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2017/10/23 15:58:53 来源:官网信息 阅读:2024 发布者:


Aims and Scope

The Journal of Energy Chemistry renamed from the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry in January 2013. The Journal of Energy Chemistry is bimonthly Journal jointly edited by the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and the Science Press. Elsevier publishes the Journal on ScienceDirect, the online full text and bibliographic information resource, and take care of the Journal’s international institutional print subscriptions.

Scope of the Journal

The Journal of Energy Chemistry functions as a medium for reporting original research papers dealing with topics in the fields of energy chemistry. It will be devoted to up-to-date progress in the following fields all over the world:

Optimized utilization of fossil energy

Hydrogen energy

Conversion and storage of electrochemical energy

Capturing, storage and chemical conversion of CO2

Materials and nanotechnology related to energy conversion and storage

Chemistry in biomasses conversion

Chemistry in the utilization of solar energy

Submission information

All manuscripts can be submitted to the editorial office by one of the following two websites:

(1) Online submission:http://www.jenergychem.org

(2) Online submission:https://www.evise.com/profile/#/JECHEM/login

Accompanied with the manuscripts, the following materials:

(1) A signed copyright status form.

(2) A covering letter, outlines the basic findings of the paper and their significance, should be submitted to the editorial office.

(3) A graphic abstract that is meant to provide the reader the essence of the work and thereby capture the reader’s attention. The graphic abstract includes: (a)Description portion (35 words), the description part should not be the same as the abstract in the manuscript. (b)A small colorful figure representative of the work described or other informative illustration which can be a key model,structure, reaction, equation, concept, or theorem, etc., or an ingenious representation provide the reader with a strong idea of the content of the article). The Figure should be a maximum size of 40 mm high and 80 mm wide. (c)Please provide original file of graphic abstract, such as Origin, Excel,PowerPoint, Visio, ChemDraw or ChemWin, which can be edited by us.

Types of contributions

Four types of manuscripts are acceptable for publication: Articles, Communications, Reviews and Research notes.

Articles aremeant for papers reporting the results of completed definite studies. If several closely related manuscripts are being prepared at about the same time, all should be submitted together. Articles of high scientific quality and originality that are of interest to the wide and diverse readership of the Journal will be given priority for publication.

Communications are intended for the rapid and timely publication of original research of significance. Communications are short contributions not exceeding three printed pages in length.

Reviews deal with topics of current interest in areas relating to energy chemistry. Rather than an assemblage of detailed information with a complete literature survey, a critically selected treatment of the material is desired. Unsolved problems and possible developments should also be discussed. Review articles are generally written upon invitation by the Chief Editor.

Research notes report valuable results that are timely parts of a phase research work.

Preparation of manuscripts (Template)

The manuscripts should be printed on good quality A4 paper in a 12 pt Times New Roman font. All manuscripts should include: a title, list of authors, full addresses of authors, an abstract, keywords, all sections of the body of the manuscript, footnotes, and references.

The title should clearly and accurately indicate the contents of the article or communication and should be expressed in adequate scientific terms. No abbreviations should be used in the title.

The full addresses of authors should be placed below the title.

Footnotes should be included on the first page to give the phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author of correspondence, and if applicable, information regarding funding.

We request that authors should submit abstracts for both articles and communications. Abstracts should state briefly the reason for the work, the significant results, and conclusions.

Keywords should be given at the bottom of the abstract to serve as guidelines for indexing.

The body of the manuscript should be subdivided into the following sequence of the sections: Introduction, Experimental, Results and discussion, Conclusions, and References.

Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and should be self-explanatory. Tables must have a brief descriptive title and include footnotes if necessary.“Figure” should be spelled out instead of being written“Fig.” Figures should have figure captions, either with the figures or collected on a separate sheet. The contents of figures, tables, and word descriptions should not be duplicated.Important instructions concerning Figures and Tables are listed as follows:

Each figure should be located at bottom of the paragraph where it is mentioned first in the text.

Size and font of all words including the X and Y axis, units and legends are 7.5 pt and Times New Roman, respectively. The first letter in the first word is capitalized.

Physical quantity is in italic, and the physical quantity and unit is separated by /  not by or blank, such as T/KEa/eVZ/Ω, mL/min, mL/(h?gcat). When English full name of physical quantity is used, unit should be placed in the parenthesis and there is one blank space between them, such as Potential (V)Capacity (mAh/g)Current efficiency (%).

Digit and unit is separated by one blank space. Percentage of weight and volume should be wt% and vol%, not wt.% and vol.%.

Width of figures or images is 8 cm (single column) or 16 cm (double column).

For digital figures, they should be edited in the text. For SEM, TEM, HR-REM images or other photos, their resolution is more than 300dpi

When a figure title contains a few different figures, each figure should be numbered using (a), (b), (c), (d) …… which are inserted in the upper left corner of each figure with closed frame. When a figure contains different lines, these lined should be numbered using (1), (2), (3), (4) …… even though the lines are also differentiated by different colors.

Table must be three-lined format.

Photographs should be of sufficiently high quality with respect to detail and contrast. Indicate the magnification by a bar on the photograph.

References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow the style used in Chemical Abstracts. Reference accuracy is critical and authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Only articles that have been published or are in press should be included in the references. Journal articles and books must be cited by the following formats:

Reference to a journal publication:

[1] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, J. Sci. Commun. 163 (2000) 51–59.

Reference to a book:

[2] W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, third ed., Macmillan, New York, 1979.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

[3] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E- Publishing, Inc., New York, 1994, pp. 281–304.

All manuscripts should include a graphic abstract. Authors are required to provide a single separate A4 sheet containing a small diagram, or other informative illustration (scheme, formula, figure, etc.) that shows the most important aspect of the paper. The diagram or illustration should be a maximum size of 40 mm high×80 mm wide with color. Style and format of the graphical abstract may be found in the example.

Reviewing of manuscripts

Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least two peers. Decision for publication, mendment, or rejection is based upon their reports. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for ublication in this Journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors within threemonths of the submission date. Manuscripts rejected will not be returned to the authors.

Revision of manuscripts

Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be submitted online. Revised manuscripts returned later than two weeks will be considered as new submissions.

Abstracting and indexing

Journal of Energy Chemistry is covered by following services:

Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE, SciSearch)

Compendex (EI)

Chemical Abstracts (CA)

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)

Abstract Journals (AJ)

Petroleum Abstracts (PA)

Engineering Information Database Encompass LIT



Computer and Information Systems Abstracts Journal

Earthquake Engineering Abstracts

Electronics and Communications Abstracts Journal

International Aerospace Abstracts

Referativnyi Zhurnal

Mosby Yearbooks

API Encompass

Source Journal for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations

Chinese Science Citation Database

Chinese Academic Journal (CD)


The journal is a member of the “Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)”, “Ei Compendex”, “Cambridge Scientific Abstracts”, “Abstract Journals”, “Wanfang Data”, and other related indexing databases as shown in the section of “Abstracting and indexing”. The articles published on the journal will appear in the indexing databases. The author will not be paid because of the covering in the databases. If the author does not wish for the article to appear in this form, you should state so.


Editorial Office

Journal of Energy Chemistry

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

Chinese Academy of Sciences

457 Zhongshan Road

Dalian 116023, China

Tel: +86-411-84379237

Fax: +86-411-84379600

E-mail:  jenergychem@dicp.ac.cn




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