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2021/7/20 14:32:26 来源:官网信息 阅读:559 发布者:

Instructions for Authors

Before submitting a manuscript to Anesthesiology, please read these Instructions carefully. Each author on a manuscript submission is required to understand the material below.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Journal's online submission system. Authors should allow approximately 3-4 weeks for first decision.  Authors will be notified if delays occur.

Due to the high volume of manuscripts we receive, we cannot provide status updates via telephone, fax, or e-mail. Authors can view the status of their submissions through the Editorial Manager submission site.

General Editorial, Legal and Ethical Issues


Role of the Corresponding Author

Group Authorship

Non-Author Collaborators

Changes to Authorship after Submission


Compliance with Funder-mandated Open Access Policies

Duplicate, Prior or Divided Publication

Scientific Misconduct

Human Studies

Animal Studies

Conflicts of Interest and Sponsorship

Compliance with NIH and Other Research Funding Agency Accessibility Requirements

Editorial Decisions and Appeals

Reporting Requirements

CME for Authors

Types of Papers

Original Investigations

Presubmission Reviews and Proposals

Comprehensive Reviews

Clinical Focus Review

Readers Toolbox

Special Articles

Images in Anesthesiology

Mind to Mind

Letters to the Editor

Other Article Types

Manuscript Preparation

Title Page



Body Text




Figure Legends


Manuscripts In Press

Supplemental Digital Content

Journal Style Considerations

Authors' General Checklist


Anesthesiology strongly endorses the practice of appropriately crediting contributions to research publications, towards the goals of providing proper recognition, fairness, and transparency for authors and readers, ensuring Journal best practices, and clarity of communication. Appropriate credit for contributions to basic, clinical, and population research is an important aspect of scholarly publications.

Author confers credit and denotes responsibility and accountability for published work. Anesthesiology authorship criteria are intended to denote the status of authorship for those who have made a substantial intellectual contribution to a manuscript, deserve credit for their contribution, and take responsibility for the work. Proper authorship is a matter of scholarly integrity and enhances confidence in the validity of published research. Criteria for authorship in Anesthesiology are based on elements from the World Association of Medical Editors, Committee on Publication Ethics, Council of Science Editors, and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. (see Authorship and Publication Matters: Credit and credibility. Anesthesiology. 2021). 

Authors in Anesthesiology must satisfy all of the following 5 criteria:

1. Scholarship: Substantial intellectual contributions to research conception or design, execution, data analysis, or interpretation of the results; AND

2. Authorship: Drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

3. Approval: Final approval of the version to be published; AND

4. Ethics: Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the research and manuscript; AND

5. Integrity: Ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the research and manuscript, even ones in which the author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and communicated (where needed).

All authors should meet all five criteria, and all contributors who meet the five criteria should be authors. Those who do not meet all five criteria can be listed as Collaborators in an appendix or in the Acknowledgments section, as outlined in detail below. Each author should be able to identify the specific contributions of their co-authors, and have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.

It is not the role of Anesthesiology to determine who does or does not quality for authorship or to arbitrate authorship conflicts. If agreement cannot be reached about who qualifies for authorship, the institution(s) where the work was performed, not the Journal, should be engaged. The order in which authors are listed on the byline must be decided collectively by the authors and not by the Journal. The list of authors and the order listed must be established at the time of original submission. Any change to authorship after submission is highly discouraged; however, if needed, see Changes to authorship after submission

Authors may indicate (no more than) two first authors in the byline who contributed equally ("#" next to their names and "# These authors contributed equally to the work" at the end of the Title Page). Please note, however, that this will not change how the authors appear in future citations to the article.

There is no limit on the number of authors listed in the byline for an original investigation (provided each author meets all authorship criteria), however a long author list may not fit in the space for the author byline. In this case, other options include Group Authors (see below).

Non-Author Contributors

Contributors who do not meet all 5 of the above authorship criteria should not be listed as authors, but can be included in the Acknowledgments. Examples of activities that alone (without all five author qualifications) do not qualify a contributor for authorship are: acquisition of funding; general supervision of a research group; general administrative support; mentoring; providing patients, reagents, animals, or other study materials; collecting samples; writing assistance; technical editing; language editing; and proofreading. Those whose contributions do not justify authorship may be acknowledged individually or listed as collaborators. See the section below under Acknowledgments and the section on non-author Collaborators.

Any participation by a professional writer in a manuscript must be disclosed for transparency. Professional writers meeting all authorship criteria must be listed authors. Those who only drafted or edited the manuscript but did not have a role in the study design, data analysis, or interpretation of results must be identified in the Acknowledgments section along with information about compensation (including which entity/entities) and potential conflicts of interest.

