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Anti-Cancer Drugs《抗癌药物》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/7/31 10:56:04 来源:官网信息 阅读:895 发布者:

Instructions for Authors

Guidance for Authors on the Preparation and Submission of Manuscripts to Anti-Cancer Drugs

Note: These instructions comply with those formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. For further details, authors should consult the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals" at www.icmje.org.

The Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which aims to define best practice in the ethics of scientific publishing. COPE has established a number of guidelines as part of a set of Core Practices (www.publicationethics.org).

Appeals on editorial decisions should be sent to the Editor. Complaints related to how your paper was processed during peer-review and not resolved by the Editor, should be referred to the person named as publisher in "About the Journal" under "Journal Info" contacts (http://journals.lww.com/anti-cancerdrugs/Pages/aboutthejournal.aspx), or if unsatisfied to COPE (www.publicationethics.org).

Submitted articles undergo a preliminary review by the editor. Some articles may be returned to authors without further consideration. Those being considered for publication will undergo further assessment and peer-review by the editor and those invited to do so from the board and reviewer pool.

This Journal allows authors to choose an Open Access option for their published article on payment of a fee. See the Open Access section below.


Anti-Cancer Drugs is devoted to the rapid publication of innovative investigations on therapeutic agents against cancer and methods to diminish adverse effects of drugs. The journal publishes peer reviewed articles on anti-cancer drug design, drug delivery, pharmacology and chemotherapy evaluation.


Authors should submit their manuscripts through the web-based tracking system at http://www.editorialmanager.com/acd. The site contains instructions and advice on how to use the system. Authors should NOT in addition then post a hard copy submission to the editorial office.

Double spacing should be used throughout the manuscript, which should include the following sections, each starting on a separate page: Title Page, abstract and keywords, text, acknowledgements, references, individual tables and captions. Margins should be not less than 3 cm. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the Title Page, and the page number should be placed in the top right-hand corner of each page. Abbreviations should be defined on their first appearance in the text; those not accepted by international bodies should be avoided.

Authors are invited to list up to four potential reviewers, including their full addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.

Non-native speakers of English: Authors who are not native speakers of English and require help in writing an article in English are encouraged to seek assistance from a qualified colleague or consider using a language service in preparing a manuscript submission. Wolters Kluwer, in partnership with Editage, offers such services - for more information please visit http://wkauthorservices.editage.com. Please note that the use of this or other services are at the author's own expense and risk, and independent from the editorial processes of this journal, and does not guarantee that an article will be accepted for publication.

Article Types

Research Articles

Original studies on basic preclinical or clinical research. Manuscripts should be concise and should not be more than 5,000 words of text, with up to 7 figures and/or tables and 50 references. Should also contain an Abstract of up to 250 words.

Case Reports

Similar to Research Articles in content, however the length of the paper should be as brief as possible and the Abstract, number of figures and/or tables and references should be restricted.

Review Articles

Articles that review a timely subject important to cancer researchers. Authors of unsolicited Review Articles should first submit an outline of the proposed article for consideration to the Editor-in-Chief of Anti-Cancer Drugs Dr Paul Dent E-mail: pdentacdeditor@gmail.com.

All Review Articles, whether invited or not, will be subject to peer review. The length restrictions for these papers are a 200-word Abstract, 2,000 words of text, 12 figures and/or tables and 65 references, preferably of recent years.

Letter to the Editor

Correspondence that presents considered opinions in response to articles published in the journal. Letters to the Editor will be peer reviewed and, if found to meet the publication criteria (interest to a broad readership) may be sent to the author(s) of the originally published article and possibly other interested parties for a response to be published in the same issue of the journal as the Letter. Please note that the journal will not consider Letters to the Editor regarding papers in Anti-Cancer Drugs that were published more than 3 months prior. Correspondence concerning articles that have not been published in Anti-Cancer Drugs will not be considered. The length restrictions are as follows: 400 words of text, 5 references, the first of which must be the citation for the original article under discussion. Figures of tables showing unpublished data in support of the conclusions of the original article will not be considered.

