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2021/11/3 10:12:31 来源:官网信息 阅读:710 发布者:


Submission guidelines

Instructions for Authors


EcoHealth aims to advance research, practice, and knowledge integration at the interface of ecology and health by publishing high quality research and review articles that address and profile new ideas, developments, and programs. The journal’s scope encompasses research that integrates concepts and theory from many fields of scholarship (including ecological, social and health sciences, and the humanities) and draws upon multiple types of knowledge, including those of relevance to practice and policy. Papers address integrated ecology and health challenges arising in public health, human and veterinary medicine, conservation and ecosystem management, rural and urban development and planning, and other fields that address the social-ecological context of health. The journal is a central platform for fulfilling the mission of the International Association for Ecology & Health to strive for sustainable health of people, domestic animals, wildlife, and ecosystems by promoting discovery, understanding, and transdisciplinarity.

The journal invites substantial contributions in the following areas:

One Health and Conservation Medicine

o Integrated research on health of humans, wildlife, livestock and ecosystems

o Research and policy in ecology, public health, and agricultural sustainability

o Emerging infectious diseases affecting people, wildlife, domestic animals, and plants

o Research and practice linking human and animal health and/or social-ecological systems

o Anthropogenic environmental change and drivers of disease emergence in humans, wildlife, livestock and ecosystems

o Health of humans and animals in relation to terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems

Ecosystem Approaches to Health

o Systems thinking and social-ecological systems in relation to health

o Transdisciplinary approaches to health, ecosystems and society

o Multi-stakeholder problem solving and Governance arrangements for social systems, ecosystems and human health

o Ecosystem Sustainability and Health

o Gender and social equity dimensions of health in social-ecological systems

o Knowledge to Action in ecohealth research

o Learning and collaboration across multiple types of knowledge and different fields of research (including ecological, social and health sciences, and the humanities)

Public Health, Ecosystems and Society

o Social-ecological determinants of health inequities, chronic disease and well-being

o Local and global environmental change and impacts on health, ecosystems and biodiversity

o Ecological dynamics of and ecosystem approaches to infectious and chronic disease

o Relationships between development (including international trade and travel), ecosystem sustainability, poverty and health

o Local, traditional and Indigenous knowledge of links between ecosystems and health

o Impacts of urbanization, migration, population growth and land-use change on health and ecosystems

o Ecosystem services for health, equity, and sustainability


EcoHealth publishes high quality papers that reflect the broad Aims and Scope of the journal. Papers are reviewed rapidly; the time from submission to publication is exceptionally fast. Papers are printed in hard copy and on the web. Word limits are adhered to strictly, but consideration will be given to studies that have signification additional material.

There is no fee for publishing with EcoHealth, however there are fees with Springer to make manuscripts Open Access, or to print in color. Please see the EcoHealth Author Instructions for pricing.

 •Original Contributions. Papers that make a substantial, original contribution to research in one or more of the EcoHealth thematic areas constitute the major body of each issue of EcoHealth. Papers presenting novel research on areas of policy or practice are also considered. 3000-4000 words (excluding abstract, references, figures) and abstract (200 words).

 •Reviews. EcoHealth will consider occasional reviews. Reviews should not focus on the authors own work, but set the scene for the field by providing an objective review of the literature and synthesizing recent developments in the field. 4000-word limit and abstract of 200 words.

 •Short Communications. Papers which present research results of immediate relevance to EcoHealth. Short Communications do not require in-depth discussion of methods and highly technical analyses as would an Original Contribution. Short Communications do not include section headings (“Methods”, “Discussion”, etc.), and have a 1500-word limit with an abstract (100 words).

 •Forum. Papers that present a well-argued point of view on any scientific or policy issue related to EcoHealth Aims and Scope. Forum manuscripts undergo peer review for content accuracy, objectivity, and rigor. 1500-word limit, no abstract and no keywords.

 •Book Reviews. EcoHealth publishes reviews of books that touch on or otherwise involve the journals Aims and Scope. Prospective authors should first email a query addressed to the Book Review Editor. 1200-word limit; no abstract; no keywords; and limit of 5 or fewer references.

 •Cover Art and Cover Essay. Each EcoHealth issue will feature cover art and an associated essay. The images on the cover may be drawn from the work of visual artists, but may also encompass still pictures from models and simulations used to explore possible futures, or photographs, which capture current investigations at a particularly resonant moment. The cover essay explores similar terrain along with providing textual accompaniment to that in the artwork. 1000-word limit; no abstract; no keywords; and limit of 5 or fewer references.

 •Letters to the Editor. Readers and contributors to EcoHealth are encouraged to write brief letters on relevant topics or in response to material and manuscripts published in EcoHealth. 1000-word limit; no abstract; no keywords; and limit of 5 or fewer references.

Instructions for Authors and more information about EcoHealth may be found at: www.ecohealth.net

All inquires as well as questions about content, context, or manuscript type should be addressed to the editorial office: journal@ecohealth.net


Authors must submit their manuscripts to EcoHealth online via our online manuscript management system called Manuscript Central.

Please log directly onto the site and upload your manuscripts following the instructions given on the screen.


Authors entering the journal's Manuscript Central site can either create a new account or use an existing one. When you have an existing account, use it for all your submissions and you can track their status on the same page.


Once you have logged into your account, Manuscript Central will guide you through the submission process in a step-by-step orderly process. If you cannot finish your submission in one visit, you may save a draft and continue at a later time.

While submitting your electronic manuscript, you will be required to enter data about your manuscript. These include title, subtitle, author names and affiliations, cover letter, abstract, 100-word summary,

supplemental files, figures, and so forth. Support for special characters is available. At any point during this process, there are Help buttons available to see common question and a support link to ask a specific question via email.


Note: All files uploaded for review in Manuscript Central should not exceed 50 MB in size. Text files must be uploaded as editable MS Word files. PDFs will not be accepted. All figures must be in either TIFF, JPG, or EPS format and not embedded in a word document. Figures uploaded as PPT files will also not be accepted. All uploaded files are converted by Manuscript Central into a blinded PDF, so that Editors and Reviewers may view and share them. You will be able to view the result of the conversion in your browser during the submission process. At any point during this process, there are Help buttons available to view common questions/answers and a support link to ask specific questions via email. You will also be notified by email that your submission was successful.


After submission, you may return periodically and monitor the progress of your submission through the review process.


Inquiries to EcoHealth Editorial Office may be directed to journal@ecohealth.net. Information about the EcoHealth journal and network are available at http://www.ecohealth.net. Authors who are not sure whether their manuscript is appropriate for EcoHealth are requested to review our website with especial attention to our thematic areas as well as manuscript types. Submission of a manuscript to EcoHealth implies that the manuscript is original, unpublished, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.


When submitting manuscripts via Manuscript Central, authors will be prompted to separately upload a title page, a cover letter, image files, and all other manuscript files. Manuscripts not submitted according to EcoHealth style will be unsubmitted or withdrawn and returned to the author. All peer-reviewed submissions must include both an abstract of 200-words and a 100-word or fewer summary (STEP 5: Details & Comments), which latter should briefly introduce the themes of the submitted manuscript, the most salient points or conclusions, and how these relate to the larger picture. This may not be the abstract and should be written with our general, diverse readership in mind.






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