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2022/1/7 16:51:27 来源:官网信息 阅读:579 发布者:


Guidelines for Authors

 REVISED September 2021

Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (the Journal)

The Journal is published by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (the Institute), a 125-year-old professional body. It aims to disseminate knowledge regarding technological developments in the regional and international mining, metallurgical, and related sectors. The Journal publishes papers that

Make new contributions to basic or applied knowledge through scientific research and development

Provide new contributions to technology that are of economic importance

Update and review current research work, processes, and equipment

Present original material that has not been published elsewhere

All papers are refereed in line with internationally accepted standards. A double-blind review process is followed.

The Journal is accredited by Web of Science/ISI (http://ip-science.thomsonreuters.com) and satisfies the criteria for recognized research output as laid down by the Department of Higher Education and Training (www.education.gov.za/) in the South African Ministry of Education. Papers and articles published in the Journal are indexed by

Elsevier Computerized Engineering Index (Compendex)

Elsevier Scopus


Web of Science

Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (IMM) Abstracts

Thomson Reuters

Engineering Index Monthly

Environmental Engineering Abstracts

Computer and Information Systems (CIS) Abstracts

Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) SA

Google Scholar

The Journal has an Open Access policy that can be viewed at https://www.saimm.co.za/open-access-statement

The Journal does not charge for the submission or processing of papers that are submitted for possible publication.

Members of the Institute who are authors or co-authors of papers published in the Journal are eligible for the Institute’s gold and silver medal awards.

Journal topics

The Journal publishes papers on the following mining and metallurgical topics and their sub-disciplines


Mining, including

Rock Engineering


Mineral resource management and mine evaluation


Extractive metallurgy

Pyrometallurgy and Hydrometallurgy

Physical metallurgy



Mineral commodities

Mine health and safety

Economics and socio-economics

Legislation and policies

Environment, sustainability, and mine closure


General standards for publication in the Journal

To merit consideration for publication, a paper should conform to the high standards that have been established over many years. The paper should contain material on research and scientific items that are new, with interpretations that are novel or of new significance, or conclusions that cast fresh light on old ideas. A paper can incorporate developments that would be of interest to technical people or be of benefit to the industry. A paper should not be a repetition of well-known practices or concepts.

Well-prepared, topical, and original review papers will be considered for publication. Review articles should be comprehensive and indicate worthwhile new advances, new directions for research, and deficiencies in knowledge. A review article merely recording published work without any critical comments and conclusions is not acceptable.

All papers, no matter how technical the subject, should be written with the average professional reader in mind. There should be sufficient background to enable the implications of the work to be readily understood. The amount of textbook material should be kept to the minimum essential to the argument. The length of a paper is not a criterion of its worth, and all submissions should be as brief and concise as possible. Although reference to the names of new products, processes, and services is not restricted, it is the SAIMM’s policy not to allow editorial matter to be used for blatant advertising purposes.

The Journal encourages articles with a Southern African flavour that reflect challenges and opportunities relevant to Southern Africa. This includes current and future technologies, commodities, and operations of importance to the mining and metallurgical sector in the region. Papers from elsewhere presenting global innovations, research and developments applicable to the minerals, mining and metallurgical sector in general would also be considered.

Permission to publish and copyright

Authors are required to sign the Permission to Publish agreement in which the first publication rights for a contribution to be published by the SAIMM are strictly reserved by the Institute. Reproduction of material for non-commercial purposes is permitted, and indeed encouraged, provided that the source is fully acknowledged.

The author is the owner of the copyright in the contribution.






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