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Clinical Neuroscience/Ideggyógyászati Szemle《临床神经科学》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/8/11 15:54:51 来源:官网信息 阅读:350 发布者:

Since 1947,Clinical Neuroscience has provided for the publishing of clinical neurological papers in Hungarian in order to preserve and improve the technical mother tongue for both Hungarian and non-Hungarian authors. In addition, publications in English facilitate integration into the international scientific life. The objective of this journal is to display the widest range of clinical neurological sciences, and to provide a space for publishing on the highest professional levels. By presenting various pathologies using a novel approach or by describing evidence-based therapies, it endeavours to serve good clinical practices. It also provides space for presenting and first publishing cutting-edge preclinical and experimental findings. With the above, Clinical Neuroscience wishes to offer the highest level forum within the frameworks of clinical neurology for the scientific and professional collaboration and joint thinking between authors and readers.

The aim of Clinical Neuroscience (Ideggyógyászati Szemle) is to provide a forum for the exchange of clinical and scientific information for a multidisciplinary community. The Clinical Neuroscience will be of primary interest to neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrist and clinical specialized psycholigists, neuroradiologists and clinical neurophysiologists, but original works in basic or computer science, epidemiology, pharmacology, etc., relating to the clinical practice with involvement of the central nervous system are also welcome.

Impact-factor: 0,427 (2020)

Manuscript submission: The method of submitting manuscripts by e-mail, by sending a cover letter to dr. Tibor Kovács to the editor-in-chief: kovacs.tibor (at) med.semmelweis-univ.hu or to the clinical.neuroscience (at) med.semmelweis-univ.hu email address. Instuction for authors.



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