Case Reports


Please think carefully about the following points and make the appropriate declarations.

Redundant or duplicate publication

We ask you to confirm that your paper has not been published in its current form or a substantially similar form (in print or electronically, including on a web site, or in another language), that it has not been accepted for publication elsewhere, and that it is not under consideration by another publication. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors has provided details of what is and what is not duplicate or redundant publication (www.icmje.org). If you are in doubt (particularly in the case of material that you have posted on a web site, or an abstract of your work), we ask you to proceed with your submission but to include a copy of the relevant previously published work or work under consideration by other journals. In your covering letter to the editors, draw attention to any published work that concerns the same patients or subjects as the present paper.

Preprints: Work posted on a preprint server, which identifies a preprint as not peer-reviewed, will be considered for publication. The author should declare preprint server deposition on submitting their article to the Journal. If the article is accepted, to ensure readers can find and cite the final published version, authors should add the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the published journal article to the posted preprint version.

Conflicts of interest

Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript. All relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the heading “Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:”. For example:

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organization Y, and is on the speaker’s bureau for Organization X – the CME organizers for Company A. For the remaining authors none were declared.

In Addition, each author must complete and submit the journal's copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, (www.icmje.org/update.html). A copy of the form is made available to the submitting author within the Editorial Manager submission process. Co-authors will automatically receive an Email with instructions on completing the form upon submission.

Permissions to reproduce previously published material

Authors must obtain prior permission to reproduce material (such as illustrations) from the copyright holder. The granting of permission should be acknowledged alongside the material (e.g., legend of a figure) in the submitted article.

Subject consent

Subjects have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. Informed consent should be obtained from patients or other subjects of experiments that clearly grants permission for the publication of photographs or other material that might identify them. If the consent form for your research did not specifically include this, please obtain it or remove the identifying material. Identifying details (written or photographic) should be omitted if they are not essential, but subject data should never be altered or falsified in an attempt to attain anonymity. Complete anonymity is difficult to achieve. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of subjects is inadequate protection of anonymity. When informed consent has been obtained, it should be indicated in the submitted article.

Ethics committee approval

You must state clearly in your submission in the Methods section that you conducted studies on human participants must with the approval of an appropriate named ethics committee. Please also look at the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki. Similarly, you must confirm that experiments involving animals adhered to ethical standards and must state the care of animal and licensing guidelines under which the study was performed.

Clinical trial registration and data sharing

As a condition for publication registration of a trial in a public registry is required. Registration of a trial must be at or before the enrolment of participants. The Editor does not advocate a particular registry but requires the registry meets the criteria set out in the statement of policy of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org).

Clinical trials papers must contain a data sharing statement on whether data is available or not as outlined in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors policy (www.icmje.org). A data sharing plan must be included in a trial's registration for those that begin enrolling participants on or after 1 January 2019. Authors of secondary analyses using shared data must reference the source of the data and attest their use was in accordance with any terms agreed.


We ask all authors to confirm that they have read and approved the paper. Second, we ask all authors to confirm that they have met the criteria for authorship as established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, believe that the paper represents honest work, and are able to verify the validity of the results reported. In addition to those from the ICJME the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals, ISMPP (www.ismpp.org) have produced some useful guidelines on authorship of studies sponsored by companies: Good Publication Practice (GPP3) (http://www.ismpp.org/gpp3).

Open access

Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have the choice to pay a fee to allow perpetual unrestricted online access to their published article to readers globally, immediately upon publication. Authors may take advantage of the open access option at the point of acceptance to ensure that this choice has no influence on the peer review and acceptance process. These articles are subject to the journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.

The article processing charge (APC) is charged on acceptance of the article and should be paid within 30 days by the author, funding agency or institution. Payment must be processed for the article to be published open access. For a list of journals and pricing please visit our Wolters Kluwer Open Health Journals page.

Authors retain copyright

Authors retain their copyright for all articles they opt to publish open access. Authors grant Wolters Kluwer an exclusive license to publish the article and the article is made available under the terms of a Creative Commons user license. Please visit our Open Access Publication Process page for more information.






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