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AGE AND AGEING《年龄与老龄化》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/8/26 9:39:13 来源:官网信息 阅读:959 发布者:

Information for Authors

Age and Ageing is an international journal publishing refereed original research, review articles and editorial pieces on geriatric medicine and clinical gerontology. Its scope includes applied and clinical research on human ageing and clinical, epidemiological and psychological aspects of later life, medical education and service improvement. We place particular emphasis on material which will be of immediate interest to clinicians. We rarely publish analyses of epidemiological studies where the clinical, health policy or educational implications are not clear. We do not publish in vitro or animal studies.

The Editor welcomes submissions which follow the Instructions to Authors. Manuscripts not meeting all of the requirements outlined below cannot be considered for publication and may be returned to the authors for completion.

The Editor and Publisher reserve the right to reject manuscripts which do not conform to the policies of Age and Ageing or Oxford University Press. Submissions may be modified or shortened by the Editor before acceptance for publication.

Age and Ageing is a member of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). In accordance with the code of conduct we will report any cases of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing. Age and Ageing uses plagiarism detecting software.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via ScholarOne, the journal's online submission system. Please follow this link to submit your manuscript.

For support and more information please contact the Age and Ageing Editorial Office. The Editorial Manager is Katy Ladbrook.

E-mail: aa@bgs.org.uk

Useful Resources for Authors

Manuscripts should conform to the Uniform Requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

For reporting of randomised trials, authors are advised to work to the guidelines in the CONSORT statement.

It is recommended that authors of systematic reviews work to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and include the checklist at the time of submission.

Authors may find it useful to refer to the following methodology resources published in Age and Ageing:

Using quality assessment tools to critically appraise ageing research: a guide for clinicians

Describing the participants in a study

Systematic reviews: guidance relevant for studies of older people

Conducting and reporting trials for older people

Review of methodologies of cohort studies of older people

Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy (DTA) studies in older people

Qualitative Research in Age and Ageing: Enhancing Understanding of Ageing, Health and Illness

How to present statistics in Medical Journals

Article categories

All articles must conform to our formatting guidelines and not exceed the word count limit for its category. Where the author wishes to exceed the word limit, we may be able to accommodate additional information as Supplementary Data if the paper is accepted.






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