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2021/8/26 9:24:23 来源:官网信息 阅读:564 发布者:

Instructions for Authors

Annals of Emergency Medicine, the official journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians, is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to improving the quality of care by publishing the highest quality science for emergency medicine and related medical specialties.

Journal Overview

Scope of the Journal

Annals of Emergency Medicine, an official journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians, is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to improving the quality of care by publishing the highest quality science for emergency medicine and related medical specialties. Annals publishes original research, clinical reports, opinion, and educational information related to the practice, teaching, and research of emergency medicine.

In addition to general emergency medicine topics, Annals regularly publishes articles on out-of-hospital emergency medical services, pediatric emergency medicine, injury and disease prevention, health policy and ethics, disaster management, toxicology, and emergency department administration. The journal welcomes submissions from international contributors and researchers of all specialties.

Why Publish in Annals?

Circulation:  Annals is the largest circulation base peer review journal in emergency medicine (8,000 institutions and 40,000 individuals subscribe).

Impact:  Annals continues to be the emergency medicine journal most frequently cited by authors, with an impact factor of 5.721.

Web readership:  Annals had 2.2 million full-text downloads in 2020.

International scope:  Annals is truly a worldwide journal with readers in 97 countries, submissions from 65 different countries, and more than half of the full text articles accessed by readers outside the U.S.

Review speed:  Annals continues to make decisions promptly, with time to first decision averaging 12 days and almost always within one month.

High author satisfaction:  Annals continues to receive high marks in author satisfaction surveys. In our last survey (2020), authors rated us more prompt and responsive than other journals 83% of the time, and 86% would recommend Annals to other researchers and/or submit to Annals again. See our author survey results here.

Media exposure:  Annals articles continue to be featured by the ACEP Public Relations office and generate considerable interest in the lay media (eg, New York Times, ABC News, Los Angeles Times), with hundreds of annual episodes of coverage in print, television, and radio.

In 2009 Annals was chosen one of the 100 most influential scientific journals of the past 100 years by the Special Libraries Association, the largest and most respected library organization.

Submitting to Annals of Emergency Medicine

What Categories of Articles Does Annals Publish?

Annals publishes the following types of articles:


Original Research • Brief Research Reports

Review or Literature Summary Articles:

Clinical Review Articles • Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analyses • Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine • Systematic Review Snapshot • Best Available Evidence • Clinical Controversies • Expert Clinical Management


Editorials • Brief Commentaries


Concepts • Case Reports • HHS Highlights • Change of Shift • Correspondence • Images in Emergency Medicine • News and Perspectives • Residents' Perspective • ECG of the Month

Original Research

Original investigations in areas relevant to emergency medicine. Maximum 4,000 words, 250-word abstract; 7 tables and/or figures. Additional material may be placed in web-only appendices. Please review Annals' preferences for specific study designs, and comply with our policy for sex and gender equity in research.

Brief Research Reports

Original reports of preliminary data and findings or studies with small numbers demonstrating the need for further investigation. Maximum 2,000 words, 250-word abstract, 10 references, 3 tables and/or figures. Please review Annals' preferences for specific study designs.

Clinical Review Articles

Reviews without rigid structure that address a specific question or issue that is relevant to clinical emergency medicine. Such articles should identify and summarize current research relevant to the questions they address, be evidence-based to the extent possible, be balanced, and should detail the importance of the clinical question or issue. Include a narrative abstract. Do not combine a case report with your review. Maximum 5,000 words.






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