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2021/12/3 8:27:52 来源:官网信息 阅读:487 发布者:

Indian Journal of Chemical Technology

Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript for publication in Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (bimonthly) should be submitted online (http://op.niscair.res.in) using the word processing software MS word and for Illustrations software photoshop (JPEG or TIF) and coral draw (cdr) may be used. It should be accompanied with a certificate on institute's letter head (forwarded by a competent authority) signed by all the authors stating that the reported work is original and it has not been submitted elsewhere for publication; that the proper citations to the previously reported works have been given; and that in case data, Tables or Figures are quoted verbatim from some other publication, the required permission to do so has been obtained.

Aim & Scope—Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (bimonthly) aims to publish peer reviewed original research papers, related to the theory and practice of various aspects of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. Coverage areas include:

Chemical engineering   Drugs

Analytical chemistry   Catalysis

Polymerization Pharmaceuticals Corrosion

Biochemical engineering

Petroleum technology

Metallurgy Applied chemistry

Typescript— Manuscript should be presented in as concise a form as possible, and type-written in 1.5 line space on one side of paper. Pages should be numbered consecutively, and the matter should be arranged in the following order: title; name(s) of author(s), name of department(s) & institution(s) where work has been carried out; abstract; keywords; introduction; experimental procedure; results and discussion; conclusion; acknowledgement; and references. The abstract, tables, figures and captions (for figures) should be typed on separate pages.

Title —Title should be short, specific and be useful in indexing and information retrieval. The byline should give initials and names of the authors followed by the names and address of the institution where the work was done. The present address of the authors, if different from the address given in the byline, may be given in a footnote. Authors should suggest a short running title, if the title is very long. If a paper forms part of a series, a subtitle indicating the aspect of the work covered in the paper should be provided.

Abstract—The abstract should indicate the scope of the work, methodology adopted and the principal findings of the study. It should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should be informative and be in such form so as to be used by abstracting periodicals without modification.

Keywords—About 5-6 keywords in alphabetical order should be provided.

Introduction—The introductory part should be brief and state precisely the scope of the paper. Literature review should not exceed what is necessary to indicate the objective of the research undertaken and the essential background. It should clearly indicate the objective or the kind of study reported in the paper.

Experimental Procedure—This section should report the materials used and methodology adopted in the study. New methods should be described in sufficient detail, but if the methods are already well known, a mere reference to them will do; deviations, if any, should however be stated.

Results and Discussion—The results and discussion should be given under one section, first giving the results followed by a discussion of its significance for easy understanding. The discussion should deal with the interpretation of results. It should relate the new findings to the known and include logical deductions.

Only such data as are essential for understanding the discussion and main conclusions emerging from the study should be included. Data should be arranged in a unified and coherent sequence so that the report develops clearly and logically. The data should be statistically analyzed, and the level of significance given. The same data should not be presented in both tabular and graphic forms.

Conclusion—It should stem directly from the data presented and no extra material should be introduced. It should be consistent with the introduction in fulfilling any promise made therein to the reader. The conclusion should also include negative results and recommendations based on the results. In such cases where the study has lead to clearcut finding, it is preferable to give the conclusions in the form of a series of numbered points.






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