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2021/8/3 15:50:14 来源:官网信息 阅读:366 发布者:



The Harvard Review of Psychiatry is a bimonthly journal that publishes scholarly articles on a wide variety of topics of interest to clinicians. It includes the following types of articles:

Reviews. Reviews summarize and synthesize the literature on various topics in a rigorous, scholarly, and clinically relevant fashion. These topics may include psychotic disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, substance use disorders, anxiety disorders, neuroscience, child psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, psychological aspects of psychiatry, legal and policy issues in psychiatry, and other subjects relevant to clinicians.

Perspectives. Perspectives provide an overview of an area of interest to clinicians and in which there is controversy or only limited literature. Authors should be experts who can provide both a synthetic review of the existing literature and a particular clinical perspective derived from their expertise.

Columns. Columns present a well-argued, thoughtful point of view on a focused topic. They should cite relevant literature that supports the author’s viewpoint, as well as literature that may conflict with it. Columns may include clinical case material; for material based on actual cases, the appropriate patient consent form must be submitted (see p. 9 for links to the required forms).

Clinical Challenges. Clinical Challenges present a clinical case report and are followed by expert discussion of the case from multiple perspectives. These cases present diagnostic or treatment challenges, or highlight a current debate in the field. Patient consent forms are required for clinical challenges (see p. 10 for links to the required forms). Prior to manuscript preparation, prospective authors should contact Communications Editor, Dawn Sugarman, PhD (email: dsugarman@mclean.harvard.edu).

Disruptive Innovation. Disruptive Innovation (DI) articles are brief essays wherein thought leaders propose novel areas of inquiry or well-reasoned challenges to orthodoxy in any psychiatry-related research, practice, or policy area. Although written within a scholarly framework, they also may reflect the author’s experience and may be presented in the author’s own voice. DI essays will be promoted through Media Alerts and other social media upon their online publication. Prospective authors of DI submissions are encouraged to contact Joshua Roffman, MD, MMSc (jroffman@partners.org) prior to submission.


Reviews, Perspectives, and Clinical Challenges should not exceed 6,000 words, excluding references, tables, and figures.

Columns should be approximately 3,000 words, excluding references, tables, and figures.

Disruptive Innovation articles should be 1,500 words or less, with a maximum of 10 references and 1 table or figure.

Due to space constraints, for manuscripts with multiple tables and figures, we may only be able to print one table or figure per manuscript. The remaining tables and figures will be printed online as supplemental digital content.


General information.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via this link: http://hrp.edmgr.com

Revised manuscripts should be submitted in two forms: one with changes tracked in Word, and one “clean” version with changes saved.

Should you experience technical difficulties with this electronic submission process, please contact our Communications Editor, Dawn Sugarman, PhD, at: dsugarman@mclean.harvard.edu or 617-855-3650.

Consideration of proposed manuscripts. Authors considering a topic for submission to the Harvard Review of Psychiatry are encouraged to submit a one-page description of the proposed manuscript. Proposals should include the title and author(s), a brief outline, and a description of the submission’s clinical relevance. They should be sent by email to our Communications Editor, Dawn Sugarman, PhD, at: dsugarman@mclean.harvard.edu Checking for plagiarism, duplicate publication, and text recycling. Manuscripts submitted to the Harvard Review of Psychiatry must represent original material that has not been published previously and that is not being considered for publication elsewhere. In addition, each manuscript is screened by specialized software for content that has been previously published (in print or online). It is expected that manuscripts are written in such a way that does not recycle previously published text (e.g., self-plagiarism). We reserve the right to inform authors' institutions or employers about suspected plagiarism detected either before or after publication.

Peer review. All manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editorial Board. The Board may reject manuscripts without further review, or send manuscripts out for peer review. The Editors notify the corresponding author when a decision regarding acceptance has been made. Accepted manuscripts and letters are edited for clarity and for conformity to the Review’s style. The journal uses a masked reviewing system. Therefore, authors should submit the title page and manuscript as separate files. All identifying information (authors’ names, degrees, and affiliations, plus acknowledgments), along with information concerning potential conflict of interests (see below under “Declaration of interest”) should be included in the title page file but omitted from the manuscript file. Authors should make every effort to ensure that the manuscript text file does not contain clues to their identities.

