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2021/12/20 11:29:44 来源:官网信息 阅读:415 发布者:



INTERCIENCIA is a multidisciplinary journal. Its priority themes are Agronomy, Arid Lands, Food and Nutrition, Biotechnology, Ecology and Environment, Energy, Innovation and Technology Transfer, Marine Resources, Renewable and Non-renewable Resources, Science Education, Science Policy, Study and Sociology of Science, and Tropical Forests.

INTERCIENCIA publishes original Articles, Essays and Communications, preferably in the priority areas of the journal, of inters and pertinent to the regional development, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Letters to the Editor, treating themes of interest or commenting published papers can also be published.

INTERCIENCIA is an open Access publication following the principles of the Budapest Open Access Initiative. All the material received will be evaluated inasmuch as its pertinence by the editorial Committee and subjected to peer evaluation.

The contents of the contributions shall be of the entire responsibility of the authors, who maintain the respective copyright, and not of the journal or the institutions for which the authors work. It is understood that the material received has not been published nor submitted to other means of diffusion.

Articles. These are original research work, experimental or theoretical, or reviews of a priority field of the journal, not previously published and aimed at a cult but not specialized audience. Its length can be up to 25 pages. A summary of up to 250 words should be included, as well as a short (up to eight lines) biographical note about each author.

Essays. Written preferably on a priority topic of the journal with a length of up to 25 pages. It should also include summary and biographical notes of the authors.

Communications. These are reports of original research on any field of the basic or applied sciences, aimed at a specialized audience. They can be of up to 20 pages, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, although the use of the first of these languages is recommended to facilitate its diffusion. A summary of up to 200 words and bio-notes of the authors should be included.

In all cases, the title and summary should be sent, if possible, in all three languages of the journal, and up to five keywords should be provided. All the pages should be letter size and the text written in Word for Windows, font 12 and double space, consecutively numbered. Receiving a list of up to six possible referees with their addresses and e-mails in order to facilitate the refereeing process will be appreciated.

Tables and Figures. These should be numbered in Roman and Arabic numbers, respectively, readable, concise and clear, and set in separate pages. The corresponding texts will be included at the end of the work. Figures should be of 350 dpi. Equations should be written using MathType (not as images).

References. In the text, citations should be made indicating first and second authors, or et al. (in italics) if more than two authors, and the year of publication. For instance: (Pérez, 1992), Da Silva y González (1993), (Smith et al., 1994). All references should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and shall include authors (i.e.: Rojas ER, Davis B, …), year of publication in brackets, title, name and volume of the publication in italics, and page numbers. In the cases of monographic works, the title should be written in italics and the total number of pages indicated. Personal communications should only be included in the text, with the complete name of the source. Notes should be avoided and, if any, should be placed at the end of the paper, before the reference list.

Submission. Manuscripts should be sent to interciencia@gmail.com. There is a submission fee of US$ 25.00 to be cancelled at submission by means of credit card (indicate kind of card, number, name of holder, and expiration date), or by money order (please contact the journal for details).

Page charges. Given the high production costs INTERCIENCIA asks the authors to provide, through their research grants or their institution a contribution of US$ 225 per published page. This shall not be in any way a requirement for acceptance and publication of the paper, which will be given by its merits. If the lack of contribution is justified, the journal will publish the accepted materials when excess space is available. Color illustrations must be prepaid, once a paper is accepted for publication.

INTERCIENCIA will establish special fees for authors from countries with limiting economic conditions. In such cases authors should consult the journal.






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