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2021/12/10 10:27:49 来源:官网信息 阅读:908 发布者:

General Information for Contributors

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine publishes feature articles and columns that describe engineering activities within its scope, taking place in industry, government, and universities. Emphasis is placed on providing the reader with a general understanding of either a particular subject or of the technical challenges being addressed by various organizations, as well as their capabilities to cope with these challenges. Review, tutorial, and historical articles are welcome, as are articles describing examples of good engineering. A detailed statement of the scope and field of interest of the Magazine is available in the society bylaws at http://www.ieeeaps.org.

If a paper could be equally submitted to the Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (TAP), the Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), or the Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (OJAP), the paper may not work for the Antennas and Propagation Magazine, as it has a high likelihood of being out of scope. We especially encourage articles written specifically for the Magazine and are accessible and understandable to readers who may be working in many different fields. It is highly encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief or column editor prior to submission to discuss the potential paper and whether it fits within APM's scope. The Editor-in-Chief may also give the authors suggestions on how a paper could better fit into APM's scope and have a higher rate of success in proceeding into the review process. All review and tutorial papers must have a pre-approved proposal by the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission: link to proposal form. Feature articles may be solicited by guest editors for special issues of the magazine.

Some columns are open for outside submissions. Please select the appropriate manuscript type when submitting. If that manuscript type is not available for selection in ScholarOne, then that column is not accepting outside submissions for now. For specific questions regarding columns, please contact the Associate Editor for that particular column.

All feature articles are subject to full peer review per IEEE policy. All column contributions to departments are reviewed by the Associate Editor for that department, with additional peer review as deemed necessary by the Associate Editor.

The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to accept, reject, and/or edit any and all material submitted.

Special Issues

If you are interested in guest editing a special issue for possible publication in the AP Magazine, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, for more information on special issue guidelines.

Paper Writing Style and Guidelines

Contributions to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation magazine are only accepted through the ScholarOne Manuscripts web-based system at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/apm-ieee.

All manuscripts should be in English. The main body of the paper (published both in paper and online) should have a writing style understandable to the average reader in the Antennas and Propagation Society including those doing research outside the field of expertise of the manuscript. It should have a preferred length of 10 one-column pages or less and it must not exceed 14 one-column pages. Papers that are over 14 pages in length may result in automatic rejection. Papers must use the one-column IEEE AP Magazine template, which can be found using the IEEE Template Selector (https://template-selector.ieee.org/). PDF format is preferred, though Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx) are allowed.

Long technical developments and equations should be kept to a minimal amount and a preference should be instead given to qualitative descriptions, figures, diagrams, and graphs for delineating concepts and relationships.

We encourage supplementary material (published only online on IEEE Xplore) to be included, which contain extra sections that could be, when needed, more technical in nature. These sections could contain mathematical developments, extra experiments, multimedia, and more specialized content addressing those interested in going deeper in the topic of the paper. There is no page limit for the supplementary material part. If your paper is published, the supplementary material would be linked to the printed Magazine via QR code for ease of reader access.

If supplementary material is included with the manuscript, please note it in the cover letter, clearly name the supplementary file, and include a Word file labeled “Multimedia ReadMe” containing the following information:

Description: A general description of the process, data, etc., that the files are presenting

Size: The total size of all the files, in MB (up to two decimal places)

Player Information: A list of the software programs that are needed to properly display or play any multimedia files

Packing List: A list of all the individual files included in the package (a “checklist”)

Contact Information: John Smith, University of XYZ, City, State, Country, Email: j.smith@gmail.com

All papers submitted to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine should not be simultaneously submitted to any other publications until a final decision (acceptance or rejection) has been made (the only exception being announcements). If we determine that the paper or a significant portion of the paper was submitted to another publication at the same time or during the revision process, that may be grounds for automatic rejection and reporting to IEEE.

Meeting reports should be no more than 4 pages in length, with no more than 5 pictures. Calls for Papers or other announcements should be only 1 page, and the event should be sponsored by the AP Society unless otherwise arranged beforehand.






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