Author Guide
Each journal’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site has a unique Web address (URL). Typically, you are given the address in an email sent by the journal. If the address is hyperlinked, select the link within the email, or copy and paste into the browser. The journal’s Log In page is displayed.
Access to the journal site may be provided in two ways:
1. The journal may create your account and email to you instructions on how to log in and set your User ID and password.
2. Some journals allow their users to create their own accounts. If yours does, there will be a Create Account link on the top of the page, or you can use the Create Account just below the Log In. Follow the 3-step process for creating your account.
Journal-required fields are denoted by a red asterisk.
During account creation, you may be given the option to associate an ORCID iD with your account by either registering for a new ORCID iD or associating and existing ORCID iD. Each of these options will be presented to you as links in the first step of the account creation process.
When you select one of these options to associate an ORCID iD with your account, a new browser window will open and special registration page on the ORCID website allowing the user to enter your existing ORCID credentials, link an existing ORCID iD, or register for a new
Once you have validated an ORCID iD using one of the options, you will be asked to either authorize or deny the journal access to your ‘limited’ data.
If you click Authorize, you will be redirected back to your journal’s ScholarOne site with a validated ORCID iD.
The journal site may be configured to use ORCID Login. Select the Log In with ORCID iD button at the bottom of the Log In box.
You will then log in to ORCID ID, or register an ORCID account.
If the you have used this login process before or have already linked your ORCID iD to your
ScholarOne profile, you will automatically be logged in to the ScholarOne site.
If this is their first time linking your ORCID and ScholarOne accounts together, you will be asked to authorize the publisher or journal to get their ORCID iD and to read limited-access information such as their name and address. Reading limited-access information will make it easier for new users that do not have a ScholarOne account to pre-fill their profile information when creating an account.