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2021/7/20 11:04:23 来源:官网信息 阅读:467 发布者:

Author Guidelines

We are delighted to announce that beginning with the next volume year in 2020, Andrology will be available online-only.

Scope and Publication Policy

Andrology welcomes manuscript submissions on all aspects of andrology, including original and review articles, commentaries, letters and editorials in clinical and basic research. The journal will prioritize novelty, scientific quality and a broad interest of the readership. Case reports will not be considered.

Article Types

Original Articles: Original, investigative studies based on previously unpublished data. These can also be Clinical Practice Guidelines, which are developed by an European Academy of Andrology appointed task force, are evidence based, and provide graded clinical practice recommendations.

Review articles: should address topics of importance in the andrology field.

Book reviews: should be a thorough description, critical analysis, and/or evaluation of the quality, meaning, and significance of a book.

Editorials are opinion articles by the journal's Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor and will typically address some policy matter of importance to andrology.

Opinion articles are articles invited by the Editor-in-Chief that will examine concepts and findings recently introduced into the scientific record that have exceptional interest.

Letters to the Editor are short comments to a paper published in Andrology.

Authors should strictly adhere to the following minimal quality requirements:

the number of study subjects should be sufficiently large to reach meaningful conclusions and should include power calculations.

description of populations used in genetic and epidemiological studies must include age, gender, ethnicity, and geographic origin of subjects and controls

clinical intervention studies must be pre-registered (see below) and include placebo or other controls

each step of an original study should be properly controlled; both positive and negative controls should be included

studies reporting data based on only one cell line will not be considered; cell lines should preferably be validated

studies using antibodies must refer to previous validation. If new antibodies are used, a detailed characterisation must be included in the paper

Histological preparations should be fixed properly (NO formalin fixation for testis tissue) of good quality and images should be of resolution sufficient to allow peer review.

Images should be original and not be manipulated or duplicated from previous studies (except cited reprints used in review articles).

Images must be of good quality (at least 300 dpi) and dimension sufficient to see the details, including thicks, lines, bars and labels.

Statistical analyses performed must be appropriated and described in details in the manuscript text.

Results should not be repeated between text and figures/tables.

Bar plots should be avoided in favour of more informative graphic representations (e.g. box and whiskers plots).

Submission is considered on the conditions that papers are previously unpublished, and are not offered simultaneously elsewhere; that all authors (defined below) have read and approved the content, and all authors have also declared all competing interests; and that the work complies with the Ethical Policies of Andrology, and has been conducted under internationally accepted ethical standards after relevant ethical review. The authors should carefully compile two checklists concerning approval of authorship by all authors and compliance with the quality requirements listed above. In the absence (or incompleteness) of the checklists, the Editorial Office will un-submit the paper.

Please note that the journal employs a screening process in order to identify duplicate and redundant publication. By submitting your manuscript to the journal you accept that your manuscript may be screened for duplication against previously published work. In the presence of an excessive amount of plagiarism the manuscript will be returned to the authors with the request to rephrase the paper in an original way. If the authors have preliminarily submitted their manuscript to a preprint service, this should be indicated in the accompanying letter.

All articles submitted and accepted for publication in Andrology will be made freely available to all users 12 months after publication in an issue of the journal.

Andrology is published online only does not ask for publication or page charges from authors.


The Journal upholds and expects the highest standards of conduct on the part of authors, peer referees, and editors. Manuscripts describing studies involving animals should comply with local/national guidelines governing the use of experimental animals and must contain a statement indicating that the procedures have been approved by the appropriate regulatory body (e.g. in the USA: The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals prepared by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources for the National Research Council . Manuscripts concerned with human studies must contain statements indicating that informed, written consent has been obtained, that studies have been performed according to the Declaration of Helsinki, and that the procedures have been approved by a local ethics committee. If individuals might be identified from a publication (e.g. from images) authors must obtain explicit consent from the individual. The editors reserve the right not to accept papers unless adherence to the principles given in the Declaration of Helsinki and the Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Animals (DHEW Publication, NIH) is clear.

The licence/approval number(s) of human and animal experimental studies must be indicated in the checklists which will be enclosed in pdf generated upon submission and peer reviewed.

The Journal’s ethical policies are outlined in the separate document Ethical Policies of Andrology. Submitted work must comply with these policies, which are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on good publication and comply with their Code of Conduct. Andrology is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Authors are required to disclose financial interests (e.g. employment, significant share ownership, patent rights, consultancy, research funding, etc.) in any company or institution that might benefit from their publication. All authors must provide details of any other potential competing interests of a personal nature that readers or editors might consider relevant to their publication. To prevent ambiguity, authors must state explicitly whether potential conflicts do or do not exist. The statement should be placed in the text of the submitted manuscript directly following the Acknowledgements. Authors are also required to provide an Author Statement form upon submission, which can be found here.