Unacceptable forms of authorship

Authorship fraud is considered a type of research fraud (see Assessing the Perceived prevalence of research fraud among faculty at research-intensive universities in the USA. Account Res 2020;27:457-75). The following types of authorship are unacceptable:

1. Gift authorship (honorary, courtesy): Offered from a sense of obligation, tribute, dependence or respect to an individual who has not contributed to the work, in return for anticipated benefit (e.g., Department Chair). Perceived to be the most prevalent type of authorship fraud.

2. Guest authorship (celebrity, prestige, complementary): Granted in the belief that expert standing of the guest will increase the likelihood of publication, or the credibility of status of the work or the authors.

3. Ghost authorship: Failure to identify someone who merited authorship (may range from uncredited authors-for-hire to major contributors not named as an author).

Role of the Corresponding Author Anesthesiology takes very seriously the responsible conduct of research.  Each manuscript must have a single Corresponding Author who takes primary responsibility for communication with Anesthesiology during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process, and ensures that all the journal’s policies and administrative requirements, such as providing details (if requested) of authorship (including that all authors meet all criteria for authorship, and all who meet the criteria should be identified as authors), ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and listing of comprehensive conflict of interest statements, are met and properly completed. Manuscript submissions will be returned without assessment if more than one author is designated as the Corresponding Author. Upon submission, the Corresponding Author is required to attest to the validity and legitimacy of the data and interpretation, on behalf of all authors (who are also responsible for the validity and legitimacy of the data and interpretation).  The Corresponding Author is responsible for ensuring that all authors meet the criteria for authorship, have reviewed and approved the manuscript and have completed the conflict of interest disclosures.  If the manuscript is accepted, the same corresponding author is the primary contact during the production, publication, and postpublication stages, including reviewing and approving the proof and for all other publication matters.  The Corresponding Author must also be available after publication to respond to critiques of the work and to cooperate with any requests from the journal for data or additional information should questions about the manuscript arise after publication.  This latter responsibility is an enduring one, as questions may arise years after the submission and publication of a manuscript. The Corresponding Author should have sufficient and ongoing accountability and availability for the research and publication.   The role of the Corresponding Author is one of scholarly integrity, in which the Corresponding Author makes a number of statutory and ethical statements on behalf of all authors.  Although there are certain administrative roles of the Corresponding Author, these cannot be separated from the other responsibilities, or delegated.  Each manuscript should also have the same Corresponding Author throughout the submission, publication, and post-publication process. The designated Corresponding Author must be the person who submits the manuscript and is responsible for all communications for all iterations and all phases of the manuscript.

Group Authorship When authorship is attributed to a group in the byline (known as group, corporate, organization, or collective names), all members of the group must meet all five criteria for authorship as described above.  Group authorship requires the same level of participation as individually-named (personal) authorship.  Anyone listed as a Group author must meet all five criteria for authorship, and other contributors can be listed as collaborators or acknowledged. An explicit statement as to the exact nature of each Group author’s participation must be provided at the time a revised manuscript is submitted; upload this under the submission item Authorship Information.  It is important to separately identify Group authors and non-author Collaborators. All members of the Group authors must be entered into Editorial Manager individually to verify their authorship and must complete the Copyright Transfer/Disclosure Form. Manuscripts may be held until all authors have verified authorship and confirmed that they have seen the submitted manuscript.

a. Group authorship may be in the form of some named authors in the byline, in combination with a Research Group name. All members of the Research Group must be qualified authors, and all must meet authorship criteria.  To indicate that all members of the group meet all authorship criteria, the byline must be in the format of Individual Authors Smith, Jones, Weiss, etc. "and" the Research Group (eg, Smith A, Jones B, Weiss C; and the Generic Outcomes Group). Use of the connector “and” indicates that there are other individual authors who are not named in the byline. The name of the Research Group and the byline authors and the non-byline authors should be listed in an Appendix at the end of the manuscript, along with their affiliations, institutional position or title, contributions, and conflicts of interest disclosures. In PubMed, the authors named in the byline and the individual non-byline authors in the Research Group will be indexed as authors along with the Group Name.

b. Group authorship may be in the form of a Research Group name alone in the byline and a list of the individual group authors in an Appendix along with their affiliations, institutional position or title, contributions, and conflict of interest disclosures. In PubMed, the Group name is listed and all authors are indexed in the order they appear in the Appendix.

Group author names must be listed in the full text of the article (in an Appendix), rather than in a supplementary online file.

