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《重症监护研究(英文)》(Intensive Care Research)(OA学术期刊)(国际刊号)作者指南(官网信息)

2021/9/17 10:05:39 来源:官网信息 阅读:931 发布者:

重症监护研究(英文)》(Intensive Care Research)作者指南

Author Guidelines


Intensive Care Research (ICRES) is an open access peer-reviewed journal and the official publication of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (FAHZU). It provides a platform for the communication of latest news, ideas and findings in all disciplines of critical and intensive care medicine. The journal aims to publish expert guidelines, case reports, perspectives, commentaries, original research and reviews, and intends to provide a thorough overview of intensive care areas by discussing the process of intensive care pathophysiology, management, and new technologies in all disciplines of intensive care medicine.

Manuscript Submission Checklist

Before you submit your manuscript to the journal for review, please ensure that all the items listed below have been checked and uploaded with your submission. In case you require more information about any of the items in this list, please refer to the relevant section in these Author Guidelines or contact the Publisher directly at author-support@atlantis-press.com.

A title page which shows: (i) a concise and informative article title; (ii) the name(s) of the Author(s); (iii) the affiliation(s) and complete permanent address(es) of the Author(s) – the address at which the research was conducted must be kept as the main affiliation address; any current address (if different) can be included as a footnote to the Author’s name; (iv) clear indication of the designated Corresponding Author with contact details including email address, full postal address and telephone number (including country code); (v) a total word count for the article; and (vi) a total table and figure count for the article.

Keywords have been included in the manuscript.

All figures (including relevant captions).

All tables (including title, description, footnotes).

All figure and table citations in the text match the files provided.

References are in accordance with the journal reference style.

All references mentioned in the reference list are cited in the text and vice versa.

Author Declaration of Potential Conflict form. Note that this competing interest declaration needs to be provided, even if the Author(s) have no competing interests to declare.

Data Availability Statement.

Any supplementary files/materials (where applicable).

Manuscript has been “spell checked” and “grammar checked” in the word processor tool used.

Permission has been sought and obtained for the use of copyrighted materials from other sources (including the Internet).

Referee suggestions and contact details have been provided as per the journal’s requirements.

Journal policies detailed in these Author Guidelines have been reviewed.

Article Types

Intensive Care Research (ICRES) publishes a range of article types with the following specifications:

Research Article. A research article describes an original study which is of interest to the readership of the journal. Specifications: unstructured abstract of max. 250 words, main body of text (i.e. excluding abstract, tables, figures and references) not to exceed 4,000 words, max. 8 tables and/or figures, max. 100 references.

Review Article. A review article is a comprehensive and balanced survey of recent developments in a given field which is of interest to the readership of the journal. Review articles are often commissioned, although pre-submission enquiries for reviews are also welcome. Specifications: unstructured abstract of max. 250 words, main body of text (i.e. excluding abstract, tables, figures and references) not to exceed 6,000 words, max. 12 tables and/or figures, max. 150 references.

Perspective. A perspective is intended to provide a forward-looking and/or speculative approach to a given research topic which is of interest to the readership of the journal. Perspectives should always remain balanced and aim to stimulate discussion within the relevant research community. Pre-submission enquiries for perspectives are encouraged. Specifications: no abstract required, main body of text (i.e. excluding tables, figures and references) not to exceed 2,000 words, max. 2 tables and/or figures, max. 20 references.

Short Communication. A short communication is a concise correspondence which provides a forum to address new or hot issues which are relevant to the readership of the journal. Specifications: no abstract required, main body of text (i.e. excluding tables, figures and references) not to exceed 1,000 words and to consist of a background section (max. 150 words), aims (max. 100 words), methods (max. 250 words), results (max. 250 words) and conclusion (max. 250 words). The editorial team reserves the right to decide which tables/figures submitted are necessary.

Case Report. A case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of an individual patient and is expected to describe an unusual or novel occurrence which is relevant to the readership of the journal. Specifications: unstructured abstract of max. 250 words, main body of text (i.e. excluding tables, figures and references) not to exceed 2,500 words, max. 6 tables and/or figures, max. 25 references.

Commentary. A commentary is a short manuscript that provides information about a recent development or innovation in the field or opinions on unresolved and timely issues. The nature of such an article lends itself to opinion, thus appropriate evidence should be provided, excessive speculation should be avoided and the topic should be of interest to the readership of the journal. Specifications: no abstract required, main body of text (i.e. excluding tables, figures and references) not to exceed 1,000 words, max. 3 tables and/or figures, max. 10 references.

Submission Process

Manuscripts are submitted to Intensive Care Research using the Editorial Manager online submission and peer review system. Please click on the Submit your Paper button in the left-hand menu on the journal homepage for a link to access this system. Instructions will be provided on screen for uploading all the relevant information and files associated with your submission. All manuscripts must be in the English language and Authors are advised to ensure clarity, brevity and accuracy of the information provided.

Note that the submission of a manuscript means that the research described has not been published previously in other journals, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all Authors – either tacitly or explicitly – and by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that upon acceptance the article will not be published elsewhere in the same form, either in English or in any other language, including in any electronic medium, without the written permission of the journal owner. The editorial team of Intensive Care Research verifies the originality of submitted manuscripts using similarity detection software.

Submission to the journal proceeds in an online environment only where Authors will be stepwise guided through the process of entering article details and uploading submission files. The online submission system automatically converts all source files into a single PDF file which is used in the peer review process. Please note that even though source files are converted to PDF at submission, the original editable files (e.g. in Word or LaTeX) are still needed for further processing and typesetting after acceptance. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor’s decision and requests for revision, is sent via email.






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