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2021/11/3 15:42:45 来源:官网信息 阅读:741 发布者:

Guidelines for Authors

(Revised: 7 October 2021)


Journal of Environmental Biology (JEB) is one of the oldest International research Journal published regularly from India for the last 42 years with no financial support from any funding agency. It is an Open Access Journal with reading and downloading facility of current and archives papers "FREE of cost".

Journal of Environmental Biology (JEB) is a broad-based, peer reviewed, international Journal. It is published bi-monthly with six issues in a year– January, March, May, July, September and November. Authors are advised to carefully read this Guidelines for Authors, also refer to the Publication Policies section on this website, for preparing the manuscripts (MS) before submitting for publication in Journal of Environmental Biology.

Manuscript prepared and submitted as per this Guidelines for Authors only, will be considered for publication in this Journal.

 Ph.D./ Research Scholars should not submit manuscript for publication to the journal directly. They should submit either through their Supervisor/ Guide or Senior Author with his/her consent.

All the manuscripts published in the Journal are subjected to preliminary screening and peer-review. Journal follows Dual Blind Review system and the decisions are solely based on the results of peer-review. To know more about this, please refer to the Publication Policies section of this website, which includes the Peer Review Process.

Authors will be notified of acceptance, need for revision, or rejection. Once rejected, the manuscript cannot be resubmitted.

JEB International Awards

Journal of Environmental Biology has instituted two JEB International Awards, i.e., International Award (IA) and Young Researcher Award (YRA) consisting of Cash Prizes of USD 500 and USD 200 to the Best Papers published in the Journal in one calendar year. These awards are awarded every year. Award Eligibility Certificate is mandatory. Both awards will not be given to one paper.

The selection of awards is done in three level by the International selection committees, the first two committees short-list 10-15 papers, and the third one, International Selection Committee, selects the best out of the short-listed ones for the two awards.

1) Aims and Scope

Journal of Environmental Biology publishes original research manuscripts in English Language dealing with all aspects of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Health & Engineering, Microbiology & Biochemistry, Toxicology, Agricultural Sciences including Forestry and Fish & Fisheries, in English language only.

2) Types of Manuscripts

Original Research Paper: It should be original, consisting 4000 to 6000 words with at least 25 references and Text subdivided into Introduction, Materials and Methods (combined), Results and Discussion (combined) Acknowledgment, and References.

Research Review Article: It should be authored by expert of the field with prior permission from editor, should contain 6000 to 8000 words with at least 10 to 15 percent references of author.

3) Supplement of Journal:

Volume and its 6 issues may also contain manuscripts devoted to a theme in the form of special section or supplement including papers presented in conferences from time to time.

4) Fully Open Access

All research papers published in Journal of Environmental Biology are available online immediately after publication of print version. Download PDF of published paper FREE of charge from website: www.jeb.co.in 

5) Terms and Conditions

Submission of manuscript to the journal implies that:

(i)  it has not been published and  it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere,

(ii)  it does not contain plagiarized and non-ethical contents, and

(iii)  it has been approved by all the authors and their institutions.

6) Subscription of Journal

Please refer to the Subscription and Payments section on the website for full details on the Fees applicable.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript should be computer typed in double spacing on one side of A4 size white paper, leaving wide margins on both sides. Prepare and submit the manuscript strictly as per “Guidelines for Authors”.

Manuscript NOT prepared as per this Guidelines For Authors will not be considered.

a) For units, use standard symbols conforming to the International System of Units (SI), e.g., km, m, cm, mm, µm, Å, nm; kg, g, mg, l (liter), ml (milliliter), µl (micro liter), yr (year), wk (weak), d (day), hr (hour), min (minute), sec (second), ppm (parts per million), 0C (centigrade), SD (standard deviation), SE (standard error), CV (coefficient of variation), mg l-1 (milligram per liter), ms-1 (meter per second), g l-1 (grams per liter).

For enzymes, use trivial names as recommended by IUPAC-IUB Commission.

For abbreviations, full form of abbreviation should be given at the first citation with abbreviation in the bracket e.g., ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS).

b) For Human & Animal study Authors should provide statement on approval and consent of Ethics; name of the Ethics      committee that recommended and approved the study.

c) Tables should be typed in Microsoft-Word Table format on separate pages, and should be numbered using Arabic numerals. They should be supplied with headings and referred as “Table 1, 2, …”.

d) Figures Only original figures & photographs of high contrast should be given, prepared by Coral Draw / EPS software as vector-based files.

* The figure width should be 8 cm OR 16 cm and height should not exceed 23 cm with the screen resolution of 300-600 dpi in JPEG or TIFF format. Scanned line figures and images should be of minimum resolution 800 dpi and for halftone 300 dpi.

* Symbols and lettering size should be of 9 point in Arial Narrow. Use units as specified stated above. The axis of the graph should be 0.5 point or 1.0 point. Do not draw figures with hairlines. Use black & white, hatched and cross hatched patterns for distinctness. Overlapping of the symbols and data should be avoided. Avoid variations in font size in a single figure.






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