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2022/1/10 9:47:59 来源:官网信息 阅读:704 发布者:


Author Guidelines                                                

***For all manuscripts, JTH now requires the submitting/corresponding author and the first author to have their ORCID ID linked to their ScholarOne account. Please note: because of ORCID's security measures, each author must log into their own ScholarOne account to grant access to their ORCID ID. No one else can do this for them, but they only need to do this once -- their ORCID ID will remain associated with their account for future submissions to JTH. Starting January 2022, JTH will require ALL authors to have their ORCID IDs linked to their ScholarOne accounts. (In the interim, we strongly encourage all authors to associate their ORCID IDs with their ScholarOne accounts.)

ORCID IDs ensure the identities and attributions of our authors, even if another researcher has the same name. They also help ensure that the author's name is connected with their current institution throughout their career. More information about the benefits and uses of ORCID can be found here: https://info.orcid.org/benefits-for-researchers/ ***


JTH welcomes fundamental and clinical manuscripts in the broad field of thrombosis and hemostasis.

These include basic manuscripts on blood coagulation and fibrinolysis, proteins and reactions, blood platelets, and the interaction of all these components with other biological systems such as, but not limited to, the vessel wall, blood cells, and invading organisms. Clinical manuscripts can cover a wide variety of topics including venous thrombosis and arterial disease, plus hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, as well as platelet diseases. The subject area of clinical manuscripts can range from etiology to diagnostics, prognosis, prevention, and treatment.

The editors will evaluate submitted manuscripts on soundness of methods, originality, insights into mechanisms and foreseeable impact on patient care.

Contributions can have the following formats: Original Article, Brief Report, Commentary, Review, Case Report, and Letter to the Editor.

Original Articles are expected to present an in-depth study of a particular subject. Studies that are definitive can also be published in a brief format. Please note that the bar for Brief Reports is quite high with respect to originality and impact. JTH rarely publishes Case Reports, and only those that give new and deep insight qualify. Letters to the Editor are meant solely for discussion of recently published JTH articles. Commentaries (which deal with an article in the same issue) and Review Articles are mostly solicited by the editors in chief. Before submitting an unsolicited commentary or review article, please query the Managing Editor with your manuscript proposal.

Submitted manuscripts in the categories of Original Article, Brief Report and Case Report must describe original, unpublished research that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any re-use of previously published material in submissions to JTH must be clearly disclosed in the manuscript and cover letter, and if necessary, the appropriate copyright permissions must be obtained. Draft versions of articles on preprint servers such as bioRxiv are allowed and will not count as prior publication. However, this must be fully disclosed during submission.

Please submit online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jth.

In addition, submissions must include a statement that the manuscript has been read and approved for submission to JTH™ by all authors, and each manuscript must also include a statement of actual or potential conflict of interest capable of influencing judgment on the part of the authors. This conict-of-interest disclaimer will be included as a required section in all published articles. All relevant financial relations with any commercial biomedical company over the last two years (income, honorarium, research grants, consulting fees, license fees, stock ownership, travel support) should be declared for all authors. If any authors have no conflicts of interest to declare, this should also be stated explicitly.

Upon submitting, you will be prompted to select the type of submission (e.g., Original Article, Review) and the section heading to which the manuscript should be assigned. The sections are: Review Articles; Original Articles and Brief Reports (Haemostasis, Thrombosis, Fibrinolysis, Platelets and Vascular Biology); Letters to the Editor; Case Reports; and Recommendations and Guidelines.

Manuscripts should have numbered pages beginning with the title page. The title of the paper, name and affiliation of each author, and the name of the institution where the work has been carried out should appear on the title page, as should the name and full postal address (with phone numbers and e-mail address) of the corresponding author only. The corresponding author is responsible for reading the proofs and communicating with the other authors, and for informing the JTH™ Editorial Office of any change in details until the paper is published. Please note that JTH should be contacted only by the corresponding author. Wiley-Blackwell reserves the right to contact another author if the corresponding author is not available to check proofs.

Authors must adhere to acceptable use of American English and syntax; only abbreviations and symbols that are generally accepted should be used and the title should be devoid of abbreviations. Unfamiliar abbreviations should be used as little as necessary and must be defined when first used. The Editors reserve the right to make corrections, both literary and technical, to the papers. Please note that unless specically requested, Wiley-Blackwell will dispose of all electronic material submitted 2 months after publication.

Editorial policies and practices

The Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/






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