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2021/11/5 10:55:31 来源:官网信息 阅读:371 发布者:

Ecological Restoration Guidelines for Contributors


We welcome submissions to Ecological Restoration from any part of the world. Submissions should relate to the restoration of plants, animals, ecological communities, or landscapes. We understand ecological restoration to be a multidisciplinary and diverse effort and welcome manuscripts considering ecological, social, and cultural aspects of restoration, as well as political, economic, legal, philosophical, and regulatory issues, urban restoration, and other subjects related to the ongoing development of the endeavor of ecological restoration. Relevant topics also include techniques and tools for planning, site preparation, species introduction, undesired species control, and monitoring. Manuscripts dealing with plant or animal community composition or general ecology must relate the work explicitly to ecological restoration practice and theory. Similarly, material dealing with reclamation or rehabilitation in a broader sense, or with restoration for economic purposes—economic forestry, range management, waste disposal—must be connected to ecological restoration. Material may be submitted for the following categories (listed as they are encountered in the journal):


Restoration Notes (shorter items, less than 1500 words describing project updates, events, innovative technologies, preliminary or unusual findings, thought-provoking concepts, imaginative solutions, commentary, policy reports, etc.)

Research articles or reviews on ecological restoration theory, experiments, socio-ecological linkages, education, restoration history, practice

Case studies (full length articles describing a particular restoration project or location and lesson learned)

Book, journal, website, or movie reviews

Authors of notes, full-length articles, or reviews should submit their material online at http://er.msubmit.net. Manuscripts must be submitted with a cover letter. For questions about the online submission site, or general inquiries, please contact:

Paulina A. Arancibia, Managing Editor


Ph. 848-932-2593

Fax 732-932-4517

Review and Editing Process

Perspectives, Research Articles, and Reviews are peer-reviewed (typically a minimum of two anonymous reviewers). The process requires approximately four to six months. Please suggest in your cover letter 3–5 reviewers appropriate for your paper.

Submission of Restoration Notes are reviewed and edited in-house unless additional expertise is required to evaluate the submission.

Authors can expect to work closely with the editors to prepare manuscripts for a broad audience. The editors reserve the right to edit for style and clarity.


Ecological Restoration reaches readers with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Practitioners of ecological restoration are both a core audience and source of contributions to ER. Contributors should use a straightforward style free of unnecessary technical terms and jargon. We prefer the active voice (for example,“We measured three trees” instead of “Three trees were measured”). While we publish the standard research publication format (literature review, methods, results, discussion), we encourage alternative formats. These include case studies with well developed discussions of lessons for the general ecological restoration community, or articles on a specific study, beginning with a brief overview and relevance to a broader group of readers and including a discussion of the practical applications for ecological restorationists and their work.

Manuscript Specifications and Format

Cover letter: Please submit a cover letter with your manuscript, briefly stating why your manuscript is appropriate for Ecological Restoration. The cover letter must also state that the material has not been previously published. Manuscripts must not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration with ER. In your cover letter, suggest 3–5 potential reviewers for your manuscript.






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