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Annals of Internal Medicine《内科学年鉴》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/7/6 9:09:12 来源:官网信息 阅读:999 发布者:

Information for Authors

General Information

A. Mission and Scope

Annals of Internal Medicine’s mission is to promote excellence in medicine, enable physicians and other health care professionals to be well-informed members of the medical community and society, advance standards in the conduct and reporting of medical research, and contribute to improving the health of people worldwide. To achieve this mission, the journal publishes a wide variety of original research, review articles, practice guidelines, and commentary relevant to clinical practice, health care delivery, public health, health care policy, medical education, ethics, and research methodology. In addition, the journal publishes personal narratives that convey the art of medicine.

B. Readership and Reach

Annals of Internal Medicine has a large readership that includes the members of the American College of Physicians (163,000 in 2020) and many more physicians, health care professionals, and researchers worldwide. Annals print issues are distributed to more than 100,000 readers worldwide, and free online access is available to many articles at Annals.org as part of its commitment to readers, authors, and society. Because Annals is a selective journal provided to members and subscribers, an article-level open-access option supported by article processing charges is not provided. However, our free, publicly accessible content includes: Clinical Guidelines, ACP Position Papers, AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, NIH Conferences, Summaries for Patients, In the Clinic Patient Information Pages, and selected other content. Abstracts, Tables of Contents, E-mail Alerts, and Podcasts are also free. In addition to the access described above, Annals provides many countries in the developing world with immediate free access through the HINARI program.

Annals of Internal Medicine is among the most highly cited and influential journals in the world. The most recent (2020) Impact Factor for Annals of Internal Medicine is 25.391 (Clarivate Analytics). Annals is the most cited and highest ranked internal medicine journal. Annals of Internal Medicine is indexed in BIOSIS Previews, CAB Direct, Chemical Abstracts Service (CASSI), CINAHL, Current Contents - Clinical Medicine, Current contents - Live Science, EMBASE, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, and Scopus.

C. Publisher

The American College of Physicians (ACPOnline.org), publisher of Annals of Internal Medicine, is the largest medical specialty organization and is the second largest physician member group in the United States. ACP members include internal medicine physicians (internists), related subspecialists, and medical students. Internists specialize in the care of adults. Statements expressed in Annals of Internal Medicine reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily the policies of the journal or of the American College of Physicians, unless so identified.

D. Copyright/Permissions for Author Reuse of Published Material

All authors, except U.S. government employees whose work was done as part of their official duties, must transfer copyright to the American College of Physicians, publisher of Annals. Transfer of copyright signifies transfer of rights for print publication; electronic publication; production of reprints, facsimiles, microfilm, or microfiche; or publication in any language. Annals is a subscription-based journal provided to members and subscribers and does not provide an article-level open-access option supported by article processing charges.

Authors are granted the rights after publication in Annals to reuse the published article or portions thereof that they created as described here without requesting permission from the ACP. These authors’ rights are to reuse figures and tables as part of new publications; include the article, or portions thereof, in their thesis, dissertation, or collection dedicated to their educational work; and provide copies to students in classes they teach. In all these cases for reuse, authors will give proper credit to the original publication in Annals as follows:

Reproduced with permission from Author(s). Title. Annals of Internal Medicine. Year; vol: pp-pp. URL   ©American College of Physicians.

Authors reusing their material as described above do not need to contact Annals for permission. For other uses, the author must request permission directly from each individual journal article page. Just click on the “Get Permissions” in the content toolbox, which is located in the horizontal bar across the top of the article title when viewing the article on Annals.org.

Authors reusing content in a submitted manuscript to Annals should refer to Section III.E.

Preparing Manuscripts for Submission

A. Article Types

For submission, your manuscript does not need to conform to all of the formatting specifications used for publication that are noted here. These instructions, however, may serve as a guide to content that will be useful in the evaluation of your submitted manuscript.

Annals publishes a variety of article types, as listed below. The links accompanying each article type provide details about the article type and specific formatting requirements. General formatting guidelines are presented in the sections following the article types, and Section II.C contains guidance on reporting statistical findings.

Note that Annals publishes some content that is produced internally and does not represent material that is submitted for peer review by external authors. This material includes special features, such as In the Clinic, ACP Journal Club, Annals Consult Guys, and Annals On Call.

