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Acta virologica《病毒学学报》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/8/23 8:34:17 来源:官网信息 阅读:334 发布者:

Acta Virologica - Submission guidelines

Manuscript (MS) including the text, tables and figures should be submitted in electronic form to the Editorial Office. The first or corresponding author (“the author”) should give his full present postal and E-mail addresses. Electronic form of MS can be submitted as E-mail attachment or CD-ROM. The optimal type of file for the text inclusive of tables is Microsoft Word document (doc format), for photographs jpg format, and for graphics gif format. The page should have a standard form (double spacing, 2.5 cm margins, left alignment, letter size 12).


Standard full-length paper should be divided into these parts: Summary, Key words, Abbreviations, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and Legends to figures. A typical standard paper contains 15–25 pages (without figures).

Short communication must not exceed 10 pages (without figures). It may have either a structured form of standard paper or a non-structured form with just Summary, Key words, Abbreviations, the core of the paper, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and Legends to figures. It should report a completed work but not preliminary findings.

Letter-to-the-Editor represents the most rapid form of publication of very original results. It should not exceed 5 pages inclusive of one table or figure without numbering and title. It is not divided into sections. The description of materials and methods used should be kept at minimum. Only essential references should be cited in the text by serial numbers and listed in References in an abbreviated form, without titles of papers.

Review or minireview should to give an overview of a topical field interesting for wide spectrum of readers. While a review should not exceed 25–50 pages, a minireview may have 10–25 pages. It is usually divided into Summary, an optimal number of topical sections and subsections, and References. Tables and figures are recommended. The standard system of citation and listing of references should be employed. The latter may have a complete or abbreviated form (without titles of papers).


General. In writing a paper, intending authors should observe Instructions to Authors published in the first issue of each volume of Acta virologica and available at http://www.elis.sk . The simple past tense in relation to the results of the paper and the simple present tense for the generally accepted views are recommended. In general, SI units should be used. Standard abbreviations (PFU, LD50 etc.) can be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations should be defined on first appearance and listed in Abbreviations.

Title page should contain full title of paper, running title, names(s) of author(s) (the name of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk), name(s) and address(es) of institution(s) in which the work has been performed, full postal address of the author, Summary or its first part, and a footnote with E-mail address and present postal address of the author if different from that given above, and Abbreviations (an alphabetical list of non-standard abbreviations).

Summary limited to 250 words should concisely summarize all important results of the paper without excessive methodical and experimental details. Non-documented results (data not shown) should not be included. If it is essential to include a reference, it should be given without the title of paper.

Key words. Up to six key words characterizing the paper should be given.

Introduction should give a concise background and provide the rationale to the presented study. It must not be an exhaustive review of the topic under study or irrelevant data.

Materials and Methods should give sufficient information to allow others to repeat the work. It should consist of paragraphs with individual methods. In detail may be described only the procedures of not yet published methods or modified parts of established methods. Established methods should be just cited.

Results should describe the rationale and design of the experiments and the obtained results. It may be divided into subsections.

Discussion must not merely repeat parts of Introduction or Results. It should relate the presented results to those of previous own or other studies, interprete them and draw conclusions. It can outline working hypotheses, theories, and applications. A combined section of Results and Discussion is optional.

Acknowledgements. This optional section contains acknowledgements of personal and/or financial assistance.






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