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2021/6/30 11:24:07 来源:官网信息 阅读:368 发布者:



Call for papers

We kindly invite you to publish original papers related to the helminth taxonomy, systematics, morphology and ultrastructure, genetics, molecular biology, epidemiology and diagnostics, anthelmintic resistance, pharmacology and treatment, ecology and environment and phytonematology. Reviews and minireviews are particularly welcome.


You can easily submit your manuscript online. Simply go to...


...and you will be guided through the whole peer-reviewing and publishing process.

Please read Instructions for Authors carefully before submitting the manuscript.

Your benefits of publishing with us

Short turnaround times with rapid online publication

Accepted papers are promptly published online ahead-of-print

High quality single blind peer-review

Worldwide distribution

Every article easily discoverable because of SEO and comprehensive abstracting and indexing services

Convenient citation tracking via e-mail alert

Secure archiving by De Gruyter and the independent archiving service Portico

Professional sales and marketing support

Submission process

Submission of your paper via our submission management tool

Peer review process (you will be guided through every step)

Decision on your paper (6 weeks for submission to first decision)

If accepted: you have the option to publish it open access

Publication online and in print 4 weeks from acceptance to publication)

Please note

Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English

Open Access Licence be signed and submitted during the upload of manuscripts at Editorial Manager online submission system office

Before submitting your article please have a look at our Publication Ethics Statement and our Open Access Licence.

If you have any general questions please visit our FAQ page for authors

If you wish to contact Editorial Office, please submit your enquiry to helminth@saske.sk



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