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2021/6/29 14:12:40 来源:官网信息 阅读:753 发布者:

Animal Reproduction

Guidelines and Policies

The Editorial Policies and Guidelines outlined here must be followed. If you have any questions, please contact us prior to your submission.

Editorial Policies

General policies

Submitted manuscripts must be original and should not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publication or have been previously published in any form or medium. Furthermore, if the article has already undergone any previous evaluation, the corresponding decision letter must be attached during submission, and this fact should be mentioned in the submitted Cover Letter. All authors are entirely responsible for all data, concepts and information contained in the article.

Article processing charges

This journal does not have submission charges. Animal Reproduction charges only a flat fee after the acceptance of the article. There are three different values for the Article Processing Charge (APC), as follows:

R$ 1600,00 for non CBRA members

R$ 800,00 for CBRA members

US$ 650,00  for foreign authors

APC payment of accepted articles must be processed thought the following link: http://cbra.org.br/pages/pagamento/payment-select.jsp

Waiver and discounts

Authors from low-income countries and without access to grant to cover Article Processing Charges may request a waiver or discount after their manuscript is accepted for publication. Waiver and discounts must be requested through the journal contact page, and should include the accepted manuscript information and author reasons for requesting the waiver or discount.

Open access, copyright and self-archiving policies

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) definition of open access. Accepted articles will be published as Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Authors of articles published by Animal Reproduction retain copyright of their work without restrictions, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows articles to be re-used and re-distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.

Animal Reproduction encourages Authors to self archive accepted manuscripts by posting them in personal blogs, institutional repositories and scientific social medias, as well as on their personal social medias, as long as the full citation to the journal website version is included.


All manuscripts must be written in Standard American English. We recommend Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary (http://www.m-w.com/) for spelling check and the EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English (http://www.ease.org.uk/publications/author-guidelines). Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by a reviewer familiar with scientific language and vocabulary, or by a specialized company, and present a certificate of English editing. Manuscripts not written in acceptable Standard English will be returned to the author before being sent to the scientific reviewers.

Peer Review Process

Animal Reproduction has a 3-stage review process:

All submitted manuscripts undergo a technical verification for compliance with Animal Reproduction policies and manuscript preparation guidelines. Submissions that fail to comply will be un-submitted so that the authors can fix the problems and resubmit them.

Manuscripts are then sent to the Editor-in-chief, who performs a pre-evaluation that includes originality, scope and journal fit. Rejected manuscripts will not be sent to peer-review and will be returned to the authors with the reasons for such editorial decision. The Editors strive to accomplish this first screening stage and send their decision in 70 days.

Manuscripts accepted in this first screening will be sent for a single blind evaluation by at least two reviewers. After the ad hoc reviewers finish their evaluation, the handling Editor will return the manuscript to the authors with an accepted, rejected, or for review decision, according to the reviewers’ suggestions. Revised manuscripts submitted by the authors will be sent to the Editor-in-chief for final decision, and reviewers might be asked to perform additional evaluations.

Section Policies

Animal Reproduction does not impose a limit on the number of words and references for Original and Review articles, but editors and reviewers might make recommendations regarding text clarity and quality and excess or lack or relevance of references.

Original Articles

Articles reporting original research studies and/or data related to the subject fields covered by Animal Reproduction.

Original Articles are open for author submission and must not have been previously published elsewhere.

Review Articles

Review Articles of interest to the field of animal reproduction will be submitted by direct invitation of the editorial board, but authors might also submit review manuscripts.

Short Communications

Short Communications must report or be related to new techniques involved in the biology of reproduction.

They are open for author submissions and must have a maximum of 2000 words, including the list of references, and only two panel figures and two tables.

Conference proceedings

The Journal publishes full original papers, abstracts and workshops when presented in conferences from Scholarly Societies of Animal Reproduction supported by the journal.

Authorship and Disclosures

Authorship byline

Authors must agree on the manuscript authorship making sure it accurately illustrates and includes contributors who actually and significantly contributed to the work. All those listed as authors should qualify for authorship according to the substantial contributions on the concept and design the work, data acquisition, interpretation and evaluation, and should have been actively involved during manuscript revision and approval of the final manuscript version, with substantial and intellectual involvement, specially in the results discussion.

Author contributions and responsibility

All authors must approve the final version of the manuscript and be responsible for each part of collaborative work done in its final version. In addition, each author's specific contribution according to the CRediT's standard designations available at https://www.casrai.org/credit.html, should be included in the Cover Letter as outlined in the manuscript preparation guidelines.

Changes in Authorship after Submission

Any changes in authorship during the revision process of the manuscript will only be considered by the editors if important additional experiments or relevant contributions have been made and justified. Such changes in authorship must be requested in the revised version submission letter, and they need to be described in detail, explaining their rationale.


Contributions from anyone who does not meet the authorship criteria should be listed, with permission from the contributor, in an Acknowledgments section (for example, to recognize contributions from people who provided technical support, collaboration of data, writing assistance, acquisition of funding, or a department chairperson who provided general support).

Conflict of Interest

Authors are required to include a statement disclosing any potential conflicts of interest. Animal Reproduction considers potential conflicts of interest any event of a personal, commercial, political or academic nature, whether or not involving financial compensation.

