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2021/12/3 11:40:18 来源:官网信息 阅读:514 发布者:

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

Author Guidelines


Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (JCTB) is an international peer-reviewed research journal that publishes Original Research Papers, Reviews, Mini-reviews, Perspectives, Emerging Technologies and Spotlights relating scientific discoveries and inventions in the disciplines of biotechnology and chemical technology to their conversion into commercial products and processes. Submitted papers should indicate areas of novelty and significant advances to the current state of knowledge and understanding of the topic.

Please read the Journal’s Aims and Scope for a detailed review of the publication areas.

Authors should kindly note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.

Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with these Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online here

Click here for more details on how to use our online submission site.

Papers must not be offered for publication elsewhere whilst under consideration by the Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. The corresponding author must obtain the consent of all co-authors to the submission of the paper. Papers accepted by the Journal for publication may not be published elsewhere without the permission of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) and acknowledgement of the original source of the publication.

Inadequately or incorrectly prepared manuscripts may be delayed or even rejected. Authors must therefore conform closely to the instructions given below. Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve the English language. Wiley provide an English Editing Service which you can access here. Please note that use of these services does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication.

Authors are requested to supply the names of suitable referees for their paper. Authors can enter suggested referee details during the submission process and provide details of referees with conflicts of interest.

The submission system will prompt you to use an ORCiD (a unique author identifier) to help distinguish your work from that of other researchers. Click here to find out more.

Personal Data Protection

By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary, sharing with the publisher (Wiley) and partners for production and publication. The publication and the publisher recognize the importance of protecting the personal information collected from users in the operation of these services and have practices in place to ensure that steps are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed. You can learn more at https://authorservices.wiley.com/statements/data-protection-policy.html


This journal will consider for review articles previously available as preprints on non-commercial servers such as ArXiv, bioRxiv, psyArXiv, SocArXiv, engrXiv, etc. Authors may also post the submitted version of a manuscript to non-commercial servers at any time. Authors are requested to update any pre-publication versions with a link to the final published article.

For information on preprints and Wiley's Preprint Policy, click here.

For further help with submissions, please contact jctb@wiley.com

We look forward to your submission.



Research Articles form the major type of publication and details of the precise format for submission are given below.

Important features required in a Research Paper include a Compound Abstract; Introduction setting out the work in the context of published literature and clearly indicating advances in knowledge; Experimental Procedures in sufficient detail to allow replication of the work and including analysis of replication and precision of data; concise presentation of Experimental Results followed by Discussion of significance of the findings without repeating earlier material.

Adequate indication of the reproducibility of the results, level of experimental error and the statistical significance of the results should be given. Lack of such information could lead to rejection of the paper.


Front-end content articles are commissioned (Reviews, Mini-reviews, Perspectives, Spotlights and Emerging Technologies) but the Journal also warmly welcomes ideas. Please contact the Editorial Office at jctb@wiley.com with your proposal. In general, the Journal prefers lively pieces of interest to a wider audience. All articles are subject to peer review.

Review A full-length critical Review provides a summary and discussion of the relevant literature about any topic covered within the Aims and Scope of the Journal. Reviews should be accompanied by an abstract and should be a maximum of 6,000 words excluding references and tables.






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