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Journal of Elementology《元素学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/11/3 15:28:04 来源:官网信息 阅读:456 发布者:

Guidelines for Authors

The Journal of Elementology (a quarterly) publishes original, experimental and clinical research papers as well as reviews concerning transformations of organic and mineral compounds. All papers which appear on the journal’s website  http://jsite.uwm.edu.pl  are accessible free of cost according to the ‘gold’ open access model, identical with the Creative Commons licence. The recognition of the authorship  rights – compliant with the same conditions according to licence 4.0  (also known as CC-BY-NC-SA), accessible at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or in any other language version of this licence or any subsequent version of this licence issued by Creative Commons. Published articles are grouped in 8 categories: agriculture, biology and microbiology, animal bioengineering and fisheries, horticulture and forestry, medicine and veterinary medicine, environmental pollution and the natural environment, and review papers.

All manuscripts and other materials (MS Office; 12 TNR (Times New Roman); 1.5 - spacing and continuous line numbering) should be submitted to the Editors through the website J. Elem., having first registered the corresponding author of the article in the Send Article Online section on: http://jsite.uwm.edu.pl/. Mozilla Firefox is a preferred web browser.

A manuscript should be laid out in the English language as follows: Title of the article (up to 150 characters including spaces), name and surname of the author(s) (do not use Caps Lock), the name of the scientific unit from which the paper originates, abstract (1 500 – 2 000 characters including spaces). The abstract should contain: an introduction (brief), the aim of the research, methods, discussion of the results, conclusions. Keywords (maximum 10 words). INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if applicable), REFERENCES [20 – 40 (40 - 60 for a review paper)]. At the bottom of page one, the following should be given: scientific or professional title of the author, name and surname of the author, detailed address for correspondence in the English language and the source of funding.

Original and review papers should not exceed 30 000 characters with spaces; longer texts will incur an additional charge.

Units of measurements should be given in the SI system, for example mmol(+) kg-1; kg ha-1; mol dm-3; g kg-1; mg kg-1 (elemental forms should be used).

Tables and figures should be included in the same file, after the text. At the top, to the right of a table, the following should be written: Table and table number in Arabic figures; underneath, the title of the table adjusted to the centre of the paragraph. Numerical values should consist of five characters (e.g. 346.5, 46.53, 6.534, 0.653).

Underneath a figure, on the left-hand side, the following should be written: Figure and number of the figure in Arabic figures, description of the figure.

References should be ordered alphabetically but not numbered. They should be formatted as follows: Surname First Name Initial (small capitals), year of publication, Title of the paper (italics). The official abbreviated title of the journal, volume (issue): pages from – to. e.g. Kowalska A., Kowalski J. 2002. Content of magnesium in potatoes. Przem. Spoż., 7(3): 23-27. Titles of publications should be given in English indicating the original language of publication e.g. (in Polish). If the cited paper has a DOI number or an online link, it must be given at the end of a reference, e.g. Brucka-Jastrzębska E., Kawczuga D. 2011. Level of magnesium in tissues and organs of freshwater fish. J. Elem. 16(1): 7-19. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2011.16.1.01 or http://www.ejpau.media.pl/series(...).

We do not cite textbooks, conference proceedings, non-reviewed papers in the articles; refrain from using commercial and brand names; indexed literature from the last decade prior to the submission of the paper is preferred.

The references should be given with abbreviated names of journals as found on the webpage ISI Web Science Journal Title Abbreviations: https://images.webofknowledge.com/images/help/WOS/A_abrvjt.html

In the text of a manuscript, a reference should be quoted as follows: the author’s name (small capitals) and year of publication in brackets, e.g. (Kowalski 1992). When citing two authors, their surnames (small capitals) should be separated with a comma, e.g. (Kowalski, Kowalska 1993). If there are more than two authors, the first author’s name (small capitals) should be given followed by et al., e.g. (Kowalski et al. 1994). When citing several papers, these should be ordered chronologically from the oldest to the most recent one, e.g. (Nowak 1978, Nowak et al. 1990, Nowak, Kowalska 2001).

The Editors reserve the right to correct and shorten any submitted manuscript. Any major changes in the text will be agreed on with the Author(s).

Authors/Reviewers accept full liability in respect of any claims, editorial errors (independent from the Editors of the Journal of Elementology), including the payment of fees, fines, compensation, etc., lodged by thrid parties with the Editors of the Journal of Elementology and arising from the pursuit by third parties of the said claims in connection with the downloading and use of materials (contents, diagrams, data, affliations, etc.) indicated by Authors/Revewers to be used on the websites of the Polish Magnesium Society (http://ptmag.pl) and the Journal of Elementology (http://jsite.uwm.edu.pl), serving as the source of downloading of these materials.

After the manuscript has been reviewed (minimum two Reviewers), the Author is obliged to make the corrections in the electronic system of the Journal of Elementology and save the corrected manuscript file with the Reviewer's remarks considered.

Authors are expected to respond within 2 months to any request or message addressed to them by the Editors of the Journal of Elementology and posted in the System J. Elem. Should they fail to do so, the submitted manuscript will be deleted from the System J. Elem. database.

All manuscripts submitted to the System J. Elem. are subject to plagiarism detection measures with the anti-plagiarism software Plagiat.pl

The post-publication evaluation of an article is achieved through its citation in other articles included in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC). This is how the author can help to raise the impact of the journal and own research.

If the manuscript is rejected for publication by at least one of the reviewers, it will not be published. However, should the author take into account all the remarks of the reviewers and revise the manuscript accordingly, it can be submitted for publication as a new manuscript and evaluated by reviewers, provided the Editors of the Journal of Elementology approve of it.

Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for Authors of J. Elem. will be returned to the Author(s) without quoting any reason.

The Editors of the Journal of Elementology kindly inform that:

Preparation of a manuscript for publication (including figures, photographs and tables) up to 30 000 characters with spaces costs 1 000 PLN + 8% VAT; for every started 1 000 characters with spaces in excess of the limit an additional charge is 100 PLN + 8% VAT

For articles submitted from outside Poland there is a flat rate of 200 EURO per manuscript (natural persons + 23% VAT)

Address of the Editors of the Journal of Elementology

Journal of Elementology

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Oczapowskiego Street 8/202, PL 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland

phone: +48 (089) 523 73 33; +48 (089) 523 32 31

e-mail:  jelementol@uwm.edu.pl



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