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2021/6/26 9:55:46 来源:官网信息 阅读:369 发布者:


Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (AEMNP) is an open access journal focused on insect systematics.

Papers are published free of charge in full color, first as online PDFs and subsequently (twice a year) in printed version.

All papers are registered in ZooBank and reposited as read-only PDFs in Biotaxa archive in compliance with requirements of the International Commission of the Zoological for online publications. All taxonomic acts published in AEMNP are hence valid immediately after the online publication of the respective paper.

Focus of the journal Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae publishes entomological papers focused on

Insect systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature;

Morphology of adult and immature stages and/or their biology with possible applications in taxonomy and phylogeny;

Phylogeny at least partly based on morphological characters (or with morphology mapped on the tree or discussed);

Catalogues applicable for further taxonomy and biodiversity studies;

General papers on methodology of insect taxonomy.

Publication strategy

Papers are published online first, with PDFs freely available from the journal web page and from Biotaxa archive. Twice a year, published papers are assembled and printed. After being published in print, authors will receive 20 hardcopy reprints of their paper.

Papers are published in the following categories:

Research paper;


Short communication (short papers with species description(s) without a broader context);

Conference abstracts (available upon discussion with editors);

Collection catalogue (primarily related to the collections of the National Museum Prague).

Editors may be consulted for publication of a set of research papers in a special section (e.g., papers celebrating a renowned entomologist etc.).

Manuscripts are reviewed by two peer reviewers and evaluated by the editorial board. Papers not conforming to the journal scope and style may be returned without a review. Manuscripts submitted to AEMNP must contain unpublished work and cannot be simultaneously submitted elsewhere. AEMNP only accepts manuscripts in clear and concise English; papers requiring extensive linguistic corrections will be returned to the authors. Subject to the editor's approval, papers may contain a translation of the summary or identification keys into other languages. Authors must follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and its important recommendations, especially Recommendation 16C on the deposition of the type material in institutional collections. Deposition of holotypes of newly described species in institutional collections is required.

Publication fees

No page charges are required for papers in ordinary volumes, both PDFs and printed version of the papers are published in color. Publication of a supplement or monograph is only possible after the consultation with the editors and the publication and printing expenses have to be completely covered by the author.

Submitting the manuscript and editorial process

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the journal office by e-mail (aemnp.editors@gmail.com). This e-mails also serves for all correspondence with the editors.

Manuscript structure and formatting

Manuscript should be structured as follows:




Main text (may be subdivided in Introduction, Material and methods, Results and Discussion; some of them can be omitted where appropriate).



Figure legends


Figures (first submitted as PDF file with legends, later required as high-resoltion TIFF files for ppublication).

For detailed instructions concerning particular sections, see the PDF above.

The editors reserve the right to make minor editorial changes in line with these instructions without the approval of authors.

How to prepare figures?

Figures needsto be composed in plates.

The minimal resolution required (at the size of publication): 600 dpi for line-art, graphs and schemes, at least 300 dpi for photos. (High resolution plates are only needed after the manuscript is accepted, but please be sure you have them ready).

Plate size should not exceed 170×250 mm for a whole page plate and 80.5×250 mm for a single column plate. In plates not filling the complete height of the page, ca. 50 mm of height needs to be left for the text on the same page. Also keep some space for the figure legend!

Proofs. Author(s) will receive one set of proofs, and will be asked to approve the final version of the paper before being published.



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