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2021/7/1 11:13:35 来源:官网信息 阅读:578 发布者:

Instructions for Authors

The Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology is published 10 times a year. It focuses on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology and those aspects of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Neurology, Pediatrics, and the neurosciences that are clearly related to this. The Journal publishes papers encompassing investigative research, treatment techniques, basic sciences, health policy and education, focused reviews and clinical case reports or conferences.

Manuscripts must be submitted online using the following url: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcap. Please read all the instructions to authors before submitting.

All submitting authors are required to complete their submissions using an ORCID identifier. Please visit the ORCID website for more information, or to register.

Use of English Language

All submissions must be in English. Appropriate use of English is a requirement for review and publication in Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. To support non-native speakers, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., has partnered with Editage to provide language editing and translation services for a fee prior to official submission. To learn more about the services, please visit the Liebert Author Services website. Please note that employing the use of such services is not mandatory and using it, or any other language editing service, does not guarantee the acceptance of any paper. All submissions are subject to peer review.

Copyright Agreement Form

Manuscripts should be submitted with the understanding that they have neither been published, nor are under consideration for publication elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract. Prior abstract publications should be described in the form of a footnote to the title. Published manuscripts become the sole property of the Journal and will be copyrighted by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. By submitting a manuscript to the Journal, the author(s) agree(s) to each of the above conditions. In addition, the author(s) explicitly assign(s) any copyrighted ownership he/she (they) may have in such manuscript to the Journal.

Upon acceptance of any manuscript, all authors will receive a follow-up email with instructions on how to complete our online Copyright Agreement form.  It is critical to ensure the accuracy of ALL authors’ email addresses when uploading submissions to Manuscript Central to ensure the proper delivery of all email communications.


The corresponding author is responsible for communicating with coauthors to make sure they have completed the online copyright form. Authors not permitted to release copyright must still return the form acknowledging the statement of the reason for not releasing the copyright.


Deviations from these Instructions for Authors will generally result in a return of the manuscript for correction before review.


The Journal will consider original research papers, brief reports, reviews, and letters to the editors.

Original research articles and brief reports should have an Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Clinical Significance, Disclosures, Acknowledgments, if needed, References, Tables and Figures, and Legends. One subsection level is allowed.

Brief reports should be no more than 10 manuscript pages including references and disclosures, and no more than 2 tables (or figures). Case reports of 5 or more cases can be submitted as a brief report.

Case reports of 1-4 cases must be submitted as a Letter to the Editor.

Letters to the Editor(s) are welcomed, but with a 500-word limit and no more than one (1) table OR figure, and with a maximum of four (4) references.


A submitted paper (or any essential part) must not be published or simultaneously submitted to other publications prior to its appearance in this Journal (except for abstracts or press reports from scientific meetings).

Submissions to the Journal will undergo peer review.  Manuscripts may be edited for clarity, conciseness, grammar, and conformity to Journal style. Authors will receive page proofs before publication.

Authors should include a minimum of 3 to 5 preferred reviewers (with email addresses) whom they think are particularly expert in the subject of their paper. This information should be provided in the preferred reviewer section during the online submission process through manuscript central.

Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the Journal, and may be republished elsewhere only with the written permission of the publisher. There are no page charges.


All text files should be submitted in Word files. Do not submit PDFs.

Author Disclosure

All authors must disclose all institutional or corporate/commercial relationships going back 36 months, or to the time of the data collection if the data were collected longer than 3 years ago, that might pose a conflict of interest. The Journal should also be informed if any conflicts of interest arise after submission and before publication of the paper. Institutional affiliations and funding sources that supported the work (from any grant, funding source, or commercial interest/pharmaceutical company) are to be indicated on the title page.

The Author Disclosure section is to be uploaded along with your manuscript as a separate Word file. The disclosure is required for submission. If the authors have nothing to disclose, state this in the file for each author.

