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2017/10/20 9:26:04 来源:官网信息 阅读:3057 发布者:


Author Guide

Aims and Scope

Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME) is an innovative, comprehensive and authoritative academic journal that reports on cutting-edge technologies, research advances and pioneering developments in mechanical engineering, both in China and around the globe, and provides a medium of communication between scientists and engineers engaged in research and development within the field.

Manuscript Requirements

All articles in CJME are peer reviewed, including academic articles, research reports, and general reviews concerning theoretical or experimental approaches along with their practical applications. Authors are welcome to submit original contributions related to all fields of mechanical engineering and relevant disciplines. Original works presenting new ideas or significant breakthroughs in the field of mechanical engineering are especially encouraged.

All authors should adhere to ethical standards and the manuscripts submitted to the Journal should have neither been published in nor submitted to any other journals.

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be written in professional English and carefully prepared. The instructions and the template available at www.cjmenet.com or www.editorialmanager.com/cjme should be strictly adhered to.


Manuscript should be submitted in electronic form (Microsoft Word 2007(.docx)) via the Journal’s website at www.cjmenet.com or www.editorialmanager.com/cjme.


The Editorial Office of the Journal will implement a pre-review to check the manuscript quality in terms of its format, typing and language quality, etc. Manuscripts displaying poor written English, an insufficient introduction or citations, and possible similarities will be directly rejected prior to the peer review process. Accepted manuscripts will then be assigned to at least two reviewers for peer review.


The corresponding Executive Editor will inform the corresponding author about the reviewers’ comments once they are available (it normally takes 3 months). For manuscripts that need a revision, the revised version should be resubmitted within 60 days and will be carefully examined by the Executive Editor before the final decision can be made. If the authors have any difficulties accomplishing the revision on time, they are advised to contact the Executive Editor promptly.


For accepted manuscripts, all further paperwork will first be processed by the Editorial Office. The manuscript will first be published online on the platforms such as SpringerLink, CNKI, CJME, etc., and then in a printed issue.

According to the relevant regulations, publication fees will be charged for accepted manuscripts. For the Chinese authors, an additional fee paid to the reviewers will be charged as well. Also, the corresponding author should decide in advance whether he/she would like the manuscript to be published open access, which will result in additional charges.

The Journal will provide the corresponding author with three hard copies (or an e-journal) and an e-copy (a PDF file) once the work has been published.

Correspondence address: Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 22 Baiwanzhuang Dajie, Beijing 100037, China

Tel: +86-10-88379909  E-mail: cjme@cmes.org

Website: http://www.cjmenet.com



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