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2021/12/23 16:09:12 来源:官网信息 阅读:534 发布者:




The Journal of Food Protection® (JFP) is an international, monthly scientific journal in the

English language published by the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP). JFP publishes research and review articles on all aspects of food protection and safety. Major emphases of JFP are placed on studies dealing with:

1. Tracking, detecting (including traditional, molecular, and real-time), inactivating, and controlling food-related hazards, including microorganisms (including antibiotic resistance), microbial (mycotoxins, seafood toxins) and non-microbial toxins (heavy metals, pesticides, veterinary drug residues, migrants from food packaging, and processing contaminants), allergens and pests (insects, rodents) in human food, pet food and animal feed throughout the food chain;

2. Microbiological food quality and traditional/novel methods to assay microbiological food quality;

3. Prevention of food-related hazards and food spoilage through food preservatives and thermal/non-thermal processes, including process validation;

4. Food fermentations and food-related probiotics;

5. Safe food handling practices during pre-harvest, harvest, post-harvest, distribution and consumption, including food safety education for retailers, foodservice, and consumers;

6. Risk assessments for food-related hazards;

7. Economic impact of food-related hazards, foodborne illness, food loss, food spoilage, and adulterated foods;

8. Food fraud, food authentication, food defense, and foodborne disease outbreak investigations.

2 Manuscripts of a sensitive nature. Bioterrorism and food security are of major concern to all involved in food production, processing, evaluation, and distribution, including members of IAFP. Manuscripts dealing with sensitive issues are expected to approach the subject from a preventative stance and not provide a how-to guide. A review policy is used in evaluating manuscripts submitted for publication in journals published by IAFP to minimize the possibility that their contents may be used to pose a food security threat. To view the policy, go HERE.

Suitability for publication. Prospective authors with questions about the suitability of their research are invited to request an opinion from the Scientific Editors.


Submit manuscripts online via PeerTrack at https://www.editorialmanager.com/jfoodprot.Instructions for online submission and a sample manuscript for formatting purposes are available on the site. Corresponding authors will be required to complete an electronic "Assignment of Copyright" form after their manuscript has been reviewed and revised. All material dealing with affairs of the Association, book reviews, or news and events of interest to IAFP Members is published in Food Protection Trends (FPT). Such material should be sent directly to Donna Bahun, FPT Production Editor, at dbahun@foodprotection.org.

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). JFP now publishes author ORCID IDs in articles. ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities, ensuring that your work is recognized.

The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individuals who may obtain an ORCID identifier, manage their record of activities, and search for others in the ORCID Registry. Click the appropriate login link at https://www.editorialmanager.com/jfoodprot to either register for a new ORCID or associate an existing ORCID. A new page will open to create and/or validate your ORCID. Once the validation is complete, the new page will close, and you will return to PeerTrack to finish your submission.


Research Paper. A research paper reports the results of original research that have not been published elsewhere. If the research has in part been previously reported, such as on a website, in a thesis or dissertation, or in another journal, this must be disclosed in the author's letter of submission. The journal will consider for publication research reports, which due to government regulations, have previously appeared on websites. A research paper usually consists of 10 or more double-spaced typewritten pages of text (typically no more than 18, not including the title page, abstract, highlights, reference list, figure legend, tables, and figures). A research paper deals with its subject in some depth.






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