The Disclosures should include all corporate/commercial relationships that might pose a conflict of interest, e.g., all of the authors' relationshps with all pharmaceutical companies. This includes such things as all consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership, gifts, free or reimbursed travel/ vacations, equity interests, arrangements regarding patents or other vested interests, etc. (not just those immediately related to this specific paper or to the pharmaceutical company sponsoring the submitted paper). If a specific author has no financial relationships with any pharmaceutical company, it must be so stated in the Disclosure section. If the study was supported by a pharmaceutical company, it must be stated in the Disclosure section who analyzed the data and who wrote the paper (the authors or a medical writer). Papers submitted without an Author Disclosure section will not be reviewed.

First Page

On the first page, give the full title of the article, full name(s) and highest academic degree(s) of all author(s), the name of the department and institution where the work was done, and other institutional affiliation(s) and title(s).  State the names and affiliations of statistical consultants. Support received from any grant, funding source, or commercial in-terest should be indicated. Also, give name, address, telephone, and email address of the corresponding author and of the author who will receive requests for reprints. Provide a running title that is less than 45 characters. Include an abstract. Please number all pages consecutively.


Whenever possible, the titles of papers should provide specific information rather than merely suggest a general topic. Many readers who scan the medical literature in indexing sources see only the titles, and should receive information by scanning. Titles in the Journal should be self-explanatory and self-contained. Rather than a title such as "Conduct Disorder and ADHD," use "Conduct Disorder Is Present in 70% of Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder." Please avoid two-part titles and abbreviations.


All submissions, except letters, must be accompanied by a structured abstract of less than 300 words. The abstract must have the following four sections: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.  The abstract should be fully understood on its own, without any reference to the text itself. Statements that give generalized accounts, such as "Implications will be discussed," are not helpful: Indicate concisely what are seen as the most important implications.

Tables, Figures, and Illustrations


Prepare each figure as individual .TIFF or .EPS file

Do NOT embed figures and/or images within the manuscript file.

Do NOT submit figures in Word, PowerPoint, PDF, Bitmap, .JPEG, or Excel.

Line illustrations must be submitted at 900 DPI.

Halftones and color should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi.

Color art must be saved as CMYK - not RGB. (N.B., If RGB files are submitted, the files will be converted to CYMK and some color variation will occur.)

Black and white art must be submitted as grayscale – not RGB

For direction on conerting a Power Point slide to acceptable format go to: www.liebertpub.com/MEDIA/pdf/ppconvert.pdf


Prepare and save each table in individual .doc or .docx files.

Do not include tables in the main manuscript text file.

Do not embed tables within the text.

Include a table number and a title for each supplied table.

Use Arabic numerals to number tables.

Do not repeat information that is given in the text, and do not make a table for data that can be given in the text in one or two sentences.

Define all acronyms used within the body of the table in table footnotes.

All other types of table footnotes should be designated using superscript letters, not symbols.

Name all table files in English and use only alphanumeric characters.  Do not use symbols, dots, lines, or dashes.

Table file names should be formatted with first author’s last name and the figure number. (Ex:  SmithTable1)

Upload individual table file under the “Table” file designation.

Supplementary Information:

When appropriate, we encourage the judicious use of online-only supplementary information (SI). All information/data in the SI should be referred to in the article text, including reference to specific tables and figures in the SI. Upload supplementary tables, figures, and legends as separate files, either as “supplementary file” or “supplementary file for review only.” The manuscript should be written so that the paper which appears in the printed journal contains all data which are key to the conclusions and important for the reader to have direct access to when reading the paper. Other supporting data and text are appropriate for the supplementary section.  NOTE: Supplemental Information will not be copyedited or typeset; it will be posted online as supplied.


In research involving statistical analysis, please include the following: (a) the hypotheses in clearly stated form, (b) the statistical tests used, cited by name, for each data set, (c) the use of either one-tailed or two-tailed tests, and (d) the test value, degree(s) of freedom, and probability for every significant and important nonsignificant result. Use standard deviations rather than standard errors of the mean. For novel or not well-known tests, provide a citation.

Clinical Significance

Each original research article, review, or brief report should include a "Clinical Significance," just before the Author Disclosure statement.  This section requires one brief paragraph that will communicate the clinical importance of the work, and its relevancy to the scientific community, in a few short sentences.


