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《无机材料学学报(英文)》(Journal of Materiomics) 征稿通知和征稿须知(微信公众号“J_Materiomics”信息)

2021/9/13 14:46:47  阅读:1602 发布者:

无机材料学学报(英文)》(Journal of Materiomics)征稿通知和征稿须知

Journal of Materiomics征稿通知


Journal of Materiomics(JMAT),是由中国硅酸盐学会和Elsevier合作出版的英文期刊,点击文末“阅读全文“可自由获取所有论文全文。

Journal of Materiomics 为同行评议期刊, SCIScopus收录,Cite Score8.02,从投稿到在线出版一般只需60天,并且对作者免收发表费!


Systematic studies of the relationships among composition, processing, structure, property, and performance of advanced inorganic or non-metallic materials, including but  not be limited to:

Advanced functional materials including ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, multiferroics, magnetics; semiconductors, optoelectronic and electronic materials, etc.

Advanced energy materials for applications in solar energy, batteries, fuel cells, thermoelectric conversion, etc.

Advanced structural ceramics including ceramic composite materials.

Nano-scale and low dimensional materials towards promising technological applications.

Multi-scale design and characterization ofadvanced materials.


For more information on submitting to Journal of Materiomics, Please read journal’s specific Guide for Author:



Jing-Feng Li (Tsinghua University,China)

Samuel S. Mao (Universityof California at Berkeley,USA)

Ce-Wen Nan (Tsinghua  University,China)



Journal of Materiomics(简称JMAT)主要报道系统性研究无机非金属材料的成分、组织、结构、性能、行为的科研成果。包括但不限于先进功能材料、先进能源材料、先进结构陶瓷、纳米及低维度材料、多尺度设计及表征等。我们致力于把JMAT打造成世界一流期刊,为祖国70华诞献礼!



1.Cover letter

投稿时一定要提交Cover letter,其中的文章内容简介是重点,需要包括研究背景或意义,创新性、重要结论和结果,一定要突出文章的创新性。编辑未必是和你具有相同研究方向的人,因此常常通过Cover letter辨别你的文章的质量。

We strongly recommend all authors to submit Cover letter. Cover letter should introduce research background and meaning,  the advantage of your work, main results and conclusions.

2.Graphical abstract

Graphical abstract应该是一个或者一组图片,图片应具有自明性,请不要再附加说明文字。如果是一组图片,请全部横排,便于纸质版排版。

Graphical abstract should be submitted along with a(or a group of) photo (or photos). All photos should be arranged in a row.

3. Highlights


Highlights should be a short collection of bullet points that convey the core advantages and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. Three to five bullet points describe the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinction of study, each bullet point only consists of 125 characters including spaces.

4. Abstract


Abstract: 1) Information abstract for research article, It should set out briefly and clearly the main objectives and results/conclusions of the work; it should give the reader aclear idea of what has been achieved;. 2) Indicative abstract for review article/short communication includes review of the research/technology in a period of comprehensive development or in the current level of development, and future prospects briefly. The length of the abstract should be within 150-200 words.

5. Manuscript

'Experimental' 或者'Computional methods and models'请放在‘Introduction’和‘Result’之间,请勿放在'Conclusion'之后。并且正文每小节请用阿拉伯数字1, 1.1 ,……等标号。

In manuscript, 'Experimental' or 'Computional methods and models'  should be between 'Introduction’ and ‘Result’. Please number 'Introduction’, 'Experimental' and etc. with arabic number.

5.Conflict of interest

在正文末尾,'Acknowledge'前一定要写'Conflict of interest',这是投稿伦理规范的强制要求。如果没有利益冲突,请写:“The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal orother relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. Please add a paragraph for ‘Conflict ofinterest’ .  When authors have nothing to declare, please write: ‘The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.’ ahead of ‘Acknowledgments’ in the end of text.

6. Reference

参考文献的标题要记得写哦。另外,作者人数少于或等于6个时,请写出全部作者姓名,当多于6个时,仅写出前6个作者姓名,然后用et al.

If there are more than 6 authors, the first 6 author names are listed followed by et al.; if the author group consists of 6 authors or fewer, all author names should be listed. Please provide the article title in the reference list. We highly recommend you to find useful and relevant information in the previous articles, which can dramatically benefit your literaturesand references.






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