Author’s Guide for IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Technical Articles
Authors are required to submit an abstract to the Editor-inChief to ensure relevance of a paper topic before submission of a full paper. Together with the abstract, the authors shall include a cover letter that describes why their proposed paper is of interest to the general DEIS membership (200 words), why their proposed paper is timely and important (100 words) and how they would characterize their paper, i.e. as a review or tutorial.
All technical articles received by the Editor-in-Chief are reviewed for content. Peer review is vital to the quality of published content. Per IEEE policy, your submitted article will first be evaluated by the EIM Editorial Board and then by at least two independent reviewers who are experts in your article’s subject matter. Peer review ensures the integrity of science by excluding invalid or low-quality research. Reviewer feedback will contribute to the editor’s decision on whether to accept or reject your article for publication.
During the peer-review process, editors and reviewers are looking for the following:
Scope: Is the article appropriate for this publication?
Novelty: Is this original material distinct from previous publications?
Validity: Is the study well designed and executed?
Data: Are the data reported, analyzed, and interpreted correctly? Clarity: Are the ideas expressed clearly, concisely,
and logically?
Compliance: Are all ethical and journal requirements met?
Advancement: Is this a significant contribution to the field?
Copyright Form
Electronic copies of the copyright form can be accepted in the form of a signed and scanned .pdf submitted with your final version.
For information on IEEE copyright policy, permission to reuse IEEE copyrighted material, electronic preprints, or posting your article on your own server, please visit the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights page (
• If English is not your native language, consider using an
English language editing service before submitting your
article for review.
• The use of an editing service is paid for by the author and does not guarantee acceptance in an IEEE publication.
• An article should be a maximum of 8 pages including illustrations.
• The text should be one column with minimal formatting (titles, subtitles, captions).
• Microsoft Word is recommended.
• Electronic submission is preferred. Send a separate email to the editor in advance.
• Include a 30- to 35-word summary.
• Include a biography (maximum of 75 words) and picture for each author.
• Include figures in the text and as separate files (preferably in original format).
• Graphic files should be self-contained, without links to other files.
• Name graphic files with the author’s last name and the figure number.
• Digital photos should
◦ have a minimum of 300 dpi at final use size, ◦ be a minimum of 1,000 pixels in width, and ◦ be submitted as PDF, TIFF, JPEG, EPS, or PNG files.
• If your article contains screenshots, send the original digital image.
• Do not send figures with logos or other elements you do not have permission to have published.
Use the IEEE style to cite references. References should be listed in order of citation in the text. Examples are given below.
Article in a periodical
[1] I. Thompson, “Women and feminism in technical communication,” J. Bus. Tech. Commun., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 154–178, 1999. doi: 10.1177/1050651999013002002.
Article in an online journal
[2] M. B. Sarkar, B. Butler, and C. Steinfield, “Intermediaries and cybermediaries: A continuing role for mediating players in the electronic marketplace,” J. Comput.-Mediat. Commun., 1995. [Online]. Available:
[3] M. S. MacNealy, Strategies for Empirical Research in Writing. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1999.
[4] J. H. Watt and S. A. van den Berg, Research Methods for Communication Science. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.
Chapter in a book
[5] S. Kleinmann, “The reciprocal relationship of workplace culture and review,” in Writing in the Workplace: New Research Perspectives, R. Spilka, Ed. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1993, pp. 56–70.
Conference presentation
[6] K. Riley, “Language theory: Application versus practice,” presented at the Conf. Modern Language Association, Boston, MA, Dec. 27–30, 1990.
Paper published in a proceedings
[7] K. St. Amant, “Virtual office communication protocols: A system for managing international virtual teams,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Professional Communication Conf., 2005, pp. 703–717.
[8] Structural Engineering Society–International. [Online]. Available: http:// Patent
[9] Musical toothbrush with adjustable neck and mirror, by L. M. R. Brooks. (1992, May 19). Patent D 326 189 [Online]. Available: NEXIS Library:
LEXPAT File: DESIGN Standard
[10] IEEE Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems, IEEE Standard 308, 1969.
Thesis or Dissertation
[11] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” PhD dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.