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Virology Journal《病毒学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/8/23 8:53:52 来源:官网信息 阅读:802 发布者:

Virology Journal

Submission guidelines

Our 3-step submission process

 Before you submit

Now you’ve identified a journal to submit to, there are a few things you should be familiar with before you submit.

Make sure you are submitting to the most suitable journal - Aims and scope

Understand the costs and funding options - Fees and funding

Make sure your manuscript is accurate and readable - Language editing services

Understand the copyright agreement - Copyright

 Ready to submit

To give your manuscript the best chance of publication, follow these policies and formatting guidelines.

General formatting rules for all article types - Preparing your manuscript

Make sure your submission is complete - Prepare supporting information

Copyright and license agreement - Conditions of publication

Read and agree to our Editorial Policies - Editorial policies

 Submit and promote

After acceptance, we provide support so your article gains maximum impact in the scientific community and beyond.

Please note that manuscript can only be submitted by an author of the manuscript and may not be submitted by a third party.

Who decides whether my work will be accepted? - Peer-review policy

Want to submit to a different journal? - Manuscript transfers

Spreading the word - Promoting your publication

Submit manuscript


Aims and scope

Virology Journal is an open access, peer reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of virology, including research on the viruses of animals, plants and microbes. The journal welcomes basic research as well as pre-clinical and clinical studies of novel diagnostic tools, vaccines and anti-viral therapies.

The Editorial policy of Virology Journal is to publish all research which is assessed by peer reviewers to be a coherent and sound addition to the scientific literature, and puts less emphasis on interest levels or perceived impact.

Virology Journal will feature articles on human, animal, plant, insect, bacterial, and fungal viruses. The journal will also publish articles on molecular aspects of the control and prevention of viral infections with vaccines and antiviral agents and on the use of viruses as gene therapy vectors, as well as research on other agents such as prions. The approaches and techniques used are expected to encompass many disciplines, including molecular genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, cell biology, immunology, morphology, genetics and pathogenesis.

Preparing your manuscript

This section provides general style and formatting information only. Formatting guidelines for specific article types can be found below.

Research article

Book report

Case report




Short report

Meeting report

General formatting guidelines

 Preparing main manuscript text

 Preparing illustrations and figures

 Preparing tables

 Preparing additional files

Preparing figures

When preparing figures, please follow the formatting instructions below.

Figures should be numbered in the order they are first mentioned in the text, and uploaded in this order. Multi-panel figures (those with parts a, b, c, d etc.) should be submitted as a single composite file that contains all parts of the figure.

Figures should be uploaded in the correct orientation.

Figure titles (max 15 words) and legends (max 300 words) should be provided in the main manuscript, not in the graphic file.

Figure keys should be incorporated into the graphic, not into the legend of the figure.

Each figure should be closely cropped to minimize the amount of white space surrounding the illustration. Cropping figures improves accuracy when placing the figure in combination with other elements when the accepted manuscript is prepared for publication on our site. For more information on individual figure file formats, see our detailed instructions.






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