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2021/12/15 11:25:11 来源:官网信息 阅读:949 发布者:

IEEE Transactions on Communications Information for Authors

The IEEE Transactions on Communications invites the submission of technical manuscripts on topics within the scope of the IEEE Communications Society, which includes all areas indicated on the inside front cover of the Journal and those shown under the Technical Committees listing. Manuscripts reporting on original theoretical and/or experimental work and tutorial expositions of permanent reference value are welcome. In general, material which has been previously copyrighted, published, or accepted for publication will not be considered for publication in this TRANSACTIONS. Exceptions to this rule include items that have limited distribution, have appeared in Abstract form only, or have appeared only in conference proceedings; notice of such prior publication or concurrent submission elsewhere must be given at the time of submission to this TRANSACTIONS. A manuscript identical to, or largely based on, a conference paper must be so identified. All papers are reviewed by competent referees and are considered on the basis of their significance, novelty, and usefulness to the Transactions readership.

Submission Guidelines

Transactions Papers should be concisely written and be submitted in one column double-spaced format (12-point font, approximately 30 lines per page with 6.5-in line length) and cannot be longer than 30 pages including the title, names of authors and their complete contact information, abstract, index terms, text, equations, figures, tables, appendices if any, and all references. Abstract and references can be in 10-point font. Revised papers are limited to 32 pages. Authors are required to upload the manuscript in double-spaced single-column format as a PDF or Word file. Figures must be used sparingly and repetitive patterns or results omitted. Authors can download a LaTeX template for their submission. Submitted manuscripts significantly exceeding these guidelines will be returned to the authors for revision before being reviewed. It is essential that each manuscript be accompanied by a 75- to 200-word abstract clearly outlining the scope and contributions of the paper and a list of up to five keywords should be included on the manuscript. The list of IEEE keywords is available by sending an email message to keywords@ieee.org. All papers should be written in English. Introductory discussion should be kept at a minimum and material published elsewhere should be referenced rather than reproduced or paraphrased. Authors should strive for maximum clarity of expression, bearing in mind that the purpose of publication is the dissemination of technical knowledge and that an excessively complex or poorly written presentation can only obscure the significance of the work described. Care should be taken in the organization of the material such that contributions of the work and a logical, consistent progression of thought are evident. It is strongly suggested that material which is not essential to the continuity of the text (e.g., proofs, derivations, or calculations) be placed in Appendixes.

Two part papers that cannot each stand on their own merits will not be considered for publication.  Papers should not include “Part I” or “Part II” in their title.

To enhance the appearance of your article on IEEEXplore®, a graphical abstract can be displayed along with traditional text. The graphical abstract should provide a clear, visual summary of your article’s findings by means of an image, animation, video, or audio clip.

NOTE: The graphical abstract is considered a part of the technical content of the article, and you must provide it for peer review during the article submission process.

For more information about graphical abstracts and their specifications, please visit the IEEE Author Center website.

Resubmission of Previously Rejected Manuscripts

Authors of manuscripts rejected by any journal (including IEEE Transactions on Communications) are allowed to resubmit their manuscripts to TCOM only once if they wish to do so. That is, a manuscript which is previously rejected by two different journals is not eligible for resubmission to IEEE Transactions on Communications. At the time of submission, the corresponding author will be asked whether the manuscript is a new submission or a resubmission of a previously rejected manuscript. If the paper is a resubmission of a previously rejected TCOM submission, an explanation of the major changes and a detailed point-to-point response to the reviewers’ and editor’s comments must be uploaded. For a previous submission to another journal, the authors need to confirm that the new version addresses the reviewers’ comments adequately (however, there is no need to include a response). Submissions which do not disclose the connection to a previously rejected manuscript will be rejected without review.

Copyright Form

As of January 1, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Communications requires, when uploading a camera ready manuscript after acceptance, a signed copy of the IEEE Copyright Form. While submitting your camera ready paper, at the end of the process, after confirming your submission, you will automatically be redirected to a fully digital version of the IEEE Copyright Form. It includes an important feature (the Wizard) that, through a series of questions and replies, determines the author's copyright status and brings the author to the appropriate Form to electronically sign. As an alternative, you can also upload a scanned copy of a signed IEEE Copyright Form as a Supplementary File.






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