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JOURNAL OF NEMATOLOGY《线虫学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/12/31 16:57:56 来源:官网信息 阅读:475 发布者:


1 How do I submit a manuscript?

2 By submitting a manuscript to JON, the authors attest that the manuscript has not been submitted

3 elsewhere and (if accepted) will not be published in whole or in part elsewhere without consent

4 of the JON Editorial Board. They also attest that all work contained is original and the

5 manuscript has been approved by all authors and implicitly or explicitly by the responsible

6 authorities where the work was carried out.

7 Research results submitted for publication should be reproducible. It is expected that critical

8 experiments have been repeated in time or space and statistically validated, as appropriate.

9 Routine surveys of nematode distribution or of germplasm collections for susceptibility to parasitic

nematodes, are not acceptable unless they explicitly test or generate hypotheses. However, JON

has established the abbreviated format ‘First Reports’, for studies reporting a new record for a

species with a given host. Note that for consideration, such reports must also provide molecular

marker and new insight into the biology, reproduction or pathogenicity of the nematode.


11 Furthermore, routine surveys of nematode genotyping using a specific region in the genome is not

testing or generating a specific hypothesis.

12 Final submissions should be MSWORD format for the manuscript and JPEG format for the

13 figures.

Manuscripts must be submitted to the JON via the Exeley platform powered by Editorial

14 Manager software at https://www.exeley.com/journal/journal_of_nematology

Journal of Nematology Editorial Board

17 The JON is administered by an editorial board composed of an Editor-in-Chief (EiC) and eleven

18 or more Editors. The EiC is appointed by the SON Executive Board and serves 1 year as Senior

19 Editor and 3 years as EiC. The EiC nominates Editors to serve 3-year terms on the Editorial

20 Board. As chair of the Editorial Board, the EiC is responsible for editorial policy and

21 coordination of all SON publications. The EiC serves as a member of the SON Executive

22 Committee, reports to the Executive Board, prepares an annual report for the Society describing

23 the Journal's status, makes recommendations for changes, and publishes minutes of the annual

24 Editorial Board meeting. Editors are responsible for reviewing and accepting manuscripts

25 submitted for publication and for recommending changes in editorial style and policies of the

26 Journal. The primary responsibility of the Editorial Board is to ensure the overall quality and

intellectual content of JON. The Editorial Board strives to ensure that articles are clearly written,

27 unambiguous, and contain sound science of high quality.

28 Article Processing Charges (APC)

Since April 15th 2021, page charges have been implemented for publication in the JON. Only

accepted articles will be subject to the APC, which will be due prior to final publication of the

article. APCs will be $200 USD for Society of Nematologists members, and $400 USD for nonmembers. Note, Society membership is $60.00 for regular members and $30.00 for students.



1 Authors will receive an "eprint," which is an electronic copy of the manuscript as a PDF file.

2 What is the format for JON?

3 All manuscripts shall be in English with U.S. spelling conventions. There are no page

4 limitations.

5 A typical paper is composed of: a title page; abstract and keywords page; an introduction;

6 materials and methods; results; discussion; literature cited; and supporting tables and figures. For

7 short papers, results and discussion may be combined. Abstracts of papers presented at the

8 Annual Meeting of SON are published in the JON. Only those abstracts submitted through the

9 meeting web site will be accepted. Authors must follow the style guidelines and time deadlines

10 established by the meeting organizers. Other formats are permissible for invited articles. Authors

11 should discuss this with the EiC.

14 Research Notes: Should be in the same format as full length papers, but shorter in scope and

15 contain a maximum of 4500 words and two illustrations (tables/figures).

17 Page Layout:

18 All submissions should be formatted on US letter or A4 paper, with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins.

19 Page numbers should be placed in the upper right-hand corner of each page, along with the first

20 author's surname and JON. Double space all manuscript contents, except the contact

21 (corresponding) author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and email address; these

22 should appear on the upper left-hand corner of the title page (single spaced). Pages should be line

23 numbered throughout. Continuous line numbering is a great convenience for editors and

24 reviewers.






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