations: At first use, spell out the word followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use only that defined abbreviation thereafter.


Units: Units should be used as follows:

μm, mm, cm, m, μg, mg, g, kg, μL, mL, L, mmol, mol, μM, mM, M, ppm, mol/L, mg/mL, %, sec, min, hr, S.D., S.E., s.c., i.c., i.m., i.v. ,i.p., p.o., Bq, Ci, Sv, Gy, cpm, °C.


Reagents and equipment used: Give the names, cities (states), and nations of companies providing materials.


Tables: Using the same word-processing software as used for the text, create tables on A4 file numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1.). Give the title on the top of each table, and footnotes, legend etc. under the table.


Figures: Use figures directly created as camera-ready copy. Place each figure on A4 file and number sequentially with Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig. 1.). Titles and footnotes, descriptions etc. should be given on a separate page, under the heading “Figure Legends”. If your manuscript is accepted, the author required to send electronic file for the figures.


References: When citing references in the text, give the name of the authors and the year of publication in parentheses: e.g. (Smith, 1999) or (Jones and Cohen, 2003). If there are three or more authors give only the first author followed by et al., e.g. (Smith et al., 2004). If the same author (s) published more than one paper in the same year, use a, b etc to distinguish them: e.g. (Smith et al., 2004a, 2004b). Cited references should be listed as “References” at the end of the text in alphabetical order. Give the name of the author, the year of publication in parentheses, the article name, the journal abbreviation (please use the abbreviation specified by the journal (if any), or refer to Chemical Abstracts), the volume number, and inclusive pagination, in that order. For chapters in books, give the name of the author, the year of publication in parentheses, the title of the chapter, the name of the book, the name of the editor, the page (inclusive), and the name and city of the publisher, in that order. For books, give the name of the author, the year of publication in parentheses, the name of the book, and the name and city of the publisher, in that order.


Kennedy, M.L., Smith, J.K. and Jones, W.T. (2005): The pharmacokinetics of methylmercury in new-born rats. J. Toxicol. Sci., 30, 126-135.

Steel, J.M. and Whiteny, M.C. (2003): The effect of diethylstilbestrol on the reproductive system in rat offspring. In: Toxicology of Diethylstilbestrol (Walton, W.H., ed.), pp.551-564, Thomson Press, New York.


Supplemental Data: Supplemental data (e.g. large tables or datasets) can be published only in the online version of this journal. Offprints of papers will not contain Supplementary Data.

3. Category

Select categories (up to five) appropriate to the article, and list them in order of relevance on the first page (title page). When submit a clinical research paper, the authors should select “D15 Clinical Toxicology”.






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