All sources of funding must be disclosed in the Acknowledgments section of the paper. Please list governmental, industrial, charitable, philanthropic and/or personal sources of funding used for the studies described in the manuscript. Attribution of these funding sources is preferred.


This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, USA (DKxxxx to AB).


All authors must fulfil the following three criteria:

Substantial contributions to research design, or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data

Drafting the paper or revising it critically

Approval of the submitted and final versions

The authors must indicate their specific contributions to the work described in the manuscript in the Authors' Contribution section, directly following the Acknowledgments. An author may list more than one contribution, and more than one author may have contributed to the same element of the work e.g. AB performed the research, AB & CD analyzed the data and wrote the paper, EF contributed the knockout mice for the study and GH designed the research study and wrote the paper.

Encourages Data Sharing

Andrology encourages authors to share the data and other artefacts supporting the results in the paper by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. Authors should include a data accessibility statement in the accompanying letter and in the manuscript, including a link to the repository they have used, in order that this statement can be published alongside their paper.

Preprint Servers 

This journal will consider for review articles previously available as preprints. Authors may also post the submitted version of their manuscript to a preprint server at any time. Authors are requested to update any pre-publication versions with a link to the final published article.

Clinical trials (if applicable)

Clinical trials must be registered and publications must include the registration number and name of the trial register. If these are not available, please provide an explanation.

Submission and Review Process

Manuscripts must be written in English (use consistently either British or American spelling) and must be submitted online. To submit, go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/andrology .

All submitted articles are subject to a triage by the editorial office, which evaluates the adherence to author instructions. Manuscripts may be returned to the authors at this stage with the request to comply with these instructions before they are assigned to one Editor. Once the editorial office approves the submission, the manuscript will be sent to the Editors, who will decide if the paper meets the necessary quality criteria and deserves undergoing full review. In this case,  the peer review process will start. This process provides at least two experienced referees. Authors are encouraged to suggest the names and email address of prospective reviewers. The names of undesired reviewers can also be stated.

Acceptance of manuscripts is based on scientific merit. The Editors will select and accept manuscripts suitable for publication - the Editors' decisions are final. Manuscripts accepted for publication are made immediately available online as fully citable accepted papers, copyedited and typeset. The proofs are sent to contributors for a final check, but the cost of extensive changes to the proofs may be charged to the contributors.

Editorial and production queries: for manuscripts in the review process, please forward your query to the editorial office (email: andrologyoffice@gmail.com).

If your paper is accepted, the author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email prompting them to login into Author Services; where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be able to complete the license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.


As part of the journal’s commitment to supporting authors at every step of the publishing process, the journal requires the submitting author (only) to provide an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript. This takes around 2 minutes to complete. Please see Wiley’s resources on ORCID here.

Author Licensing

If a paper is accepted for publication, the author identified as the formal corresponding author will receive an email prompting them to log in to Author Services, where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be required to complete a copyright license agreement on behalf of all authors of the paper.

Authors may choose to publish under the terms of the journal’s standard copyright agreement, or Open Access under the terms of a Creative Commons License.

General information regarding licensing and copyright is available here. To review the Creative Commons License options offered under Open Access, please click here. (Note that certain funders mandate a particular type of CC license be used; to check this please click here.)

Self-Archiving Definitions and Policies: Note that the journal’s standard copyright agreement allows for self-archiving of different versions of the article under specific conditions. Please click here for more detailed information about self-archiving definitions and policies.

Open Access fees: Authors who choose to publish using Open Access will be charged a fee. A list of Article Publication Charges for Wiley journals is available here.

Funder Open Access: Please click here for more information on Wiley’s compliance with specific Funder Open Access Policies.


The editorial office will evaluate the following steps after the manuscript submission. The editorial office will return the manuscript to the authors if these minimal requirements are not fulfilled.

Text: the manuscript should be written using standard font (Times Roman, Arial or Calibri), size ( 11 or 12) and space (1.5 or 2).

Title page

The tile page must include:

Full title of 120 characters or fewer that provides a concise statement of the article’s major contents.

Authors’ full names and institutions.

Short title of 50 or fewer characters for page headings.

No more than six keywords.

Corresponding author’s contact information.


Each manuscript must have a structured abstract after the title page, reporting the following parts: Background, Objectives, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. It must be of maximum 300 words.

Original studies should be clearly divided into the following sections: introduction; materials and methods; results; discussion with conclusions and references. Please remember to include acknowledgements, funding information, disclosures, and author's contributions between the main text and reference list.


An introductory statement that places the work in historical perspective, explaining its intent and significance.

Materials and Methods

This section is needed for original articles. In this section, the authors must describe in sufficient detail for other investigators to repeat the work. For clinical trials, the registration number must be reported here.


Results should briefly present the experimental data in text, tables, or figures. Do not repeat the results in the text and in the Tables/Figures.






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