Authors maintain responsibility for the accuracy of their citations. Text citations will appear preferably at the end of sentences, and will indicate first (A 1990), first and second (A and B 1990), or first plus (A plus all coauthors 1990) authors, with year of publication and without a comma.  Citations in the reference section should list all coauthors (et al. is not permitted in the reference list), be alphabetized rather than numbered, and multiple citations to one author should be placed in chronological sequence; the list should be double spaced, with each reference separated by a single line of space.  Any references published in a foreign language should be followed by an English translation in brackets. Do not indicate issue numbers unless issues are not sequentially paginated. Credit for figures and illustrations should be given in captions. Personal communications, unpublished data, and manuscripts "in preparation" or "submitted for publication" may be incorporated into the text but not in the reference list. Abbreviations will follow the style of Medline. Please follow the style of these examples:

Riddle MA, Hardin MT, King R, Scahill L, Woolston

JL: Fluoxetine treatment of children and adolescents with Tourette's and obsessive compulsive disorders: Preliminary clinical experience. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 29:45-48, 1990.

Courchesne E, Yeung-Courchesne R: Event-related brain potentials. In: Assessment and Diagnosis in Child Psy-chopathology. Edited by Rutter M, Tuma AH, Lann IS. New York, Guilford Press, 1988, pp 264-299.

Adams GR, Montemayor R, Gullotta TP (eds): Biology of Adolescent Behavior and Development. Newbury Park (California), Sage Publications, 1989.

Geller B: A double-blind placebo-controlled study of nortriptyline in adolescents with major depression. Washington (DC), National Institute of Mental Health, New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit (NCDEU) Annual Meeting, 1989 (abstract).

Abbreviations and Medication Names

Weights, heights, and other measurements should be in the metric system.  When an abbreviation or acronym is first used in the abstract and in the text, it must be spelled out in full and followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. When an abbreviation or acronym is used in each table and figure, it should be spelled out in full in the table footnote or figure citation. For standard abbreviations, consult the Style Manual for Biologic Journals, 4th edition (American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1401 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22209).

Identify medications by generic name. A brand name may also be placed in parentheses; but since brand names are generally used only in a single country, specify the locale in which the proprietary name is used. Proprietary names, but not generic or chemical names, should have initial capital letters. For materials and devices, describe by nonproprietary name, and then indicate (in parentheses) brand name, manufacturer's name, city, state, and country. Be certain to use the brand names of medications or products that are experimental or that are crucial to the replication or interpretation of the study.


Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by written statements from both author and publisher giving permission for reproduction to the Journal. If clearance is also required by the author's institution, these statements should be provided with the manuscript. For papers in press, unpublished data, and personal communications, submit written permission from the first author along with the manuscript.

Patient Confidentiality

Strict anonymity of patients must be maintained. Do not use actual names, initials, dates, or hospital numbers. In describing the personal characteristics of a patient, disguise any potentially identifying information. [The only exception is a photograph of an identifiable patient, for whom written permission for publication has been obtained.]

Informed Consent and Assent

For clinical reports, an explicit description of the informed consent procedures involving both parents, as well as the assent provided by younger adolescents and children, is required in the Methods section. Agreement is required both for consent to research and permission to publish.

Human or Animal Experimentation

Reports of research involving experimental subjects should be accompanied by a statement indicating approval by the Institutional Review Board (or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee).


Thanking individuals involved in the scientific or technical aspects of manuscript preparation should not exceed four typed lines.


Reprints may be ordered by following the special instructions that will accompany page proofs, and should be ordered at the time the corresponding author returns the corrected page proofs to the Publisher. Reprints ordered after an issue is printed will be charged at a substantially higher rate.


The originality and accuracy of data, statements, and opinions in the Journal are the responsibility and liability of the individual contributors (and advertisers). These statements do not necessarily represent the views of the editors, the publisher, or the Journal.


The Journal is published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 140 Huguenot Street, 3rd Floor, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215. Telephone: (914) 740-2100; fax: (914) 740-2101; e-mail: info@liebertpub.com internet: www.liebertpub.com



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