Funding disclosure statement

All financial support received must be disclosed by all authors. Use the author’s initials followed by a short description and include the funding agency’s name and grant identification number(s), in that order.

Research ethics and publication malpractice

Authors, Editors and Reviewers are expected to follow the highest level of ethics throughout research, data acquisition and processing, and manuscript writing, evaluation and publishing.

During the evaluation stages authors, reviewers and editors should report to the Editor-in-Chief whenever they observe a potential conflict of interest that may influence manuscript design or evaluation. Animal Reproduction considers potential conflicts of interest any event of a personal, commercial, political or academic nature, whether or not involving financial compensation.

Animal Reproduction Editors will take active measures regarding any ethical or misconduct concerns either during evaluation or after publication. Whenever necessary, issues will be investigated according to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts available at https://publicationethics.org/.

As of 2019, Animal Reproduction will actively scan submitted manuscripts using the Similarity check (https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/) system provided by CrossRef.

Authors, Reviewers and Editors are encouraged to report any suspected research ethics or publication malpractice issue using the journals contact page or by directly writing to the CBRA Publications or Scientific Affairs directors.

All reports of suspected misconduct will be investigated and, when required, corrections, retractions or expressions of concern will be published.

Human and animal rights

Authors must include a statement detailing compliance with guidelines and/or ethical approval in the material and methods section of the manuscript. Editors might request authors to send a copy of the official letter of approval from the ethics committee. Authors are encouraged to conform to the Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines for reporting animal studies, available at https://www.nc3rs.org.uk/arrive-guidelines. Clinical trials are not the focus of the Journal; however, preclinical trials and use of animals in the experiments will be critically evaluated to avoid animal suffering and verifying that animal rights are being respected. In researches involving pets or whenever required, authors should collect and archive a signed informed consent form from the pet owner.

Reporting Guidelines

Authors are encouraged to follow good practices when designing and writing their work. Animal Reproduction recommends authors to seek appropriate guidelines on the type of study they are reporting and suggests the following resources, as stated on the ICMJE - International Committee of Medical Journal Editors:

ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) for reporting animal studies,

PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses,

STARD for studies of diagnostic accuracy, and

EQUATOR Network and the NLM's Research Reporting Guidelines and Initiatives for other guidelines.

Furthermore, review manuscripts should describe the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing the data.

Manuscript preparation guidelines

Units of measurements

Units of measurements must be used according to the International System of Units.

Abbreviations and Symbols

Abbreviations, acronyms and Symbols should be avoided, unless widely adopted. When using acronyms or abbreviations, their meaning should be fully spelled upon their first occurrence in the text.

Cover Letter

Filename: coverletter.doc

The cover letter must be uploaded in the submission system at the appropriate step, and should include the following elements:

Manuscript presentation

A brief presentation describing the research, highlighting why the authors believe it is suited for publication in Animal Reproduction. This presentation should also mention if the manuscript has already undergone evaluation by other journals and, if so, the final decision letters and reports must be uploaded in the submission system under the “Supplemental file NOT for Review”.

Conflict of interest statement

Authors are required to include a statement disclosing any potential conflicts of interest. In the event that there are no conflicts worth mentioning by any of the authors, then the following statement should be included: The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.


Conflict of interest statement:

HSA declares having received financial compensation for giving training at the company that provided the equipment used in this research (ACME Corporation) previously to conducting the research related to this work, and wishes to disclose that this did not interfere in any way with the study.

The other authors did not have any conflict of interest to disclose.

Funding disclosure statement

Use author initials followed by a short description, as described in our policies, and make sure to include the funding agency’s name and grant identification number(s), in that order.


Funding statement:

HSA received funding for this research from This Funding Agency (grant numbers #555-2018 and #123-2018) and This Other Agency (grant number #312556-15).

Author contributions

Each author’s contribution must be included using Author initials and the standard CRediT taxonomy available at https://www.casrai.org/credit.html.


Author contributions:

LGP: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing; RAP: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing; AVP: Data curation, Formal analysis;

Data sharing statement

The authors' statement regarding deposit and availability of raw data should indicate whether the data is available and how it can be obtained. If data cannot be made available, authors should state the reason for that.

Copyright Agreement Form

Filename: agreement.doc

As stated in our policies, the copyright remains with the authors. However, the corresponding author is required to upload the “Animal Reproduction Authorship Responsibility, Copyright and Publishing License Agreement” available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/14leb99gz-gbFqmYxh1sQsRSYnQL7qtjcxX1uEGgrzOM/edit signed on behalf of all authors.

This file must be uploaded in the submission system under the “Copyright Agreement Form” designation.

Main Document

Filename: manuscript.doc

The main document file for the manuscript must be formatted using Microsoft Word© 2010 or more recent. Pages must be set to A4 (21.0 x 29.7) size, with 3 cm margins, using Times New Roman font size 12 without unnecessary formatting, double spaced, with numbered lines and pages. Sections and subsection titles should use the built-in Heading Styles.

The main document must be structured as described in the following sections:

1. Title page

The first page of the manuscript must include the following information.

Article type

Indicate the same article type as selected in the submission system: Basic Research Article, Biotechnology Article, Applied Research Article, or Review Article.

Running title

No more than 50 letters, including spaces.

Manuscript Title

The title should be succinct but include the study design and major findings.

Title words should be in bold, with only the first letter of the first word in uppercase.






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