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2021/12/17 11:41:13 来源:官网信息 阅读:676 发布者:

Food Packaging and Shelf Life

Guide for Authors

Food packaging plays a vital role in preserving food throughout the distribution chain. Without packaging, the processing of food can become compromised as it is contaminated by direct contact with physical, chemical, and biological contaminants. In recent years, the development of novel food packaging (modified atmosphere & active packaging) has not only increased the shelf life of foods, but also their safety and quality - therefore bringing convenience to consumers. Directly related, and interlinked, with food packaging is the concept of shelf life - the length of time that foods, beverages, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, and many other perishable items are given before they are considered unsuitable for sale, use, or consumption.

Food Packaging and Shelf Life caters to the needs of scientists, material scientists, food chemists and microbiologists in the area of food packaging and shelf life. The journal will mainly publish original research papers, review articles and short communications in the following areas:

• Food packaging material development

• Designing food packaging machinery

• Physical & chemical properties of food packaging materials

• Polymer, glass, metal and paper packaging systems

• Nano packaging

• Vacuum, gas, aseptic and sterile packaging

• Modified atmosphere packaging systems

• Active and intelligent, & antimicrobial packaging systems

• Edible packaging

• Bio-plastics for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry

• Food package testing

• Sensory properties of packaged foods

• Microencapsulation

• Migration from packaging materials

• Food package interactions

• Shelf life of packaged food products

• Recycling of food packaging Materials

• Packaging sustainability

• Microbial stability of food during storage, handling and transportation

• Sensory changes during food storage

• Chemical, physical and microbial determinants for shelf life

• Shelf life simulation

• Shelf life and food safety

• Accelerated shelf life tests

Papers focusing exclusively on food product development, functional foods, food chemistry, post-harvest technology, food microbiology, dairy processing will not be covered by this journal.

Types of article

1. Research papers - original full-length research papers which have not been published previously, except in a preliminary form, and should not exceed 7,500 words (including allowance for no more than 6 tables and illustrations).

2. Review articles - will be accepted in areas of topical interest, will normally focus on literature published over the previous five years, and should not exceed 10,000 words (including allowance for no more than 6 tables and illustrations).

3. Short communications - are for concise, but independent reports representing a significant contribution to food science and engineering, not as mechanism to publish preliminary results. Only if these results are of exceptional interest and are particularly topical and relevant will they be considered for publication. A Short Communication should be no more than 3000 words, and could include up to four figures or tables. It should have at least 8 references. Short communications will be fully peer reviewed.

Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.

Ensure that the following items are present:

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

• E-mail address

• Full postal address






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