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Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging《诊断与介入影像》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/8/25 8:52:01 来源:官网信息 阅读:441 发布者:

Guide for Authors

Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging is the official Journal of Société Française de Radiologie (SFR) and official Journal of Collège des Enseignants en Radiologie de France (CERF).

Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging accepts publications originating from any part of the world based only on their scientific merit. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging does not have publication fees. All articles are published in English. The quality of the language is of paramount importance as it influences how the manuscript is received by Editors, reviewers and readers. For authors who are not English speakers and may not be experienced in scientific writing in English we strongly recommend the use of appropriate language services. The authors may consider any option available to them including the language services provided by Elsevier. More information can be found at https://webshop.elsevier.com/language-editing-services/language-editing/. Please note that the use of language services is at the author's cost and does not guarantee that the manuscript will be reviewed or accepted.

The journal publishes editorials, technical notes, letters, original and review articles on abdominal, breast, cancer, cardiac, emergency, forensic medicine, head and neck, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, interventional, obstetric, pediatric, thoracic and vascular imaging, neuroradiology, nuclear medicine, as well as contrast material, computer developments, health policies and practice, and medical physics relevant to imaging.

Original articles

Original articles report results of a scientific study.

The abstract must be sufficiently clear and informative to allow understanding of the work without reading the complete article. The abstract (of no more than 250 words) should be organized into four separate paragraphs titled Rationale and Objectives, Materials (patients) and Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Three to five keywords that are suitable for indexing the manuscript should follow.

Manuscripts should contain discrete Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion sections and should not exceed 15 manuscript pages, or 3300 words (excluding references, tables, and figure legends).

Introduction: It should be organized into three parts: the first part defines the problem, the second part briefly reviews what is known about this problem (with references), the last paragraph states clearly the objectives, taking into account what has been summarized in the previous paragraph and, briefly, the means used to achieve them.

Material (or patients) and methods: The selection criteria for patients and controls are precisely listed. The compositions of groups, age, sex, clinical symptoms, etc. are detailed. Protocols (imaging techniques, analytic methods, specific diagnostic criteria or criteria of analysis, standard reference selected, statistical tests, etc.) must be precisely established taking into account, however, only useful data. Techniques or evaluation criteria, clinical or radiologic that have already been described elsewhere may only be referred to the publication where they have been detailed. In case of non-clinical work, full features of the animals or devices are provided for the experiment must be reproduced in full. There are no results in this chapter and the verbs are in the past tense. The favourable opinion given by an ethics committee may be mentioned where appropriate.

Results: All results related to the study are provided and exposed clearly and logically, including negative results. If tables are used, there should be no redundancy between the text and the tables. They are expressed in the past tense.

Discussion: The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the materials and methods and to examine the validity of the results. The first paragraph of the discussion must therefore expose the answers that the authors have provided to the questions they have asked and motivated the research. Authors can then put these results in relation to previous knowledge and compare them with data from the literature. Performance, limitations, false diagnoses, pitfalls and artefacts should be discussed here, as well as the lessons from this experience and proposed solutions to problems.

Conclusion: It summarizes very briefly the results of the study and their implications.


A review details as completely as possible the state of the art on a technique or management of a pathology or particular clinical situation. It may consist in an update on related subjects (legislation, professional, etc.). The abstract is not structured; it must specify the aim of the article and summarize the main points. It should not exceed 250 words and be accompanied by three to five keywords.

Essential image

This form of publication is based on illustrations of excellent quality, presenting a typical image (imaging, anatomical pathology or a new technique). The title should not exceed 8 words and should state the diagnosis. There should be no more than 3 authors. The figure cannot exceed 4 panels and should be carefully prepared, ensuring that all panels are at the same magnification. The text should be short and concise, not exceeding 150 words; the references are limited to 2.

Technical notes

Technical notes briefly describe a technique, a technique modification or new equipment. A short discussion should give a general overview. The discussion should be limited to a specific message about the interest of the technique or technical equipment. There are no more than 2 figures and no summary. The manuscript length does not exceed 4 pages double-spaced, including references and figure legends, plus the title page. Three to five keywords should be provided.

Letters (clinical observations)

Letters are limited to 700 words, 4 figures and 6 references. Letters reporting original clinical cases only will be published, showing aspects of a pathology that have not or rarely been reported. The introduction should be brief, stating the interest of the case. The discussion should be short and focused on the new issues emerged. A literature review is not recommended in these clinical observations. The abstract is optional, three to five keywords should be provided. The length of the manuscript does not exceed 4 pages double-spaced, including references and figure captions, plus the title page. A maximum of 6 authors may sign the Letter.

Please submit manuscripts on the journal's editorial site (https://www.editorialmanager.com/diii). If you have any queries, contact Mikael Dion, editorial assistant: mikael.dion@sfradiologie.org






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