Instructions for authors
The Knowledge Engineering Review
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Submissions to Cambridge University Press journals can only be made via the online peer review systems linked to from this Cambridge Core website, or else directly to the editorial offices of those journals that do not operate online peer review systems.
To submit a paper, follow the instructions in the below 'Submission of manuscripts' section.
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Editorial policy
The Knowledge Engineering Review has been established to provide a general source of information and analysis in all areas relevant to research and development in knowledge based systems and applied artificial intelligence. The editors wish to encourage careful preparation of original papers analysing developments in the field. In particular we wish to see tutorial and survey articles, and commentary, criticism and debate. Primary research papers on specialised technical topics are unlikely to be appropriate but research papers on broad topics such as development methodology or general evaluations of tools and techniques, are of interest. Descriptions of specific projects or particular computer systems will be considered if their presentation draws out general issues in the design, implementation or impact of knowledge based systems.
Submission of manuscripts
Contributions for publication must be submitted as PDF or Word files to
The system will convert your contribution to a pdf as required. Contributions sent to the editors will be returned with the request that they be resubmitted via the above link.
Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published previously, nor currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the author will be asked to sign a license to publish with the publisher.
All contributions, whether articles, correspondence or reviews, must be sent in electronic form. Authors are encouraged to provide the final version of the contribution in LaTeX, TeX, or Word format.
Authors using LaTeX should ideally use the KER LaTeX files which can be obtained here (zip download). In case of difficulties obtaining these files, there is a help-line available via e-mail; please contact . Tables and figures should be embedded in the article in the usual way, with figures in .eps form, which should be also supplied as separate files.
Contributions should follow the general style of papers in recent issues of The Knowledge Engineering Review. The author is invited to nominate up to five possible referees, who will not necessarily be used.
Articles must be accompanied by a brief, informative rather than indicative, abstract.
Authors should select a minimum of three recommended reviewers for their manuscript as part of the submission process.
If you are not using the ker.cls file, then please adopt the following layout rules. Headings should be set out clearly but not underlined. Primary headings should be in lower case, at margin, with Arabic numeral; subheadings should be numbered 2.a., 2.b., etc., and tertiary headings, 2.a.1., 2.a.2. No cross-references should be given by page number, but ‘above’ and ‘below’ should be used with the section specified, e.g. Section 2.a.2. The SI system of units should be used. The author should mark in the margin of the manuscript where figures and tables may be inserted. References to points in larger works should, where possible, quote the page reference, e.g. Ager, 1981, p. 102.
Tables should be typed with double-line spacing on sheets separate from the running text. Each table must have a caption that will make the data in the table intelligible without reference to the text.
Illustrations should be drafted for reproduction as full page (148 mm) width. Originals should normally be drawn at twice final area and must be sent in a flat package; larger drawings may delay publication. Lettering should be of a size so that when reduced the smallest lower-case letters will not be less than about 1 mm. Avoid gross disparities in lettering size on a drawing. Duplicates of illustrations should be sent, and may be prints or, preferably, photocopies reduced to final size. Illustrations in the text, both line drawings and photographs for halftone reproductions, will be referred to as figures (Fig. 2, 2a, etc.). Folding plates will not be accepted. Figures composed of photographs should be glossy prints presented at publication scale. Figure captions must be typed with double-line spacing on sheets separate from the running text.