Instructions for Authors
Scope of Kybernetika journal
Kybernetika will consider for publication papers presenting original results in the fields of Control Systems, Information Sciences, Statistical Decision Making, Applied Probability Theory, Random Processes, Operations Research, Fuzziness and Uncertainty Theories, as well as in the topics closely related to the above fields.
How to submit a paper
Manuscripts should be submitted only electronically. To submit your paper, please log in Kybernetika publishing system and upload the manuscript in the PDF format.
By submitting a manuscript to Kybernetika the author declares that the material presented in this manuscript has not been published or simultaneously submitted to publication elsewhere; this paper does not infringe on intellectual property rights of any third parties.
Manuscripts should be in English and should be expressed in a clear and concise manner.
Footnotes should be kept to minimum.
Manuscript should include an abstract not exceeding 250 words that summarizes the principles, technique and conclusions of the article. Because the abstract must be able to stand independently, mathematical formulas and bibliographical references should be kept to a minimum. The number form of references should be avoided in the abstract.
The author's e-mail and full postal addresses should be included.
Lists of key words and AMS subject classification must accompany each manuscript.
References should be cited within the text either by numerals in brackets or by authors followed by the respective numeral in brackets. References should be listed in alphabetical order.
To assist referees, a copy of relevant unpublished references should be also submitted with an indication of whether or not they have been accepted for publication.
How to prepare LaTeX source after acceptance
When the paper is accepted for publication, the authors are required to provide the signed license agreement:
LaTeX source file should use the style of Kybernetika.
Figures (charts and diagrams) should be in the EPS, PDF or JPG format or originated in TeX. Note that Kybernetika is not printed in colour, so please keep in mind that pictures should be well recognizable in the black and white version. Anyway the authors are encouraged to send us graphs and figures in both versions, in black and white for the printed journal and in colour for the electronic on-line version of the journal.