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2021/12/15 8:14:38 来源:官网信息 阅读:1099 发布者:

IEEE Signal Processing Letters

Information for Authors-SPL

The purpose of the publication of articles is to advance the theory, a new novel that will be of both interest and value.

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts of LETTERS. Letters are four page articles designed to provide rapid dissemination of original, cutting-edge ideas and timely, significant contributions in signal, image, speech, language and audio processing.

Submissions/resubmissions must be previously unpublished and may not be under consideration elsewhere.

Every manuscript must:

provide a clear statement of the problem and what the contribution of the work is to the relevant research community;

state why this contribution is significant (what impact it will have);

provide citation of the published literature most closely related to the manuscript; and

state what is distinctive and new about the current manuscript relative to these previously published works.

By submission of your manuscript to this Letters, all listed authors have agreed to the authorship list and all the contents and confirm that the work is original and that figures, tables and other reported results accurately reflect the experimental work. In addition, the authors all acknowledge that they accept the rules established for publication of manuscripts, including agreement to pay color charges, and any other charges and fees associated with publication of the manuscript. Such charges are not negotiable and cannot be suspended. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining consent from all co-authors and, if needed, from sponsors before submission.

In order to be considered for review, a paper must be within the scope of the journal and represent a novel contribution. A paper is a candidate for an Immediate Rejection if it is of limited novelty, e.g. a straightforward combination of theories and algorithms that are well established and are repeated on a known scenario. Experimental contributions will be rejected without review if there is insufficient experimental data. The Letters are published in English. Papers that have a large number of typographical and/or grammatical errors will also be rejected without review.

In addition to presenting a novel contribution, acceptable manuscripts must describe and cite related work in the field to put the contribution in context. Do not give theoretical derivations or algorithm descriptions that are easily found in the literature; merely cite the reference.

New and revised manuscripts should be prepared following the "Manuscript Submission" guidelines below, and submitted to the online manuscript system, ScholarOne Manuscripts. Do not send original submissions or revisions directly to the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors; they will access your manuscript electronically via the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.

Manuscript Submission. Please follow the next steps.

Account in ScholarOne Manuscripts.

If necessary, create an account in the on-line submission system ScholarOne Manuscripts. Please check first if you already have an existing account which is based on your e-mail address and may have been created for you when you reviewed or authored a previous paper.

All IEEE journals require an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for all authors. ORCID is a persistent unique identifier for researchers and functions similarly to an article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The author will need a registered ORCID in order to submit a manuscript or review a proof in this journal.

Please make sure you are providing complete and accurate name and affiliation information for ALL authors on ScholarOne Manuscripts under the “Authors and Institutions” section during the submission process. If any information is incorrect, please contact the author or the journal administrator to update the information in the author’s ScholarOne account. The authors listed on the manuscript must match the authors listed under "Authors and Institutions" on ScholarOne.

If your "contact author” and "submitted author" are two different people, please make sure the “contact author” is able to communicate with the "submitted author" regarding any changes or updates that need to be made to the manuscript files at submission or during peer review.

Electronic Manuscript.

Prepare a PDF file containing your manuscript in double-column, single-spaced format using a font size of 10 points or larger, having a margin of at least 1 inch on all sides. Upload this version of the manuscript as a PDF file "double.pdf" to the ScholarOneManuscripts site. Templates can be found through the IEEE Template Selector. (LaTeX and MS Word). You will need to click "IEEE Template Selector" and follow the instructions for the template you need.


All submissions must be classified by the author with an EDICS (Editors’ Information Classification Scheme) selected from the list of EDICS published online at the SPL EDICS page. Upon submission of a new manuscript, please choose the EDICS categories that best suit your manuscript. Failure to do so will likely result in a delay of the peer review process.

Additional Documents for Review.

Please upload pdf versions of all items in the reference list that are not publicly available, such as unpublished (submitted) papers. Graphical abstracts and supplemental materials intended to appear with the final paper (see below) must also be uploaded for review at the time of the initial submission for consideration in the review process. Use short filenames without spaces or special characters. When the upload of each file is completed, you will be asked to provide a description of that file.

Supplemental Materials.

IEEE Xplore can publish multimedia files (audio, images, video, pseudocode and detailed algebraic manipulations of proofs), datasets, and software (e.g. Matlab code) along with your paper. Alternatively, you can provide the links to such files in a README file that appears on Xplore along with your paper. For details, please see IEEE Author Center." To make your work reproducible by others, the TRANSACTIONS encourages you to submit all files that can recreate the figures in your paper. The supplemental material may also include additional text related to appendices containing proofs of results, descriptions of additional simulations, etc. When supplemental material is present, the equations, theorems, tables, and figures, etc., should all be numbered consecutively to those in the article, so that a reference to, say, "Fig. 10" is unambiguous. The main body of the article should contain the core ideas and should suffice for most readers, whereas the material in the supplement material should be targeted at specialists who need more detail than what the article page limits allow. Supplemental text material for SPL is limited to one page.


After uploading all files and proofreading them, submit your manuscript by clicking "Submit." A confirmation of the successful submission will open on screen containing the manuscript tracking number and will be followed with an e-mail confirmation to the corresponding and all contributing authors. Once you click "Submit," your manuscript cannot be changed in any way.

Copyright Form and Consent Form.

By policy, IEEE owns the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers; and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the IEEE copyright policies, authors are required to sign and submit a completed "IEEE Copyright and Consent Form" prior to publication by the IEEE. The IEEE requires authors to use the electronic copyright form (eCF) tool within the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. You will be redirected to the "IEEE Electronic Copyright Form" wizard at the end of your original submission; please simply sign the eCF by typing your name at the proper location and click on the "Submit" button.






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