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2021/12/29 14:18:09 来源:官网信息 阅读:492 发布者:

American Journal of Public Health

Author Instructions

Manuscript Preparation


Initial Submission

The initial submission should comply with 4 requirements:

A title page which includes the title of the manuscript, author names, author affiliations, and the full abstract. Click here (link is to PDF) to see an example of the required format.

A blinded manuscript file that does not include: acknowledgements, author information, institutional affiliations or contributions, disclosures of conflict, identification of funding source(s), names of IRB granting institutions, or clinical trial registration number. Manuscript filenames should not include any author names or initials. In addition, the manuscript should contain the following elements:

Title and abstract

page numbers

numbered lines (in Word, > Page Setup > Line Numbers > Continuous) throughout the text of the manuscript;

1.5 or double spacing with a font size of 12

tables and figures embedded at the end of the manuscript, OR uploaded as separate files

A cover letter with concise text (maximum 150 words) that indicates whether the article has been commissioned, whether it responds to a call for papers, and any other information that is relevant for triaging it.

For individual or group randomized trials, provide the date of trial registration and the NCT number from Clinicaltrials.gov or other approved registry. This should only be provided in the cover letter only. Do NOT include the trial registration or NCT number in the abstract or the body of the manuscript during the initial submission to maintain blinding during peer review.

Manuscripts must be submitted online at http://www.editorialmanager.com/ajph.

A first triage conducted by the Editor-in-Chief and the Senior Deputy Editor to identify manuscripts of sufficient priority. Some reasons manuscripts are considered to be of insufficient priority at the initial internal review stage are: outdated data (e.g., pre-ACA, data collection completed >3 years before submission date); analysis of surveys not based on the latest data release; results of primarily etiologic interest; pilot, feasibility, formative/process evaluation, or validation studies; lack of a comparison/control group; small samples; case studies; and convenience samples. However, these are not hard and fast rules. Addressing the 3 items requested in the cover letter helps us realize when an exception is warranted.

After the initial triage, manuscripts considered for potential peer-review will be submitted for a technical check to ensure that the 4 requirements outlined above are met. Authors will be informed if their manuscripts need reformatting and will be given 48 hours to make specific changes. Again, as outlined above, to assure smooth and timely processing, ensure that all identifying information has been removed from the submission files (including tables, figures, and supplemental files), both within the file and in the file name itself. This includes author names and initials, IRB information, clinical registration information, acknowledgments and any other details that might potentially unblind the paper to our reviewers. Our online submission system will collect this information via a questionnaire so that the Editors can retrieve the information.

Visit www.ajph.org for online manuscript submission instructions, or submit directly at www.editorialmanager.com/ajph. Questions? Write ajph.submissions@apha.org.

downloads/sample title page

Revised Submissions






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