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2021/12/20 13:44:22 来源:官网信息 阅读:1618 发布者:

Author Guidelines


Manuscript Submission Requirements Checklist

Please check the following before completing your submission.

Cover Letter

A complete letter to the editor should accompany the manuscript. The required items are listed below.


The title should not include words like “Novel”, “New”, or “First” or numerals (Part 1, 2, etc).


All authors and their respective current/valid email addresses should be entered into the ACS Paragon Plus Environment. Names of authors should be listed in the same sequence as they appear on the manuscript title page.

Corresponding author is at least one senior scientist and designated with an asterisk.

Include the email address of the corresponding author on the manuscript title page.


A manuscript template may be used if preferred, but is not required. Manuscript text should appear in one-column format and be double-spaced.

Manuscripts should be organized by sections and sub-sections. Arrange the sections as follows:

Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental (Materials and Methods), Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Supporting information paragraph (if any), Acknowledgments (optional), References, Table of Contents graphic.

Figures and Tables

Figures and Tables should preferably be embedded within the manuscript text, near their first mention. It is also acceptable, but not necessary, to include them at the end of the manuscript uploaded as “Graphic for manuscript” (acceptable software tif or pdf).

Artwork should be provided at the size at which it will published in the journal, i.e., maximum 3.25 inches or 8.25 cm wide for one column.

Each graphic should be clearly labeled and include a brief caption.

Provide a Table of Contents graphic (TOC) at the end of the manuscript, either included in the manuscript file or uploaded separately as “Graphic for manuscript”.

Permissions for graphics copied or adapted from previous work should be provided upon submission (uploaded as “Other files for Editor only”). In addition, correct credit lines should appear in the Figure captions. Credit lines in figure captions must be formatted as: “Reproduced (or adapted) with permission from ref [#]. Copyright [YEAR] [Copyright Holder].” If the authors of the article hold the copyright, the names of all authors must be listed. If the reproduced content is open access, this statement still must be included in the figure caption; however, there’s no need to upload any permissions. If there are multiple panels in a single figure, please clearly indicate which panels are reproduced and from where.

Do not include any Supporting Information (figures, tables, or text) in the main manuscript file. All Supporting Information should be uploaded separately.


References should be cited within the text by consecutive numbers. Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) in the order of their first citation in the text are required, and the corresponding numbers must be inserted at the appropriate locations in the text as superscript closed up to the last character, and outside any punctuation marks, example: 5-7, 9, 10.

The references should adhere to the format and style of ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering: proper arrangement and punctuation, bold and italic font, full-page ranges.

Include journal article titles.

Use the CASSI abbreviations for journal titles (http://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp).

Notes/comments are not accepted in the list of references.

All author names should be included (“et al.” is not accepted).

Bibliographic information should be up to date at the time of submission.

Provide the DOI for all journal articles, including for work published online (ASAP) but not yet in an issue.

Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent Statement

Papers reporting data from experiments on live animals must include a statement identifying the approving committee and certifying that such experiments were performed in accordance with all national or local guidelines and regulations. Results from experiments involving humans or tissue samples must additionally include a statement that informed consent was obtained from the subject or from the next of kin.

Supporting Information, SI (if any)

The supplementary material should be uploaded separately as “Supporting information for publication” (PDF preferred).

SI should be formatted with a cover sheet listing authors, manuscript title, and the number of pages, figures, and tables.

SI pages must be numbered consecutively, starting with page S1.

Tables and Figures should be numbered Table S1-Sn and Figure S1-Sn.

A paragraph describing the SI should be included in the manuscript and placed after the Conclusions:

Supporting Information. Brief statement in nonsentence format listing the contents of the material supplied as Supporting Information.






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