Article Types

Original Research

Reports of original analyses of data on prevalence, causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, course, treatment, and prevention of disease. [Peer reviewed]


Indicate the study design in the title (e.g., add “randomized trial” or “cost-effectiveness analysis” to the full title of the manuscript).


275 words, structured

Structure (all study designs except cost-effectiveness studies):

Background, Objective, Design, Setting, Patients (or Participants), Interventions (if any), Measurements, Results, Limitations, Conclusion

Structure for cost-effectiveness studies:

Background, Objective, Design, Data Sources, Target Population, Time Horizon, Perspective, Intervention, Outcome Measures, Results of Base-Case Analysis, Results of Sensitivity Analysis, Limitations, Conclusion

At the end of the abstract state:

Registration: If the study is registered, specify the registry and the study’s unique registration number at the end of the abstract.

Funding Source: State the sources of funding. If none, state so.


3500 words (excludes abstract and references) Please note that if accepted for publication, the Editors may request shortening even if manuscript falls below this limit.

Structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion

Funding Source: Identify the funding source for the study and its role in the study’s design, conduct, and reporting. Put this information under the last subheading of the Methods section and title the subhead “Role of the Funding source.”

IRB Approval: Confirm that an Institutional Review Board approved the study prior to data collection. If an Institutional Review Board did not review the study, provide documentation that not seeking Institutional Review Board review was in accordance with the policy of your institution.


75 or fewer bibliographic references


No more than 4-6 tables or figures (combined)

Reporting guidelines

Follow relevant reporting recommendations. The EQUATOR site includes the following guidelines, which Annals endorses:

Controlled Trials: CONSORT

Cost-effectiveness Analyses: CHEERS

Diagnostic Test Studies: STARD 2015

Observational Studies: STROBE

Molecular Epidemiology: STROBE-ME

Qualitative Research: COREQ

Genetic Risk Prediction Studies: GRIPS

Quality Improvement Studies: SQUIRE

Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis: TRIPOD


We encourage authors to submit the study protocol that was approved by the Institutional Review Board. In the case of trials, authors should submit the original trial protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board and subsequent amendments. Make sure that these documents are dated appropriately.

Reviews: Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

Reviews that systematically find, select, critique, and synthesize evidence relevant to well-defined questions about diagnosis, prognosis, or therapy. For information on the types of reviews Annals publishes see: The Editors. Reviews: Making Sense of an Often Tangled Skein of Evidence. Ann Intern Med, Jun 2005; 142: 1019 – 1020. [Peer reviewed]


275 words

Structure: Background, Purpose, Data Sources(must include start and end search dates), Study Selection, Data Extraction, Data Synthesis, Limitations, Conclusions

At the end of the abstract state:

Registration: If the study is registered, specify the registry and the study’s unique registration number at the end of the abstract.

Funding Source: State the source of funding. If none, state so.


Add “A systematic review” or “A systematic review and meta-analysis” as a subtitle.


4000 words (excludes abstract and references), note that if accepted for publication the editors may request shortening even if manuscript falls below this limit

Structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions

Methods: Subheadings should be: Data Sources and Searches; Study Selection; Data Extraction and Quality Assessment; and Data Synthesis and Analysis. For studies that present numerical data and use statistical inference, include a section under Methods that describes the methods and specific statistical software used for the statistical analysis.

Funding Source: Identify the funding source for the study and its role in the study’s design, conduct, and reporting. Put this information under the last subheading of the Methods section and title the subhead “Role of the Funding source.”


No limit, although if includes more than 100 references, the references may need to be in an electronic only appendix


Aim to include no more than 4 tables or figures (combined) within the body of the manuscript. Additional tables and figures can be included as appendix material. Among the tables and figures should be a flow diagram that depicts the search and selection processes and evidence tables.

Reporting guidelines

Follow relevant reporting recommendations. The EQUATOR includes the following guidelines:

PRISMA reporting guideline for systematic reviews and meta-analysis

MOOSE reporting guidelines for meta-analysis of observational studies

ENTREQ reporting guideline for synthesis of qualitative research

Rapid Reviews, Living Reviews, and Living Guidelines

A Rapid Review is a form of knowledge synthesis in which components of the systematic review process are simplified or omitted to produce information in a timely manner (1).






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