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2021/12/23 16:40:58 来源:官网信息 阅读:384 发布者:


Research is important to confirm, change or advance knowledge. Intellectual honesty and (research) integrity are essential in all scholarly work. These guidelines set the standards of proper ethical behaviour and responsibilities for book authors (contributing authors to edited volumes and monograph authors).

Springer Nature Code of Conduct for Book Authors:

Authors should follow the minimum standards as set out in the Springer Nature Code of Conduct for Book Authors.

Research and author conduct

Results should be presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation (including image-based manipulation). Authors should adhere to discipline-specific rules for acquiring, selecting and processing data.     The author will deal with the Publisher and its staff in a professional and courteous manner, ensuring their communications are appropriate in both volume and tone, and address all queries received relating to the work in a timely manner.

Authorship principles

Authorship should be limited to those who contributed substantially to the scholarly work such as drafting and / or revising critically the intellectual content of the work or significant parts of it.

“Honorary authorship” is not permitted. Third parties who added something substantial to the work but do not qualify as Authors should be mentioned in the acknowledgment section.

The Corresponding Author listed on the manuscript ensures that all appropriate co-authors are included on the manuscript, that all co-authors have approved the final version of the chapter, section or entry or full manuscript (where appropriate) and have agreed to its submission for publication. All co-authors share collective responsibility and accountability for the results. Please note that the naming of Authors is not merely a question of scientific ethics; it is also a copyright / moral rights issue and has therefore to be considered carefully.

Please include all Author names (in case of contributions to an edited work also the names of the book editors) and the addresses of the Authors' institutes, and please ensure that the sequence of the Author names is correct when the manuscript is submitted. Once the manuscript has been delivered to production, changes to authorship are no longer possible.

Authors are recommended to add their ORCID identifier to their manuscript.


The submitted work must not contain any plagiarism and should not have been published elsewhere in any form or language (unless it is a complete work that follows up on a published preliminary report like an abstract, poster, conference presentation or journal article; the work substantially re-analyses study findings or re-interprets results for a different audience; it is a translation of an original work; it is a new iteration of the same work with some degree of change (“revised edition”); and / or permission has been granted for reuse and / or is allowed under the publisher’s reuse policy.)

Important note: The Publisher may use software to screen for plagiarism.

Redundant publication

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Acknowledgement of sources

The work of others should always be properly acknowledged. Authors should cite and / or list publications that have influenced the reported work. Clarity should be provided on which text is the Authors' own and which text has been used from others (either verbatim, summarised or paraphrased).

Related manuscripts under consideration for publication

Authors should inform the Editor or Publisher of related manuscripts under consideration for publication by the same Author(s) with another publisher and provide details of these relevant manuscripts. Authors should make sure that proper acknowledgement is given to any publication of related manuscripts in subsequent publications.  For example: a journal article (not published yet) where material will also be used in a book chapter. If the journal article gets published first, the book chapter should include a note that it is based on [journal title, full reference].






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