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2021/8/26 8:23:20 来源:官网信息 阅读:562 发布者:

Author Instructions

Revised September 24, 2020

About AEM

Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) is the official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM). AEM publishes peer-reviewed information relevant to the practice and investigation of emergency care, and with the potential to elevate the human condition during times of emergency. Effective January 2017, AEM publishes exclusively on-line. Manuscripts focusing on training or education of either emergency care providers, or lay persons should be submitted to AEM’s companion journal, Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aemet).

Submission Categories

Manuscripts may be uploaded at ScholarOne and submitted to one of the following categories:

Original Contribution

Possible content includes: clinical trials, observational studies, other human subject studies, innovative diagnostics and therapeutics, concept papers, clinical controversies, economic or policy research, health services research, and basic science studies. Limited to: 5,000 words (exclusive of the abstract, tables, figures, references, and supplemental material), no more than five tables, and no more than five figures.

Systematic Reviews (With or Without Meta-analyses)

Three categories: 1. Evidence-based Diagnostics, 2. Systematic reviews other than Evidence-based Diagnostics, and 3. Structured, Evidence-based Reviews. Literature-based systematic reviews of focused clinical questions that include aggregation of data. Limited to 5,000 words, no more than five tables, and no more than five figures.

Research Methods and Statistics

Descriptions and explanations of applied research methodologies and statistical techniques. Limited to 5,000 words, no more than five tables, and no more than five figures.

Research Letter

Research letters provide original data, with one or two novel findings of interest to the emergency care community. Research letters have a title page but do not have an abstract, nor headers, and are limited to one table or one figure but not both, and less than 1500 words and less than 11 references.

Invited Commentary

Solicited editorial statements, editorials related to the content of the current issue Limited to 1,500 words.

Unsolicited Commentary

Unsolicited opinion pieces not related to the content of the current issue. Limited to 1,500 words. This can section also invites extremely brief presentations of original research concepts or provocative and novel ideas in research.

Correspondence - Unsolicited Letters to the Editor

Letters related to previously published research articles. Limited to 500 words.

Correspondence – Response to Letters to the Editor

Author response to unsolicited letters to the editor. Limited to 500 words.






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