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2021/12/15 14:17:54 来源:官网信息 阅读:475 发布者:

IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability


The scope of the publication includes, but is not limited to Reliability of: Devices, Materials, Processes, Interfaces, Integrated Microsystems (including MEMS & Sensors), Transistors, Technology (CMOS, BiCMOS, etc.), Integrated Circuits (IC, SSI, MSI, LSI, ULSI, ELSI, etc.),  Thin Film Transistor Applications. The measurement and understanding of the reliability of such entities at each phase, from the concept stage through research and development and into manufacturing scale-up, provides the overall database on the reliability of the devices, materials, processes, package and other necessities for the successful introduction of a product to market. This reliability database is the foundation for a quality product, which meets customer expectation. A product so developed has high reliability. High quality will be achieved because product weaknesses will have been found (root cause analysis) and designed out of the final product. This process of ever increasing reliability and quality will result in a superior product. In the end, reliability and quality are not one thing; but in a sense everything, which can be or has to be done to guarantee that the product successfully performs in the field under customer conditions. Our goal is to capture these advances. An additional objective is to focus cross fertilized communication in the state of the art of reliability of electronic materials and devices and provide fundamental understanding of basic phenomena that affect reliability. In addition, the publication is a forum for interdisciplinary studies on reliability. An overall goal is to provide leading edge/state of the art information, which is critically relevant to the creation of reliable products.

Submissions: Contributed papers will be submitted to the IEEE T-DMR website http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tdmr IEEE T-DMR has instituted an electronic procedure to accomplish peer review of submitted manuscripts using the IEEE ScholarOne Manuscript (S1M) system. If you have not previously submitted a paper via the IEEE T-DMR website, you must first create an account. Instructions for establishing an author s account and for uploading a paper are provided at this site. All communications regarding the review status of a paper will use this website. Papers may be submitted in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), postscript, or Word.

Manuscript Length: Original contributions may either be a regular paper (maximum of 8 pages *excluding abstract, references, bios and photos), a review paper (maximum of 16 pages*), a letter (maximum of 3 pages-including bios and photos which are optional), a special issue paper (maximum of 8 pages*) and correspondence (about a paper). Correspondence papers will be subject to the peer review procedure. Please note that submissions require the identification of the type of paper being submitted (regular, letter, correspondence, review or special issue). Each paper must include an abstract of about 250 words. The manuscript must also be accompanied by a list of keywords. A more comprehensive set of keywords is available from the IEEE by sending a blank e-mail to keywords@ieee.org.

Submission Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in the two column format using the IEEE Template. The font sizes and line spacing must not be altered when using this template. The template and further guidelines on the preparation of manuscripts can be obtained from the IEEE Tools for Authors website located at https://ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-article/.

To ensure the most rapid publication, it is important that authors adhere to the following guidelines. Please use basic fonts (such as Courier, Ariel, or Times Roman) when creating your manuscript. Since you are uploading a PDF or Postscript file, you are able to use programs like equation editor and excel, reference numbering tools or footnoting utilities, and symbol insrtion for special characters. Figures should be numbered. Figures may be placed at the end of a manuscript that is double-spaced single-columned or within a manuscript that is singled-spaced double-columned. Please provide numbered figure legends. It is important for rapid publication that the accepted manuscript conforms to IEEE style guidelines. The style of the paper, including the use of references, illustrations, and graphics, may be viewed on the IEEE T-DMR website or obtained from trans@ieee.org. The affiliation and address of the author(s) should be indication on the title page of all submissions. Be sure to include the telephone, fax mailing address, and e-mail of the corresponding author. Approximately two weeks after a manuscript is accepted for publication in IEEE T-DMR, the manuscript (in PDF) will appear on the IEEE T-DMR publication website, which is accessible via the IEEE explore system. Each PDF must have the following copyright statement at the bottom of the first page. Copyright c 2014 (or current year) IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained by sending a request to pubs-permission@ieee.org.

Copyright: It is the policy of IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright Law, authors are required to sign an IEEE copyright transfer form, this form is available in the author’s Author Center within S1M.

ORCID Required: All IEEE journals require an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for all authors. ORCID is a persistent unique identifier for researchers and functions similarly to an article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The author will need a registered ORCID in order to submit a manuscript or review a proof in this journal.

Open Access: This publication is a hybrid journal, allowing either Traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. Upon submission, if you choose to have your manuscript be an Open Access article, you commit to pay the discounted $2,045 OA fee if your manuscript is accepted for publication in order to enable unrestricted public access. Any other application charges (such as over-length page charge and/or charge for the use of color in the print format) will be billed separately once the manuscript formatting is complete but prior to the publication. If you would like your manuscript to be a Traditional submission, your article will be available to qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore. No OA payment is required for Traditional submission.

Page Charges: After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author’s institution will be asked to pay a charge of $110.00 per page to cover part of the cost of processing the manuscript. A page charge for this TRANSACTIONS, like those of journals of other professional societies, is not obligatory, nor is the payment a requisite for publication.

*Article abstracts, references, bios and photos should not be counted toward page length guidelines.

Updated August 27, 2014.



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