DESCRIPTION OF PAPERS CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION: Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer will consider a wide range of scholarly papers related to the subject of "enhanced heat and mass transfer" in natural and forced convection of liquids and gases, boiling, condensation, radiative heat transfer. Areas of interest include:
• Specially configured surface geometries, electric or magnetic fields, and fluid additives - all aimed at enhancing heat transfer rates. Papers may include theoretical modeling, experimental techniques, experimental data, and/or application of enhanced heat transfer technology.
• The general topic of "high performance" heat transfer concepts or systems is also encouraged.
• The journal will also consider well-prepared review articles within the identified subject areas.
• Archival quality papers previously published at limited distribution conferences are also accepted. The author may need to provide a copyright release from the conference publisher
Manuscripts should discuss how the proposed manuscript is both related to, and unique from, existing published works.
It is not sufficient to merely analyze or a test a slightly modified shape, or range of operating parameters. If "shape" issues are involved, what is important about this shape? Is it important to specific applications? If so, discuss this. A key question is - "What new results, or understanding, does the manuscript provide?" Additionally, CFD papers must address and discuss the "underlying physics" of their numerical study. It is insufficient to simply present a CFD solution without in-depth discussion of the transfer mechanisms involved.
Articles for the Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer must be submitted through the Begell House Submission Site. If you are already a registered user begin at, enter your username and password, and click on the Login button. If you are not a registered user follow the instructions below.
All users of the Begell House submission site must be registered. If you are a first-time users you can begin at, click the New User icon located at the top of the page, on the next screen complete the registration form and then click the Submit button located at the bottom left side of the form. Your form will be reviewed and an email confirmation will be sent to you within 24 hours (not including weekends and holidays). Please note that due to the high security that some affiliations have on their email programs, this email may go into your junk/spam folder; please check. Keep your username and password available for further use on the submission site. Logon information is case sensitive; always be sure to enter the appropriate upper and lower-case characters. Never register a second time on the submission site. Having more than one account on the submission site will create difficulties in working efficiently and being able to access all articles assigned to you. If you forget your password go to, click Forgot Password, and enter the email address that you used when you registered. Within seconds you will receive an email providing you with your username and temporary password (again remember this email may go into your junk/spam folder). Once you receive the email containing your logon information, return to, enter your username and temporary password, and then click Login. On the next screen you will be asked to provide a password of your choice. Enter the password and click Login. You will now be logged onto the submission site. If the email that you used when you originally registered is no longer available to you please contact for assistance.
1. PREPARATION OF ELECTRONIC ARTICLE FILES: Write in clear, concise English. The author is responsible for all aspects of article preparation. Extensive changes to the article will not be undertaken by the Editor or during the production process. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. ORIGINAL ARTICLES SUBMITTED for possible publication in Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer should be submitted in a single PDF file that includes all text, figures, and tables in single-column. Please use 12-point type and Times New Roman typeface for all text and figure captions. Please ensure that high quality figures and tables are provided and that any text that is an actual part of the figure be no less than 9-point type. Please remember that although your original submitted manuscript is required to be in PDF format for reviewing purposes, your accepted article must be provided to the publisher using your program files (see #4 below).
3. DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY: Each article submitted must be accompanied by a statement that the article has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. The original electronic files of drawings, photos and the article should be retained by the author until the conclusion of the publication process. This statement should also confirm that all tables and figures are your original work and no permissions are required.
4. PERMISSIONS: Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources and are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of copyright to the publisher. Please note that if a figure or table was previously published the copyright for that figure is usually owned by the publisher not the author. ALL PERMISSIONS MUST BE UPLOADED WITH THE FINAL DRAFT OF YOUR ARTICLE BEFORE YOUR ARTICLE CAN BE PROCESSED.