Non-Author Collaborators Individuals working with a Research Group who do not meet all five of the criteria for authorship may be listed as Collaborators provided that they substantially contributed to the work reported in the manuscript. If desired, Collaborators names can be listed as such in PubMed, in addition to the list of authors.  They are listed in a separate Collaborators section in a paragraph below the author byline.  If Collaborators are to be indexed in PubMed, they must be a part of a designated collaborator or corporate group, and that group name (“ABC Consortium”, “ABC Collaborators”, “ABC Investigators”, etc.) must appear in the author byline.  In order to differentiate between a full author group and a non-author collaborator group, the article byline for the latter is Individual Authors Smith, Jones, Weiss, etc. "for" the Research Collaborators (e.g., Smith A, Jones B, Weiss C; for the Generic Outcomes Investigators).  Use of the connector “for” indicates that the authors in the byline represent the group, which includes others who are not authors.  Non-author Collaborator names, degrees, institutional affiliation, and institutional title or position should be listed in an Appendix, and not included in a supplementary online file. In this listing collaborator contributions should be specified (e.g., "served as scientific advisors", "critically reviewed the study proposal", "collected data", "provided and cared for study patients", "participated in writing or technical editing of the manuscript").

The Corresponding Author is responsible for completing the Collaborators statement for the manuscript and only including those members of the group who have substantially contributed and have provided written permission to be listed in the published article.  Non-author Collaborators are not required to complete the Copyright Transfer/Disclosure form.  

Anesthesiology requires that authors provide their institutional affiliation, institutional title or position, and institutional email address upon manuscript submission. If the institution does not have an email system then a personal email address is acceptable.  If an author is an unpaid employee, visiting scholar or visiting student, both the home institution and the institution at which the work was done should be listed as affiliations and each clearly identified as such.  Collaborator institutional affiliation and institutional title or position must be listed in an Appendix to the full text of the article, rather than in a supplementary online file.


Other contributors may be thanked in an Acknowledgment section. Because acknowledgment may imply endorsement by acknowledged individuals of a study's data and conclusions, Anesthesiology requires that the corresponding author obtain written permission to be acknowledged from the all acknowledged individuals, prior to manuscript submission. This information does not need to be uploaded as part of the manuscript submission, but must be available upon request. Acknowledged individuals are not indexed in PubMed.

If relevant to your submission, contact the Editorial Office for further information about how to distinguish and mark group authorship and group collaborators.

Changes to authorship after submission Authors on a work must be established before submission, and all authors must meet all the criteria for authorship. Any change in authorship (order, addition, removal, designated corresponding author) after the original submission is considered unusual and is highly discouraged.   A request for such a change must be made in writing by the Corresponding Author, requires a clear and thorough explanation and justification for the change, and must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief.

IIn addition to the request from the Corresponding Author, each author, including, as relevant, the person being added or removed, must independently provide signed, written approval of the change to be submitted to Anesthesiology.  This documentation must also include a definition of the contribution of every person listed as an author on the initial submission and the subsequent version/s.  Each person must explain their contribution to the original manuscript and revised manuscript/s and their understanding of the contributions of each other person listed as an author to the original manuscript and revised manuscript/s. You may wish to contact the Editorial Office for the full procedure and required documentation.

The submission will be returned to the authors until all appropriate information is received. The Corresponding Author is responsible for collating all the documentation and submitting it under the submission item Authorship Information when returning the manuscript into the online system. While the Editor-in-Chief considers the request, further processing of the manuscript will be suspended.  Requests for change in authorship are not guaranteed and are granted at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Any changes (author order, addition, removal) to authors listed in a Research Group or as Group Collaborators made after manuscript submission must be requested by the Corresponding Author and require a clear and thorough explanation and justification for the change, and must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief. The person(s) being added or removed from the Research Group or Group Collaborators, and each author listed on the byline must independently provide signed, written approval of the change to be submitted to Anesthesiology. Other members of a Research Group or Group Collaborators, not listed on a byline, do not have to provide such approval. However, the Corresponding Author must provide a written statement to Anesthesiology that all co-authors have been informed of and approve the change in Research Group or Group Collaborators and the reason for the change and provide a copy of the notice to Anesthesiology.

Copyright Each author must complete and submit the journal’s Copyright Transfer Agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.” A copy of the form is made available to the submitting author within the Editorial Manager submission process. Co-authors will automatically receive an email with instructions on completing the form upon revision.

Compliance with Funder-mandated Open Access Policies A number of nonprofit research funding agencies require authors to comply with open access mandates and publish their research under a creative commons license. At submission, please disclose any applicable funding sources that require open access publication. Refer to http://www.wkopenhealth/inst-fund.php, if needed, for a list of Funder-Mandated Open Access Policies which Anesthesiology recognizes. If your nonprofit research funding agency is not on this list and you have eligibility questions, please contact the Editorial Office. Open access eligibility decisions are made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Note that this is not the same as research funding agencies that require or request authors to submit an accepted manuscript after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge.






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