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Journal of Environmental Informatics《环境信息学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/11/3 16:33:08 来源:官网信息 阅读:594 发布者:

Journal of Environmental Informatics

Instructions For Authors


- The language of the Journal is English.

- Either electronic files or hardcopies of manuscripts are acceptable for review. Please see Manuscript Submission.

- Electronic files of accepted manuscripts must be provided for publication.

- Manuscripts submitted to JEI must not have been partly or fully published, or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

Article Types

Full Paper

A full paper is a contribution describing original research, including theoretical exposition, extensive data and in-depth critical evaluation, and is peer reviewed. A full paper submitted to JEI should be in an appropriate length while no maximum number of pages is stated. Multiple part papers will not be considered unless they are all submitted together. When the length is over 15 pages, each extra page will be charged USD 150.

Review Paper

Authors who wish to submit review articles are advised to consult an editor before preparing their manuscripts. Only critical review papers will be considered. The format and length of review papers are more flexible than for a full paper. Review papers are also peer reviewed.

Technical Note

A technical note is an original contribution that describes a process or technique without necessarily including a theoretical exposition, extensive data or in-depth critical evaluation. The objective is to inform readers who may wish to use or adopt the process or technique. Technical Notes are no more than 2000 words, plus one page space for tables and illustrations, and are peer reviewed.

Research Note

A research note is an original contribution that describes experimental and/or theoretical research with a limited range of results, not necessarily with a complete data set, or critical evaluation in depth. The purpose is to inform readers of preliminary or limited results of research, which may be used for further development of the subject. Research Notes are no more than 2500 words, and are peer reviewed.


Comments on papers already published on JEI are welcome, but subject to the criteria of interest, originality and the approval of an editor. Comments can include extensions to, or criticisms of, those papers. They must provide arguments that are reasoned, and not presented in a confrontational fashion. They will be sent to the author of the original paper for reply, the outcome of which may be publication in a future issue. Comments and Authors' Replies should not exceed 1500 words each.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript must be typed on one side of the paper in double spacing throughout including references with Letter page setup and ample margins all around. All pages of your manuscript including title page (page 1), references, tables and illustrations must be numbered. Line numbering should be applied to each text page. Excessive layout styling should be avoided such as automatic word breaking and multiple columns.


The preferred structure of a full paper is as follows:

- Authors and affiliation

- Paper title

- Abstract

- Keywords

- Introduction

- Main text (methods, materials, data, results and discussion, etc.)

- Conclusions

- Acknowledgement (optional)

- References

- Appendix (optional)

- Tables

- Illustrations


List all authors and their affiliations on a separate page. The corresponding author must be identified. The full mailing and email addresses, phone, and fax number of the corresponding author must be provided.


A summary with no more than 250 words, covering the aims of the work, methods used, results obtained and conclusions reached. Abbreviations should be avoided.


5 - 8 suitable keywords in alphabetic order should be supplied for abstracting purposes.

Main Body

Sequentially numbered with no more than three grades of subheadings. For Example:

1. Introduction

2. Data and Methodology

3. Case Study

3.1. Overview of the Study Area

3.1.1 Data of Area

Symbols and Units

The SI Units and Symbols are preferred. Unusual characters or symbols should be explained in a list of nomenclature. As for the mathematical symbols and equations in the text, please type them directly in the word document, instead of using MythType or Word Equation Editor.





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