We require that all manuscripts be written in standard (fluent) English. If necessary, please have your work reviewed and edited by a fluent English speaker in your environment. Alternatively, you may (at your expense) use a professional language-editing service. Please see our website for more information about this option:


Social media. We may post a tweet about your article if it is accepted. You can follow Harvard Review of Psychiatry on Twitter @HarvardRevPsych

Publication fees. There are no publication fees for authors, with the exception of articles containing color photos and illustrations (see “Figures and illustrations” section).

Letters of permission to reproduce previously published material. All material reproduced intact or modified from previously published or copyrighted material must be accompanied by a letter of permission from the original author and copyright holder. All such material should also provide a full credit line (e.g., in the figure or table legend) acknowledging the original source. The credit line should be worded according to the copyright holder’s specifications.

Transfer of copyright and disclosure of commercial interests. Each author must complete and submit the journal’s copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (www.icmje.org/update.html). A copy of the form is made available to the submitting author within the Editorial Manager submission process. Co-authors will automatically receive an Email with instructions on completing the form upon submission.

Declaration of interest. The journal’s copyright transfer agreement includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (www.icmje.org/update.html).

All authors must disclose all possible conflicts of interest on the title page of the manuscript, including any financial and personal relationships with other people, organizations, or companies that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. It is the sole responsibility of authors to disclose any affiliation with any organization with a financial interest, direct or indirect, in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript (such as consultancies, employment, paid expert testimony, honoraria, speakers bureaus, retainers, stock options or ownership, patents or patent applications or travel grants) that may affect the conduct or reporting of the work submitted. Additionally, any financial associations involving a spouse or partner or children must be disclosed as well.

All sources of funding for research are to be explicitly stated. If uncertain as to what might be considered a potential conflict of interest, authors should err on the side of full disclosure. Authors must state, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript. All relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the heading “Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:” For example:

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organization Y, and is on the speaker’s bureau for Organization X – the CME organizers for Company A. For the remaining authors none were declared.

Information about such relationships must be stated at the time of submission and included on the title page (as indicated above). This information about potential conflicts (or lack of them) may be made available to reviewers and will appear in the published article at the discretion of the Editors or Publisher.

If no conflict is declared with respect to any particular article, the following statement will be appended to the end of the article’s main text:

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the article.

The intent of this policy is not to prevent authors with these relationships from publishing work, but rather to adopt transparency such that readers can make objective judgments on conclusions drawn.


LWW’s hybrid open access option is offered to authors whose articles have been accepted for publication. With this choice, articles are made freely available online immediately upon publication. Authors may take advantage of the open access option at the point of acceptance to ensure that this choice has no influence on the peer review and acceptance process. These articles are subject to the journal’s standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.

Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have the choice to pay a fee to allow perpetual unrestricted online access to their published article to readers globally, immediately upon publication. The article processing charge for Harvard Review of Psychiatry is $2,400. The article processing charge for authors funded by the Research Councils UK (RCUK) is $2,850. The publication fee is charged on acceptance of the article and should be paid within 30 days by credit card by the author, funding agency or institution. Payment must be received in full for the article to be published open access. Any additional standard publication charges, such as for color images, will also apply.

Authors retain copyright. Authors retain their copyright for all articles they opt to publish open access. Authors grant LWW a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.

Creative Commons license. Articles opting for open access will be freely available to read, download and share from the time of publication. Articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommerical No Derivative 3.0 which allows readers to disseminate and reuse the article, as well as share and reuse of the scientific material. It does not permit commercial exploitation or the creation of derivative works without specific permission. To view a copy of this license visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0.

Compliance with NIH, RCUK and other research funding agency accessibility requirements.

A number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, LWW identifies to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and transmits the post-print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism. LWW ensures that authors can fully comply with the public access requirements of major funding bodies worldwide. Additionally, all authors who choose the open access option will have their final published article deposited into PubMed Central.

RCUK funded authors can choose to publish their paper as open access with the payment of an article process charge, or opt for their accepted manuscript to be deposited (green route) into PMC with an embargo.

With both the gold and green open access options, the author will continue to sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) as it provides the mechanism for LWW to ensure that the author is fully compliant with the requirements. After signature of the CTA, the author will then sign a License to Publish where they will then own the copyright.

It is the responsibility of the author to inform the Editorial Office and/or LWW that they have RCUK funding. LWW will not be held responsible for retroactive deposits to PMC if the author has not completed the proper forms.

FAQ for open access. http://links.lww.com/LWW-ES/A48


On-line manuscript submission. All manuscripts must be submitted online via Editorial Manager™, at http://hrp.edmgr.com






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